Mike Pence At SRLC


via The Right Scoop

Pence: Let’s be honest, let’s be honest. Three years ago Republicans in Congress didn’t just lose their majority, they lost their way.

When I opposed No Child Left Behind, when I opposed the Medicare prescription drug bill, when I opposed the Wall Street bailout, I knew if we kept acting like big government liberals the American people are eventually going to go with the professionals.

And that’s just what they did.

Truth is our party walked away from the principals that minted our national governing majority and the American people walked away from us.

But after a year that saw every single House Republican vote against that failed stimulus bill, every single House Republican vote against that budget busting budget, and every single House Republican vote against that government takeover of health care let me tell you here in the South, Republicans are back in the fight and they’re back in the fight on the right.

Especially where it comes to ObamaCare

I know Democrats think that’s over.

They passed their bill and its time to move on.

Well, let me clear about one thing.

Democrats may have had their way on the third Sunday in March but the American people are gonna have their say on the first Tuesday in November


Despite the political gains of the last year, America is changing, and she is not changing for the better.

A nation conceived in liberty has come of age in bondage to big government.

We’ve lost respect in the world.

We’re going broke.

And our social and culture fabric is unraveling.

You know I’m told that officials in this Administration will actually admit in private that they see their job as “managing American decline.” Well let me say this from my heart. As a student of history of this great land, the job of the American President is not to manage American decline the job of the American President is to reverse it.


You know the recent controversy over Israel’s construction of apartment in Jerusalem was appalling. I never thought I would live to see the day that an American administration would denounce the Jewish state of Israel for rebuilding Jerusalem.

Let the world know this, if knows nothing else.

America stands with Israel!


…and while we must end this era of runaway spending, fiscal discipline alone will not be enough. We also need to renew incentives in America. The incentive to create, to build, to achieve, to excel. Permitting people to enjoy the fruits of their labor, built our cities, conquered our frontiers, and is what made America the most powerful economy in the history of the world. We must renew incentive in our American policy.

But you know thats not the President’s approach.

I was with him in Baltimore on a stage just like this at the Republican retreat.

I had to ask him twice whether he would support across the board tax cuts. The way John F. Kennedy did. The way Ronald Reagan did.

As near as I can tell the President pretty much said he would support across the board tax cuts, as long as they weren’t across the board.

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Mr Pence needs to walk the walk… talk is cheap, and he better get a lot more Congressmen on board with getting things back to right or he’ll be walking alone. We need not just Republicans to come back to small government and individual freedom, we need the Democratic Party to remember Thomas Jefferson, founder of the Democratic Party and his zeal for following the Constitution and State’s rights and get back on track…. we may have some differences Repubs and Democrats… but we should all exalt self-reliance, personal responsibility and individual liberty over government control.

In 1840 the national debt was equal to 21 cents per person, the number of hours it would take an unskilled worker to pay his portion of the debt was 6.2 hours, and the nation between 1840 and 1850 was the most prosperous in our history… $100 had the purchasing power of $2,840 in todays dollars.

Now the number of hours it would take for an unskilled worker to pay off their portion of the National Debt is a whooping 4,817 hours and that doesn’t include the additional 1.4 trillion that 2010 will add to the debt…. don’t tell me we aren’t being enslaved.

Quit apologizing for the past, most of the people that were in congress are not even in there anymore..

make the case for tomorrow.

Thanks for the link, been busy this week-end and haven’t caught much of this ~ much appreciated, tweeted as well.

Pence is a nice man, but not a good conservative.

He supports anti-American industry-dismantling free trade, yes?

He has in the past supported giving illegals a nice, hot-tub reception instead of kicking their behinds back to Canada, Mexico and the rest, yes?

If any of these “conservatives” are just going to kiss-ass to the Mexican lobby or the Wall Street fat-cats who want to send our jobs to India or China I’ll take a pass.

Amen, Donald Bly. All these professional politicians talk the talk, but none walks the walk. I was reading another blog the other day (sorry, FA!). The topic was rolling back Obamacare. A “troll” popped up in the comments section and challenged others to practice what they preach: actually have the brass balls to ELIMINATE various programs and/or government departments (like Education, Labor, Medicare, etc.). Of course, he was immediately attacked, but his point was very valid.

