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In a related story, GOP leaders announced that Virginia’s newly inaugurated Governor Bob McDonnell will deliver the GOP response to Obama’s State of the Union Address next Wednesday.

Many had hoped that Scott Brown might give the response, but there simply isn’t time enough for Brown to undertake such a major assignment before he’s even sworn in as a member of the U.S. Senate.

If Massachusetts can avoid electing another Progressive Socialist, and will soon give Kerry the bum’s rush; hopefully, the rest of the country will say, “Adios pinche muchachos” to the Marxist Ideologues that Obama, Reid, and Pelosi have been browbeating and playing for Useful Idiots. May they all have a Socialist Party in Hell with the rest of the Marxist Demagogues and Useful Idiots of history.

Yesterday I was watching the Ed Shit Schultz show to hear what they were saying after Obama’s defeat in MA. Shultz made a joke by saying ” we are sendind a brownie to D.C.” Has anybody seen that! I am sick and tired of racist remarks by these freaking commies!

its nice to see a real man going to Washington, not flamming little girly we call President. Scott Brown is a real man who wears pants not skirts like the failure called obama. Its time to get rid of the losers and failures of our government starting with Oblunder.