Who Cares?


Nice chart-graphic on charitable givings:

You’ll want to click onto the image, then click to magnify.

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I have always found it interesting that far left liberals believe that they want to help those in need, but they want to do it with our money instead of their own! Does this sound vaguely similar to the current administration?

Liberals like big government and big spending. They like these things because massive government spending allows for huge opportunities for graft. Private charities just don’t present such wonderful avenues for corruption.

The Porkulus package was a way to pay off many Democratic special interest groups. It was also a way for Democratic interest groups to job the stimulus and extract their pound of flesh from the US taxpayer.

Private charities, even the most sleazy and poorly managed, just can’t compete with that level of malfeasance.

Thanks Word. Nice chart. Good to see a little light after all the bad news you see on blogs.

i guess this means americans are nicer