What up-and-coming Republican national figure is going to have the guts to say “we can no longer sustain all of this and must cut the budget by half”? Which is the only real solution to our spending crisis. I get sick to my gut when I hear a president describe “hard working government employees.” There’s your ultimate oxymoron!

What Republican candidate could make it to the top of the heap while espousing such a platform? He’d have my vote in a microsecond. But truthfully, he’d be eaten alive by the other side and become the next Walter Mondull. Can you imagine the “horror” when the DOE was killed and all 250,000 government employees (whatever the number may be) were fired?

The plain fact of the matter is that we’re completely screwed. This crap isn’t going away. Guys like Pence talk about doing something, but if given the chance to do what they say they’ll do, they quickly fold and add yet more layers of government on top of the existing layers of government. Government NEVER shrinks; it only gets bigger.

The challenge I always put to my liberal friends about government programs is “what government program was EVER so successful that it went back to Congress and said “our mission is accomplished. Dissolve us.” Name just ONE! Wars don’t count.

The only option is total collapse, and that’s the path that we are heading on. The voting public won’t vote to defund these massively failing programs, nor will they tolerate paying for them. It’s all going to come tumbling down sometime. It’s only a matter of when, not if.

Doug said,

The plain fact of the matter is that we’re completely screwed. This crap isn’t going away. Guys like Pence talk about doing something, but if given the chance to do what they say they’ll do, they quickly fold and add yet more layers of government on top of the existing layers of government. Government NEVER shrinks; it only gets bigger.

You nailed it Doug. Lots and lots of people in the Republican Party are under some illusion that things will change when (if) we take back congress in 2010.

I can see the press confrence that Boehner gives the day after the election, and I quote:

“The American public has spoken loud and clear that they want us, the Republican Congress, to work WITH President Obama to address our nation’s problems….blah, blah, blah.”

“A new spirit of bi-partisanship has arisen…blah, blah, blah.”

Nothing will get cut, but the rate of growth of government.

They pulled a Lucy on us in 1995 after they swore they would roll back the size of government in ’94.

All lies. bald-faced lies.

I just wish other people on this board can see what you and I see so clearly.

YVAN it is the other way around,,the illegals goes in US and when they are found and kick out,,some religious kind peoples help them cross to CANADA and give them sanctuary,,bye 🙄

DOUG you said some very important info in your comment ,,it gave me a question,,if they are elected to serve the americans according to the law of the land which is the CONSTITUTION,,how come what ever the leader bring into law is not given first to the people to read and assess and agree or refuse on a vote majority since the government is not ruling as a fair representative of the people because one party own the almost total leadership bye 🙄

Whether it is Pence or Cong. Ryan, it is all well and good to be “against” big government . . . hell, I am “against” cancer. But the only way to reduce the size of government is to eliminate programs. And the big dollars in federal spending are Social Security, defense, Medicare/Medicaid. If you are not willing to cut those programs, you simply are not serious about reducing the size of government.

And guess what? When it comes to the American people, they are NOT SERIOUS about reducing spending. Oh, sure, it’s easy to say “no welfare” or “cut the fat,” but that is not where the big dollars are spent. The big dollars are in Social Security, defense, and Medicare/Medicaid. But check out this chart:

The American people only want to cut the programs that don’t cost any real money. In reality, for all the talk about America “sliding toward socialism,” it appears that we LIKE SOCIALISM. We like the federal Medi-programs, we like social security, we like spending money on defense companies that have one main customer . . . the US government.

The day that I hear a conservative talk about cutting defense spending is the day I know they are serious about big government and deficits. But I do not expect to hear that anytime this side of the year 2020.

Another thing — when is the last time you heard a GOPer utter the phrase “balanced budget amendment”? Or “balance the budget” for that matter. It is as if that concept died forever in 2001, with the first Bush budget showing a projected deficit. Why?

“Balance the budget”… not sure if you’re suggesting a mandate for that, billy bob. But ain’t that a web of evil we’d be drawn into. You Dems would leap at that, ya know. And with the biggest “gotcha” grins they could muster.

“Balanced budget” cries don’t stop their spending, but it sure would give them carte blanche to raise yet more revenue from the taxpayers in order to cover their spending. So just how stupid do you think the electorate is?

How about a cap on spending compared to the GDP numbers… that’d reign ’em in, and be more feasible in an ever changing economy. How novel… only spend what the nation can afford with economic health.

