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I’m sorry Mike, but even if it’s posted here, I can not watch Olby the Obnoxious. Just LOOK at that still-shot! Even at 1/26 second he looks like a dick. (The second video was great.)

I do hope to meet him in-person someday, though…

@Patvann: I have the same problem watching Obie… hero of world peace!

Liz Cheney has no fear – she is articulate, knowledgeable, has creds, and would run circles around Barry in debates.

I echo the sentiments about watching Barry…I keep post-a-notes in my laptop case so I can block out Barry’s image to listen to a video or read a commentary with his picture inbedded, If he was debating Liz in a 2012 Presidential debate — It would be a pleasure to see his face and watch him squirm (tight lips, down turned eyes, profuse verbal commas).

PS — if you want to learn how to tell his voice when he is uttering words he does not believe — listen to his radio interviews in Chicago in late 1990s and early 2000 (he gave a lot of radio interviews about his true convictions) — when he is feeling convicted about his beliefs – his voice sounds totally different…knowing the difference, makes havng to listen to his voice interesting. One clue– he uses no verbal commas (ahhh, ummm, ehhh etc) Second clue: he has a strong Chicago-midwest twang. Third clue — listening to his teleprompter readings of late — he is over punctuating his prepared text — in other words trying to hard to sell.

PSS — his latest fabrication was that poor young man planted in his New Orleans fly-in/fly-out. BUT has he gone to American Samoa – yet???

To my mind these web videos are on the mark. They tell the truth in and use the President’s own words and actions to point out where he has diverged from what he told us he was going to do. Great stuff and keeping hitting him with this type of honest criticism. The more people that see this side of the argument the better.
I would go after his associations from the past. Bring up his background. Use the information that we have to show the man for what he is. Bring up the choices he has made for the various appointed positions that he has filled. Hammer his administration, hammer the liberals in Congress, and take the fight to the Democrats. Since the MSM are not going to do their job, do it for them. Get the truth out there. Tell it like it is and let them pick up the pieces if they can. We know they will fluff the issue as of no importance, but hit them hard. Tell the truth as we see it and let the Dems respond. They will step all over themselves.
Respond to the oppositions lame remarks. Point out how ridiculous the statements they make are. Fight back. Ridicule his decisions. Make fun of the people in his administration. Joke about the talking heads who are so in bed with Obama. Why are the conservatives and the Republicans afraid to go after this guy? Attack him with the truth. Tell people he is hurting this country! What do we have to lose?

Waiting for the Palin haters to start “ya, go ahead and nominate her, and O will be in for another 4”



@American Voter: I saw that set up with the kid in New Orleans. It was a transparent variation on the same scheme the WH tried to pull only last month.

You would think the media would get wise to this. But apparently, they spend half their time fact checking Saturday Night Live skits critical of Obama and the rest of their time making up racist quotes by Rush Limbaugh.

@SilverSeaOtter: I do intend to keep pounding away on this topic. I just hope folks don’t get burnt out or discouraged as it’s going to be a long game to win back our country.

And I would invite you to get involved fully if you are not already. Write letters to the editor of your local paper. Write your congressman and Senators and contribute money to the candidates and causes you believe in. Attend Tea Parties, protests or meetings of your local GOP and demand action.

There are a lot of good conservatives in the GOP who are fighting every day against Obama’s abuse of power. We all need to help them as best we can. And I’m not asking anyone to do anything that I haven’t recently done myself.

My local paper printed my last letter, which I shared here, in defense of Joe Wilson. I recently got a response from Senator Lindsey Graham after writing him on one of the many issues where he goes off the reservation. And I gave my Congressman Joe Wilson a few dollars to help fend off the strong liberal challenge that will be mounted against him next year.

Most likely you are already doing some of these things, but there is more each of us can do.

Kieth Olberman is a Homo with Phobias.