The redemption of [Chris] Buckley, Gergen and Brooks


Our liberal friends who have consistently delighted in throwing media pundits generally considered “conservative” in our faces as Obama supporters, have just lost their mojo….

Peter Robinson, self-professed friends of both Buckley and Brooks, makes sure to draw attention to the johnny-come-lately awakening of the three journalists to Obama’s not-so-centrist status today in his Forbes, article, “Neither Moderate Nor Centrist”..

On Christopher Buckley

A humorist–and, I should disclose, an old friend–Christopher Buckley exercised his acute comic sense during the presidential campaign, judging John McCain so thoroughly risible that the nation could hardly do worse by electing Barack Obama. Now Buckley has developed a sense of the tragic. In electing Obama, he admits, we may indeed have done worse–a lot worse.

“The strange thing,” Buckley wrote last week after listening to Obama address Congress, “is that one feels almost unpatriotic, entertaining negative thoughts about Mr. Obama’s grand plan. … One thing is certain, however: Government is getting bigger and will stay bigger. Just remember … that a government that is big enough to give you everything you want is also big enough to take it all away.”

“Just remember”? Coming from someone who just remembered, the exhortation might strike a lot of people as rich. But never mind.

Read the not-my-dad Buckley response in Forbes where he “cops” to being entirely wrong about Obama, but would still vote for him again, saying:

Maybe I’m obtuse. Or maybe I just haven’t yet entirely given up on the old audacity of hope.

Meanwhile, my fellow elitist David Brooks has issued a clarion call to moderates of all persuasion to rally to prevent Obama from ruining what’s left of the U.S. economy. Let us march!

Okay… pride or obtuse… At least he’s on the “march” to prevent Obama from ruining what’s left of the economy. I think that’s all the mea culpa we’ll get from the guy.

On David Gergen

Now a commentator for CNN, David Gergen served in a number of administrations, first working in the White House all the way back in the 1970s. To the extent that he possesses any coherent ideological outlook–a fine question to ask of someone who took jobs from both Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton–Gergen seems to share Alexander Hamilton’s view that the federal government requires, as Hamilton expressed it, “energy in the executive.”

During the campaign, Gergen praised Obama as a man of action. Now Gergen argues that Obama is displaying a little too much action.

“We are in the midst of a global crisis … that demands intense focus and daily leadership by the president …,” Gergen wrote this past week. “But … [Obama’s] … ambition for reforms in other areas do not allow him to give the economy his full attention.” The financial industry is reeling, Gergen asserted, “because there is still no clearcut set of policies about how the government will rescue banks.” And “it is stunning that [Treasury] Secretary Tim Geithner does not yet have a deputy secretary or any undersecretaries named, much less on the job.”

Energy in the executive is one matter. Zealotry in the executive is another.

David Brooks

Two personalities inhabit New York Times columnist David Brooks, who, like Christopher Buckley, is a friend. One personality is that of the idealist. On Inauguration Day, the idealist in Brooks claimed that Barack Obama was “a pragmatist, an empiricist” who intended “to realize the end-of-ideology politics. …” The other personality inhabiting Brooks is that of the realist. It takes a lot to rouse the realist. Trillions of dollars, in fact.

“There is evidence,” Brooks wrote last week about Obama’s $3.6 trillion budget, “of a party swept up in its own revolutionary fervor. … We end up with deficits that are $1 trillion a year and stretch as far as the eye can see. … [F]ederal spending as a share of GDP is zooming from its modern norm of 20% to an unacknowledged level somewhere far beyond

“Those of us who consider ourselves moderates–moderate-conservative, in my case–are forced to confront the reality that Barack Obama is not who we thought he was.”

As Robinson points out, all are pundit with expensive, private university educations, and easily run the wealthy and power circuits in the beltway. Unlike, say, Rush Limbaugh, any Washington soiree would leap for joy at their unexpected attendence.

Yet, as Robinson likes to point out by quoting George Orwell, “To see what is in front of one’s nose needs a constant struggle.” A struggle that, evidently, these three abandoned during the 2008 Presidential campaign, and under the O’spell.

Instead, it was the “troglodytes” who had Obama pegged from the beginning. Troglodyte is, BTW, code word from Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, and we “racist, bigoted” conservatives, etal. And I daresay they have the nerve to toss Thomas Sowell in there as well… being ostracized as one of those rare, turncoat critters known as a conservative black man.

Sowell, ever adept at tongue and phrase, responded to one of Robinson’s questions during the campaign about Obama’s supposed centrist appeal by saying:

“Just what evidence do you have that he’s anything but a hard-left ideologue?”

So what’s it been since Obama moved into the Oval Office and embarked on his extremely “progressive” [humoring the “socialist” hypersensitive here] agenda… 46 days (not including Inauguration/party day…)? Not bad for shaking off that Obama-love and finally seeing the light. Although it would have preferable had they not succombed to the star-quality frenzy in the beginning, I’ll take better late than never. And at least they can no longer be fodder for the “see, I told you so” liberals who are still under the O’spell.

Now.. how long for the rest of the nation to wake up? Tapping toes, tapping toes….

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What these three have in common is that they spend most of their time inside the beltway. Immersed in that non-reality they begin to take on the ideas of those who surround them in that realm of incongruous juxtapositions. It takes quite a shock to bring them out of it.