BRob said,

Another thing — when is the last time you heard a GOPer utter the phrase “balanced budget amendment”? Or “balance the budget” for that matter. It is as if that concept died forever in 2001, with the first Bush budget showing a projected deficit. Why?

The Balanced Budget Amendment would never pass the states by the needed 3/4s.

We shouldn’t need an amendment to balance the budget, we need good legislators.

Bush helped to kill the “Small government” Republican aspect of our party.

No one wants to address that though.

The trouble with Mike Pence and most Republicans is they lack killer instinct that the Donks have in spades.The Dems are relentless in pushing the liberal agenda.Sadly what passes for leadership in the Republican Party is to many ‘nice’men like Mike Pence and the ‘tough’guys we have like McCain always go out of their way to stick it to the base.We conservatives had better start being demanding or we are doomed to a powerful Dem Party pushing socialism with no brakes and a squishy me-too Frum Republican Party that is close to worthless.I hope somebody can give me some hope.By the way I am a Party Chairman in Berrien County Ga and we elect REAL conservatives! 🙂


Totally agree…I want, we need, someone with real conviction, fire in their belly, that do not back down…I’ve been waiting for decades for this….I am sick of the no-spine, scaredy-pants, gotta get along with the msm, wussy-pants politically correct repubs.

Jim DeMint is more my cup of tea, Liz Cheney, Col. West from Florida for a few examples of where I’m coming from…

…anyway, that’s my two cents…for now.

I was angry during the portion of the speech in which he said America must stand with Israel, a country who killed American servicemen deliberately(see USS Liberty). America should only stand for Americans, period, Israel is of no strategic importance to American security interests. They are a net negative and cause us hate in the Arab World. A couple Patriots in the crowd booed Pence, but the Neo Con lackeys started chanting, “USA USA”, they should have been chanting, “Israel Israel”.

Diamond Girl……I too wait.Lets hope someone steps up.For me Sarah is the only one fighting back……the rest of the Pubbies are the biggest sissies ever! 😥

I was angry during the portion of the speech in which he said America must stand with Israel, a country who killed American servicemen deliberately(see USS Liberty). America should only stand for Americans, period, Israel is of no strategic importance to American security interests.

Yawn. I get so sick of this crap. 👿

Boy do I agree with you, comment #14, Theodore Herrera…we do not have the killer instinct………..that IS the problem with the mushy, mushy Republicans…..we need to fight back exactly like they fight us……..otherwise………….They win, We lose…………when will we learn!! ❓

19……Donna thats 90 Percent of the problem…..sissified Republicans!

They are a net negative and cause us hate in the Arab World.

The last thing in the world that I am concerned about is cultivating Arab love for America.

I have spent the last year re-evaluating a lot of my old thinking as well as taking a critical look at the messages that have been directed at the American public. It seems that whenever someone repeats a message over and over and over again there is some underlying subterfuge at work.

The message that has been repeated is, globalism, globalism, globalism…

Now… what could be the sinister element underlying that message

Who benefits from a course of globalism?

The American people?… No, they’re not the beneficiaries of a globalist agenda unless you consider getting cheap chinese goods manufactured by cheap (near slave wages) labor a benefit. No the American people don’t benefit, because those jobs used to be American jobs and those manufacturing companies used to be American Mfg companies…. No the American people do not benefit from globalism.

Who then is?
The multi-national corporation… of course they benefit
The multi-national banking concerns… yes they benefit
The uber rich… yes they benefit

So what if the American people don’t buy into the globalist agenda… what would that mean?

Isolationism? We’ve been conditioned to think that isolationism is a bad thing. Is it?

Our young men and women are dying in conflicts in Afghanistan and Iran… do we need to be? Do we need to spill American blood in order to bring democracy and nation building to a people that are culturally unprepared for such institutions? Do we need to spend our blood and treasure?

Would it matter if all of Europe were bankrupting themselves under the burden of socialist policies. It might matter to the bankers, and it might matter to the multi-national corporations…. but it wouldn’t matter to the American citizen.

Would it matter if the middle east continued to be tyrannized by islamic theocracy… not to the American people… not one bit.

So… what is good for America…. Getting our own house in order first and foremost. Placing the interests of the American citizen ahead of those of the mulit-national corporations and the international banking community.

I bring these things up to elicit comment…. let us consider the ramifications of worrying only about America for a while and let the rest of the world worry about its own back yard.