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Mike I would like to add the first lie he told and it was that he wouldn’t take any private money and only take what McCain was going to take. As soon as he saw the financial advantage he would have over Mac he flipped. What it boils down to is that what ever is best for him and damn his word to the public. I don’t think his name and the word integrity will ever be used in the same context.

Let’s not forget the lie that there would be no earmarks in the stimulus package. 8,500 earmarks later (and no, that is not an exaggeration) the media is not nailing him for this. And the waste…guard rails around dry lakes and $22,000 toilets has a long list of ways that OUR money is being wasted. This guy sprinkled some magic pixie dust and razzle dazzled everyone to get elected. We’ll be paying for it for years.

The stimulus was not intended to create jobs, but a payoff to Obami’s supporters. When you look closer, he even stiffed lots of red states.
There was also the outrageous closing of cardealers, who had donated to republicans, almost all of the 700plus.

I had occasion this morning to hold my nose and visit the Huffington Post looking for some information. I found myself mesmerized by the anti-Obama/Reid/Pelosi comments there. If those comments are any indication, there’s big trouble in liberal city.

There is a phenomenon known as the will to believe.
Investors with Bernie Madoff determined to believe, despite never receiving detailed statements about their accounts.
Adolf Hitler had devout adherents (still does) who believed that he would make everything good.
There are citizens of Russia who pine for Josef Stalin.
Other examples abound.
No amount of evidence will successfully challenge the will to believe. Just because it has never worked before, leads to disastrous consequences, or will lead to the death of millions is no reason to abandon faith.
How this happens I cannot explain. But that folk cling to things which are false is demonstrable.
Obamism is a religion, a faith, a belief system, a collection of adulation and praise which is without foundation and without justification. In some ways Obamism reminds me of the Cargo Cults of the islands in the South Pacific. These folk believe that if they build things that look like quonset huts, the Cargo will return and fill them up!
Alas for misplaced faith!

From the same book …

“The relationship between Barack Obama and Joe Biden grew so strained during the 2008 campaign, according to a new book, that the two rarely spoke and aides not only kept Biden off internal conference calls but refused to even tell him they existed.
“[W]hen Biden, at an October fund-raiser in Seattle, famously predicted that Obama would be tested with an international crisis, the then-Illinois senator had had enough.
“‘How many times is Biden gonna say something stupid?’ he demanded of his advisers on a conference call, a moment at which most people on the call said the candidate was as angry as they had ever heard him.
“Speaking to his own staff, Biden insisted that it hadn’t really been a gaffe. And feeling a bit defensive, he invoked one of the worst memories of Obama’s primary campaign.
“‘I guess it’s a good thing I didn’t say anything about bitter people who cling to their guns and religion,’ Biden cracked, the authors paraphrase.”

Did Joe “Go Rouge“ ?

Good point, Neo.

Where’s Joe been hiding, anyway?
Is he trussed-up in some “undisclosed location?”

The Obacommies in power are going to get rid of the airlines the same way that they did with the car dealerships. The terrorist never exploted the bomb, he is alive and he will get the best defense a “criminal'(not terrorist) will ever get. The intention is FEAR! The prices of air fares are up in the skies, airline safety is an issue now and terrorist attacks seal the deal! Thus people are not flying and live in constant fear of an attack.
In Venezuela, Chavez made it impossible for Venezuelans to get passports to live the country. Here, Mr. Susstein uses fear tactics to control Americans exiting the country and to destroy the Airlines business because they are not going along with their Marxists Ideologies. I remember that the USSR only had Aeroflot! One size fits all type of approach.
Radicals LOVE what is taking place in America, they are not tired, their work has just began….

Taking the Measure of Obama’s Foreign Policy

Saying that the U.S. will “bear witness” to abuses and brutality around the world is, in effect, to say that we will send flowers to funerals.

The Obama Koolaid drinkers are never going to admit that he is a poseur.

i swear if Josef Stalin was running on the democrats ticket every democrat would vote for him, even knowing his past.

Quite bluntly stated, I had enough of his lies when his quest for 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue began.
His Presidency has been so far by my standards a “Man Made Disaster” created to further a Marxist /Alinsky Agenda that has been destructive to the Economy, US Foreign Policy and Domestically an utter and complete failure.

America is far less Safe from Terrorism, far less Secure from both Foreign and Domestic Enemies and judging from his priorities the fiction of “Global Warming and Climate Change” ranks higher than the Immediate Constitutional Priorities that are contained within his Oath of Office.

His actions and lack thereof have strained Alliances that have existed for Decades before his birth.

I know, I work with Our Allies Daily in SW Asia and waiting months for a commitment from DC on US additional resources while his emissaries from the State Department and DOD harangued Our Allies for Troop Deployments to AFPAK were viewed as questionable by Allies, Team Obama sought the counsel of Fools to give roughly less than a 2/3s of the necessary Logistics, Forces and Support that both the Theater Commander and the CENTCOM Commander asked for.

The new ROE rule out Offensive Action. The do incur casualties and inhibit actions that win fights.
Winning small Unit engagements with vigor, supported by superior force wins wars.

It is 03:20 Hrs in Kabul, 23F outside and my Plans Section has been working Plans A, B and C for the things that We expect for tomorrow, next week, next month and Current Ops in the JOC is on secure feed with best guess intel.

During the Campaign Obama was a tiger! Go into Pakistan get Bin Laden and do…WHAT?

No Earmarks?…approaching 8,600 so far counting the Deals Cut with Sen. Dodd, Sen. Nelson and Sen. Landrieu. The list could go on but quite frankly you know the extent of the deceit and the very risky path that Team Obama has put Us, Your Children, Your Grandchildren on and the outcome is decisiveness, uncertainty and instability that He deliberately chose to create for America.

I am just astonished. If Your Children told You lies like that you might be thinking about some disciplinary action. These are very dangerous times for America because the Tribe that can’t tell the truth is in charge.

Take Care All!

Obama’s accomplishments since taking office:

Almost closed Gitmo.
Hosted beer summit.
Bowed to Saudi Sheik.
Won Nobel Peace Prize.

What, that’s not enough?

The Libs have no idea he’s been lying. They’re all tuned in to C-Span waiting for the televised Health Care discussions.

Come on, Mike. The left knew he was lying the whole time. He made all those campaign promises to get the clueless “Idol” watchers to vote for him. Anybody with a grain of sense does not believe a politician’s promises. They do and will say anything to get elected. We have seen this with Obama promising the moon and the stars to these people. I wonder if that woman who said Obama will pay for her mortgage and car still trusts him? If she was dumb enough to believe that she probably still does.

As I said the left knew he was lying the whole time but what they didn’t understand that he was lying to them also. That’s what they didn’t get.

Knock off the Idol crap. I watch it and will compare notes with any of you chest thumpers, male or female. Don’t become a liberal and denigrate anybody for being different from yourself. As far as politician promises go there are a lot of lies and anybody would be wise to realize that they can’t produce all that they promise. Obama is in a class all by himself. Never in my life time have I seen such a prolific liar!

@BarbaraS: Clearly there were a large number of voters, mostly Independents who got suckered with the hoax and chains. I doubt they’ll be so stupid as to get suckered again.

There are probably some hardcore Dems who don’t care that Obama lied. But those folks are beyond all hope of reason.

How in Gods name does this country not call for Obozo to be impeached he has broken more laws in 3.5 years as president then the prior 43 all together if me and my friend dress up as Nazi stom troopers like the Black panthers did in Philadelphia in the 2008 election and went to a black voter station and threatned black voters you bet your ass we ewould be in prison but Eric Holder and Obozo did nothing racist president you bet