You may not have to tap your toes for long:

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This article is great! Too bad the majority of Obama’s fawning mesmerized throngs are unlikely to read Forbes. Hopefully, the Forbes’ readers who voted for the flash and sizzle will identify with Robinson, and maybe start to see their mistake and become vocal in opposition to this administration. It’s starting to look like Obama opened Pandora’s box; but with any luck this time “hope” won’t be trapped by the time the box is closed.

Related to Obama’s preoccupation with continuing in campaign mode, I have an idea that I’d love to see the RNC consider:

Make a video with twenty seconds or so of Obama describing all of the new and expanding government programs he’s pushing, and then afterwards show Bill Clinton saying “It’s the economy, stupid!” Finish with a graphic showing the mushrooming deficit and/or national debt, with a graphic below showing how much our 401k’s and other stock-based plans have lost, with the time frame of all graphics running from Inauguration Day to the present. Maybe even mention how the $8 to $13 a week tax “refund” is Obama’s way of making it up to us.

Jeff V

These three weren’t alone, not by a long shot. MANY from our camp voted for this despicable lier. Many of my friends could not be persuaded from voting for him, the hatred of McCain was that deep. Look, though, at the damage he will and is doing, and I ask, was it worth giving America over to these Mafia thugs? I know their motives were pure, but at what price. I hated the back stabbing McCain just as much, but I think I saw through Obama’s bull early on. In all their defense, we were screwed either way, just a lot slower with McCain.

The only way to stop us from nominating the likes of McCain again, we must stop open primaries, and fast. We should never again allow the left to choose our candidate. We should, and must, stop this practice NOW!!

I have a variation on this theme that I had planned to finish yesterday but some other distractions *ahem* wasted my time instead. Will get it done Sunday provided there are no further interruptions.

Don’t forget that millions of Hillary supporters saw Obama as the liar he is before anybody did. After seeing Obama and his minion steal the caucuses by busing in people from Chicago to other states, and locking people out of gyms, while throwing away Hillary votes I knew this guy was bad news. He threatened Super Delegates with their lives if they did not switch their votes to him. He threatened State Party Chairs with not getting money from the DNC for their state races if they didn’t support him. You do realize he moved the DNC from DC to Chicago. Pure dirty politics is all this guy is about. Read about Rezko and how Obama privatized low income housing units so Rezko could embezzle $80 million from the state so Obama could live in a mansion while the tenants of the slums froze to death. Obama is about himself and the people that gave him money period. The banks gave him all the money and now he is bailing them out with no oversight. All this info was there for the press to see. We were emailing it to them daily. They are all a bunch of liars to say only now they are seeing the truth. I was a Democrat my whole life, but I will never be again after this year. Democrats can kiss my ass for giving us this nightmare. I voted for McCain and I made sure I took a picture of my vote so I could show people That I didn’t vote for the biggest lying, cheating scumbag to ever walk on the White House lawn.

BlueSky. Those of us who went through the Hillary/Obama wars first (I know there are many over here who were never over there and have no use for HRC either but there were many of us who fought that fight in the primaries and learned a lot about our un-worthy opponent) have a very clear understanding of who this man and his team are.

You are absolutely right to call these graveside converts from the media out. If we ignorant plebeians could see the man behind the curtain, so could they. They chose blinders over magnifying glasses. There was (and is) nothing there. All they had to do was poke the thing a couple of times and perhaps all the hot air would have hissed out and saved not only our economy but our nation.

I read your post and my first reaction was, “Damn, that’s pretty severe, extreme, over the top,” only to have that reaction followed by another, “And, totally spot on.” Don’t suppose you were friends with Teddy Roosevelt (right, an age issue, but it’s meant as a compliment.

Thanks for calling bullshit on these lame excuses for journalists.

i love how we can see him for what he is and what he isn’t, but the obots can’t. my friend was goin on about nascar in vegas, she got her husband tickets for his birthday and they flew down. she was sure it would be a bunch of bulching farting beer guzzling redneck republicans and she was suprised that they all acted like civilized humans and were actually quiet. i acted all agst that she went to nascar being a hard core dem and all and she said it wasn’t as bad as she had heard. i guess i missed the memo stating that to watch nascar you have to be a conservative. i can’t wait until she wakes up and sees the telepromptor messiah for what he really is, a giant zero.

It is my contention that Caucuses are a corrupted and totally unfair process. Caucuses do not allow for a direct vote by the party members. You can not go vote for the party candidate of choice when you are available to vote. If you can not take off work to attend the narrow time slot, then your voice will not be heard. Therefor the “parties choice” is in the hands of those few who are available at the very few allotted hours to go to the local caucus meetings, and who can also subsequently afford the time and expense to attend the state caucus. Some precincts had one or none voters attending while others had floods of people. Worse still, there are often irregularities and outright cheating in the caucus process. At the 2008 Caucus, people showed up who were not on the list as registered party members. These people were allowed to sign affidavits that they “…really were party members. Honest!” and these bozos were allowed to caucus. This happened with both Democrat and Republican parties. I know this because some election department idiot set up for both caucuses to happen at the same location, the Democratic caucuses immediately “following” the Republican caucus. The Democrats were rude, pushy and some (including myself were afraid that it would turn violent as Republicans were verbally assaulted, some Democrats shaking fists and getting in the faces of Republican Caucuses. (Security was a joke, with only a handful of hired security gaurds on hand. There have been other problems at the state level where some local caucus elected delegates were blocked from entry.

Caucus states must be changed to primary states. How else can the selection of a candidate reflect the will of the people.


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Ah yes….the trend continues.

Anyone want to guess when the pretty little red line will cross over the pretty little green line?