Now He Truly is “Darth Cheney (LVADer)”


Rachel Maddow: The device Mr. Cheney received is being worn outside his body, like a sort of bellypack.


Dr. Stewart: The device is powered by batteries for 6-8 hours outside to be untethered; and he’ll carry a number of battery packs either in a handbag or in a harness which has become quite small and really not visible underneath the clothes; however, at nighttime, he’ll need to be hooked up into a power adapter, into the wall.

Rachel Maddow: Wow…without a pulse.

Mr. Cheney is now ready for that lie detector test… 😉

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God Bless Vice President Cheney. I hope this means that he will be able to serve as President one day.

Ms. Maddow, the doctor is ready for your manners transplant.