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How can you cut this scumbag some slack? He’s so crooked that when he finally dies, they’ll screw him into the ground instead of burying him.
Hit him with both barrels, Mike.

The misinformation continues. Do the viewers believe, or only the actors?

@Scott Factor: I guess I’ve always found his New York moxie entertaining.

But in this case, his words are despicable.

You didn’t think I was holding back did you Scott?

The New Racism personified, the CBC, all selected for their ability to perpetuate their ‘Careers’ stealing from the taxpayers, maintaining an entitlement based constituency, keeping racism alive and well in America as their meal ticket, instilling a divisive mindset in American Politics and keeping the next generation of minorities obliged to vote for the likes of Rangel, Dingell, Waters, Cleaver, Clyburn, Hastings, Jackson-Lee, Johnson, Rush, J Jackson jr., Lewis and Conyers and the rest of the CBC Mafia forever.

I am a minority myself, 1/4 blood Lakota Sioux, but not a hyphenated American, owe my allegiance to the Constitution alone and have Served the Nation in three wars against All Enemies Foreign but none Domestic so far. For me the measure of character has nothing to do with skin pigment, NOT who your Parents, Grand Parents or Great Grand Parents were. My career advancement was based upon my efforts and not quotas or policies that were not performance based. I never used any ethnic “leverage” or relied on it. I always viewed those that did as lacking in character and the values that were required to exercise genuine leadership in a more dangerous environment than on the floor of Congress.

I fully expect that the majority of Americans have had a belly full of special preference, lowering the bar regarding quotas and taxation to support those that use race, gender or ethnicity to gain unearned privilege. I am not Party affiliated, despise All Career Politicians and Serve the Greatest Nation on Earth in accordance with my Oath and at the Pleasure of Congress that granted my Commission.

I have served with NATO Allies on three continents to keep Freedom alive and owe the temporary elected officials or resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue less than they owe the American People. I owe my subordinates more than they could ever owe me as they get their hands dirty daily doing the things that defend the Nation. I take great pride in being an American Soldier and I am measured by actions and not rhetoric.

Dissent is Patriotic and if anyone has ethics issues it is our Current Congress and the Current Regime. Hold them responsible for their actions and ignore their rhetoric come November. It is up to You to defend the home front from the Domestic Enemies.

06:53 Hrs. outside of Kandahar right now and Easter Services are at 08:00. I will pray for My America today, not the one that has been hyjacked, bankrupted or made subservient by those that love my Country less than I do.

Have a Blessed Easter!

The misinformation continues. Do the citizens believe, or just the actors?

@ Mike’s America: I knew you weren’t this time….I was just making sure you didn’tmake it a habit. 🙄

Anyway, nice write-up….and I hope you and your family have a most joyous Easter.


@Scott Factor: Thank you Scott. Happy Easter to you too. A full house here and I am bushed!

The RNC and the Senatorial Committee should have a presser where they take on this dirty politics.

But I won’t hold my breath as the Republicans only know how to play defense, not offense.

We have to take the offensive to them! Demand Rangel resign over this and his tax “irregularities”. Go on MSNBC, FOX, CNN and demand that heads roll in the White House.

My God, it’s like these Reps don’t even want to fight for fear of being labeled a racist.

Guess what? No matter what you say they’ll say you hate black people.

Might as well throw down on them.

Charles needs a History lesson…here you go Charlie.

That idiot Juan Williams continues to spread the lies in a Wall St. Journal Editorial:

It is a fact that the tea party is an overwhelmingly older, white and suburban crowd. It is true that Republicans in Congress are almost completely white. And it is also true, according to some black and gay Democrats, that a tea party rally against health-care reform at the Capitol degenerated into ugly scenes in which racial and homophobic epithets were used and spit flew on some members of Congress. There are suspicions that tea party anger boiled over into the spate of personal threats against Democrats who voted for the health-care bill.

Fox News needs to dump this clown.


this I can completely agree with:

Guess what? No matter what you say they’ll say you hate black people.

Might as well throw down on them.

It’s all they’ve got and it’s always worked so the race-baiters will always use it until someone says “I don’t care what you say, you’re grounded!”


It’s all they’ve got and it’s always worked so the race-baiters will always use it until someone says “I don’t care what you say, you’re grounded!”

It always works because we let them get away with it.

We, the Republicans, are always:

A. Too afraid to attack them over legitimate issues (Socialism, etc.)

B. We’re always on the defensive.

We need to take the fight to them, ATTACK, ATTACK, ATTACK.

Unfortunately, we’ll need lots and lots of new leadership as ours is corrupt and or geriatric.

We need a revolution in our own party before we’ll ever get to being a majority party.

Rangel is a professional thug, liar and thief. He knows he can get away with anything and takes full advantage of it.

Rangel’s an old character and one I tend to cut some slack.

Not me. He’s gotten away with too much for too long.

Well this is all backfiring rapidly on the Demorats ass. More and more folks even on the left are seeing it’s a loosing battle. They keep looking at the book by saul, trying to find out when attacking the enemy with racists charges, what happens when it no longer matters? when the people have grow tired of hearing the lies, when the lies have been exposed and the people realize who the real racists are? What do we do now Saul? LMAO…

Good Ole Charlie – Never met a white person he couldn’t accuse of racism. What a bozo.

You would think that someone would ask the jerk for proof.

This poll show exactly who makes up the TeaParty.

-Hint: It matches US demographics, almost perfectly.

What else would you expect from a lowlife klansman like Rangel? He’s a mouth-breathing bigot.

May he rot.

Well I have been around handicapped people my whole adult life. My brother in law is retarded. And I can tell you I wish members of congress and this member in particular showed half the intelligence I see on a regular basis the retard facility.


Wow when GW was assaulted with shoes This guy couldn’t stop laughing.. and wished the thrower was a better shot…..

Gotta hand it to him though he said his crap with a str8 face…… I guess that’s what 30 years of practice will do
