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I sure hope his lips don’t melt or anything…

Venus is 800 degrees and Earth is 59 degrees because there is still a lot of co2 in the atmosphere of venus… get real Al Gore. Did you ever stop to think about how much closer Venus is to the Sun than is the Earth.

And to think this man was actually a heartbeat away from running this country. I’m no fan of BJ Clinton, but thank you God for keeping Clinton alive during his terms as president.

Hey! Algore is being frozen in effigy! (as opposed to being burned or hung in effigy)

HEY!!!!!!!!!…….Knock it off!!


We’re all going to die from heatstroke.

You’ll see.

This is just an “isolated incident”

A giant block of frozen stiff ice blowing hot air. Sounds like a description of Gore to me.

The only thing that might be more appropriate is an ice sculpture of Al Gore’s ass with copious amounts of hot air spewing since that’s where he does most of his talking.

They’re just showing their ignorance. Global Warming causes a chain reaction which triggers a new ICE AGE. I have a video from 1987, waaaaaay before Al Gore got into it, of scientists who predicted 1-2 decades of global warming, followed by a SUDDEN, ABRUPT ice age! The video is called “Our Greatest Challenge” – you can look it up if you don’t believe me.

So… all my time being a Medic in Battlefield 2142 will prove useful for the upcoming Global Ice Age? Man, if only we could get bipedal walking tanks… mechs… metal gears…

Sorry, I have the theme song for Battlefield franchise in my head and can’t stop visualy seeing Berlin frozen over and giant walking tanks and strikecraft blitzing though the air. I will try to surpress the geek in me now.