Well, Duh! [Reader Post]


More Obama change to believe in: Americans now see him as a partisan Democrat:

And after almost 17 months of Democrat Obama’s White House administration, it appears Americans have given up on his promised bipartisanship, or even on less partisanship. It’s an impressive squandering of good will from his inaugural glow.

A new Rasmussen Reports survey finds 61% of likely voters believe the nation’s capitol will see more, not less, partisanship during the next year. Which includes, of course, the unfolding midterm election campaigns leading up to Nov. 2.

You might file this under the “What took you so long?” category.

Barack Obama was big on promises:

He will speak of “a new era of responsibility,” calling on Americans to pick themselves up and “dust” themselves off.

With a nation at war and economy in turmoil, Obama will rally Americans to confront their crises with “hope over fear, unity of purpose over conflict and discord.”

He promised an end to “politics as usual.”

He promised bipartisanship:

“In this country, we rise or fall as one nation, as one people,” Obama said. “Let’s resist the temptation to fall back on the same partisanship and pettiness and immaturity that has poisoned our politics for so long.”

Barack Obama was full of manure.

If they hadn’t done so already, people should have caught on to Obama immediately upon this sentence:

“I won.”

But all the signs were there long ago:

Upon entry to the Senate, Obama quickly scurried up the ladder to the pinnacle- the title of The Most Liberal Senator. In his first year he was 16th, then 10th and zoom! Right to #1.

Four times he voted against saving surviving abortion babies.

He promised to unilaterally disarm the US.

He promised to make our electric rates skyrocket.

Obama had no particular history of being bipartisan.

George Bush dropped the effort at reform of Social Security because of the lack of bipartisan support. Barack Obama could give a rat’s behind about bipartisan support. Democrats have shoved legislation down the throats of America regardless of the will of the people.

Barack Obama convinced America that it wanted change in the worst way. And that is exactly what we got.

Andrew Malcom leaves us with an amusement:

Also, 19% of the 1,000 surveyed last week said they believe there will be more political cooperation in Washington during the next year. But they’ve probably sobered up by now.

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Americans now see him as a Partisan Democrat.

How about a liar?

@Tom in CA, no college transcripts, no published work or papers despite being Editor of the Hahvad
Law Review, affirmative action acceptance to Ivy League Schools and a Saudifors his benefactor for expenses. Hmmm … Bill Ayres and Bernie Dohrn, and some Chicago Felon for pals, appeared without his paw over his heart on the Campaign Trail in Iowa, made promises that he could not possible keep, Legal Counsel and Trainer for ACORN but never passed a Bar Exam, ran up a deficit with Fellow Idiots in the Legislature that Your Great Grandchildren can’t pay off in their lifetimes, no Military Service but had a Sabbatical in Poke-Stahn with folks of questionable character with no records of holding a US Passport…..and the beat goes on…..

So Tom, what looks wrong with this picture?

Throws fantastic parties on OPM (Other Peoples Money), works damn hard on improving his golf game and with a teleprompter he has a silver tongue but without it he believes that there are 57 States and speaks like a poor stuttering fool.

My CiC and I salute the Office, not the man…

Lately, Mr. Rassmussen’s polls have been kind to Obama(stimulus $$$ maybe got to him?) I think the numbers should be a lot worse. I cannot go anywhere with out hearing a nasty comment about Obama and I live in a liberal town.

Hi OT! You are right about the docs, but cannot be done unless there is a CIA backing to seal all the docs. By the way? How does someone(assuming he has always been a US citizen with a US passport) go to Pakistan in the 1980’s . Did Obama travel there with an American passport? Did the UN take him from Jakarta to Karachi?. Only well connected individuals get to use UN tansportation in dangerous countries that are at war. I hear that the white and blue Toyota Land Cruisers are very good in the desert. Get Well!

By the way, the dead fish in the Gulf really stinks!.. Rahm loves fish…

Old Trooper you are mistaken on many of your points. One has a right to their own opinion but not a right to their own facts.
Obama never worked for ACORN as a “community organizer” he worked for the Catholic Church, some may despise him for doing that work I do not but then again I was raised as a Catholic.
He passed the Illinois Bar on first try and was licensed until 2002. His license is now inactive, in order to keep a license active continuing education courses must be fulfilled. It was never suspended. You may check at the Illinois Bar web site if you wish.
When he travelled to Pakistan he did so with a US Passport.
Up until Dec 7th many conservatives HATED FDR calling him a socialist and even implying that he was not a Christian but a Jew. At least THEY showed him respect and realized unlike those lefties with Bush that the POTUS in wartime is our leader. Any criticism of him only makes us look divided and weak to our enemies. In 2012 America will have a chance to change the POTUS until then we have ONE leader.

John Ryan: Could you explain the following article any better?

Please read the article. Some people tend to forget to read things these days.

The US doesn’t have a leader; we have a president who is trying desperately to change us into a Third World Banana Socialist Republic. A weakened shell of our former once great country, if you want to consider a man intent on weakening this country while capitulating to our enemies, a leader, then Obama is your man.

Soon it will be November and Obama will get a sudden realization of just how much America appreciates his pathetic attempt at being a leader. When 2012 rolls around and if the pretender is still in the White House, Americans will be overjoyed to see this pitiful fraud getting the Bum’s rush out the back door and never will the departure of a President be more celebrated.

That is what the majority of Americans think of the ‘Turd in the Punch Bowl’ that is pretending to be a leader.

@John ryan, OK Johnny, post his college transcripts for starters or get outa here with your tripe.
Do it!

JR, he worked WITH ACORN. You deliberately tried to split hairs to cover for him. Again you have been caught posting in a dishonest post.




…dishonest manner.

BTW OT, Michelle Obama had he license pulled in 1993.

‘lil LIAR johnnie ryan sez ‘I was raised as a Catholic.’

But he sure as HELL is not one.

John Ryan,

What is the spin on why his grades are hidden?

The media found Ms. Palin’s in 5 minutes.