A Naturalized Citizen Speaks [Reader Post]


Gabriella Cesito had something to say to the City Council of Tucson, Arizona and it is an important message. She is a naturalized citizen and followed the rules for immigration

As she notes, the Arizona law only allows enforcement of existing law- something the current federal government won’t do. Resistance to SB 1070 comes from the left and it stems from ignorance (the left and ignorance too often coincide).  The law stipulates that there must be a legal contact for any questioning of a person regarding immigration status.

As a result of the law, many of the left are saying that Arizona is no different from Nazi Germany. This is idiotic. Taking custody of someone here illegally and removing him to his own country is a little different than seizing a Jewish citizen in his country and sending him to the gas chamber. Left wingers often miss the nuance.

Seth MacFarlane is another who displays astonishing ignorance. In his owns words: “Walking down the street, a cop can come up to you and say ‘May I see your papers?’ — I think they should be required to ask that question in German if the law sticks around.” Nevermind that it’s not true, but I guess we should not expect much of the alter ego of Peter Griffin.

Predictably, Al Sharpton was not about to let this opportunity slip by without race baiting. He said “We cannot sit by and allow people to be arbitrarily and unilaterally picked off as suspects because of the color of their skin. ” Again, lack of the facts does nothing to impede the emotion.

And yet, I cannot get on an airplane without “my papers.” If I am stopped for a motor vehicle violation I cannot refuse to show “my papers.” I can neither leave nor return to this country without showing “my papers.” If I am in Mexico, I had better damn well have “my papers.”

And this is not for nothing. Since 2007, 4600 have been murdered in Juarez alone. Phoenix Arizona has become the kidnapping capital of the United States and it’s the business of the Mexican drug cartels.

It never ceases to amaze one that the anger and invective is always aimed at those who want to secure our borders and make us more safe instead of at those who break the laws.

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GABRIELLA CECITO:ANOTHER WOMAN of courage speaking the truth,she is of many thinking alike,you also have my admiration. 🙄

Go for it! Good comments!

Just to get my Driver’s License renewed I will need the following:

Birth Cert

Some form of paid Bill, Gas/electric as an example

A valid Passport or current Drivers License

And a Valid Social Security Number.

Just to open a new bank account in my city I will need the following:

A valid Drivers License.

A valid Social Security Number.

As a legal citizen, I have to show more paper work to the private and public sector than I have to due to the prospect of ID theft. Oh? What’s this? Majority of Illegals that liberal fools say “pay taxes into the system” are people actually using invalid Social Security Numbers that belong to someone else and commiting ID Theft on various credit lines/banking lines to “be in the system.” This not only hurts and disenfrancises the legal person politicaly when a politican sides with an Illegal, but supporting such peoples who violate Federal laws up to and including ID theft leaves the legal Resident or Citizen dealing whose ID was stolen with a personal crisis of debt and a shakey career future.

Why is the majority of our elected Politicans treat Legal Citizens and Residents as the criminal and Illegals as innocent?

She is NOT a lawyer and has no idea what the bill allows

Lawyers know this bill allows police to ask for proof of citizenship of anyone without cause.

I am American.

I will never show any state’s official my proof of citizenship.

If arrested, I will sue for a civil rights violation.

Lawyers know this bill allows police to ask for proof of citizenship of anyone without cause.

Wrong….try reading the statute before opening your mouth. The police must have stopped the person for a valid reason.

I will never show any state’s official my proof of citizenship.

If arrested, I will sue for a civil rights violation.

Rofl….whoakay then. You better never travel outside of our borders then.

ROFLMAO – aDCBeast: what a loon! To imagine that he has a right to drive without a license or insurance! I wish I could watch when he is ultimately arrested for not having a driving license. Then I’d like to see his face when his attorney explains reality to him.

aDCBeasty!! Nice to see you again!! You are so full of it!! You talk bad… but if Joe Cop stops you, I think you’ll whip out Whatever HE ASKS FOR!!! And Pronto!! LOL! Or spend the night (LEGALLY, Go ahead and sue!) in the tank!! Have a nice night!! If stopping “some folk” is a big sticking point, lets just card EVERYONE, that way no single group can feel “offended!! I have MY ID!!