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Someone should make a film out of P.J. O’Rourke’s “Parliament of Whores”, update it to include the Recovery and Reinvestment Act and then pitch it as a “horror” movie.

Amen Bud.

I went to Fox News to look for this story. I was greeted with the No.6 story (Megan Fox talks about Crazy Sex) and another story, “Bikini Battle for the Ages” with suggestive teaser pics.
Amen, indeed.

I won’t attempt to define what “art” is, since everyone seems to have a different take on it. But I do believe in Liberty, and this so-called “art” is nothing but License, which is an abuse of Liberty. To spend a single taxpayer dollar on it is a shame and a travesty.

that seems to total about 100 grand. so does that mean that the the other 987 billion are OK I think that % is outstanding. That 100 grand is certainly much less than a penny a person and I would be happy to send anyone a penny to ease their personal pain. Just post an address

@John ryan: First of all John Ryan, the total of the bill was not $987 billion, though the cost does rise with borrowing.

Second, that’s $100,000 going to porn that isn’t going to help families impacted by the recession or children.

Do you have something against families and children?

Although I have an art background – generally I don’t think the taxpayers should fund the arts – outside of education. Whether it’s avant-garde art or opera. It’s it’s good then people will pay to see it. If it’s rubbish – as most of it unfortunately is – then why prop it up? Money should be spent on infrastructure, technology & education. Not entertainment. Why arts needs is less restrictions but no handouts. See Bruno – is it offensive/porn – maybe to some – but at least Sasha Baron Cohen doesn’t need handouts.