The insanity of “approval” polls


It never fails that approval polls for Congress or Obama pops up here in the FA threads. Personally, I don’t put much stock in them myself. The notion that asking 1000 or so people in a nation of over 300,000,000 strikes me as a narrow sampling at best.

But even more baffling are why those that place such faith in polls – perhaps to give themselves a needed confidence boost to justify their own opinions via the “herd” mentality – don’t bother to explain the glaring contradiction in the very polls they love to quote.

And that is… why do these poll responders supposedly overwhelmingly approve of Obama, when they so overwhelmingly *disapprove* of Congressional spending as per the Obama agenda?


Let’s take, for example, the Stimulus… known as it’s official name, The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.

For professional consistency in the processes, let’s take a single reputable pollster, Rasmussen Reports, and their Feb 16th analysis of the ARRA.

Thirty-eight percent (38%) of voters nationwide believe the $787-billion stimulus plan passed by Congress will help the economy. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that 29% believe the plan will hurt and 24% believe it will have little impact.

When Rasmussen breaks down their numbers, the class of America Obama claims to advocate *for*… middle-income America – are more likely to believe the bill will cause more harm than good. Those that hold the most optimism are household incomes below $40K, or above $100K.

It’s also not surprising… since the stimulus grows more government than the private sector… that 49% of government employees are dancing in the streets with joy. That’s because 50% of the responders believe the bill consists primarily of new government spending… and they are correct.

The private sector is split evenly, and investors are the skeptics vs non-investors.

Needless to say, those celebrating “victory” on the talking head circuits for it’s passage were not middle America, but Congress, their official mouthpieces and WH policy wonks. Public opinion didn’t matter to Congress. Just as the bailout passed last fall, despite a majority of unfavorable public sentiment, Congress and a then candidate Barack Obama took a my-way-or-the-highway attitude. Obama was on record saying “Democrats and Republicans in Washington have agreed on an emergency rescue plan that is our best and only way to prevent an economic catastrophe.”

Well, *some* Republicans anyway. And so much for the “catastrophe” that he, to this day, still holds over the nation’s head.


Now we’re facing Obama’s next spending debacle – HASP… his Homeowners Affordability and Stabilization Act. Again, in the now predictable Obama’esque fashion, the PR rolls out strong *far* in advance of the details. And if it’s anything like the stimulus, Congress considers reading the details in the bill optional.

As I pointed out in my Feb 19th analysis of this proposal, it’s an attempt by Congress and the Obama admin to reinflate the housing bubble by preventing housing prices from falling lower. It’s a financial “affirmative action” plan guaranteed not to cure the problem, but postpone it… and at quite an expense to the public and banking industry.

Since one of our largest problems is over valued assets in default, the taxpayers and banking industry funding massive loan rate buy downs to accommodate for loan modifications does nothing to cure the over valued asset problem. And, in fact, since these buy down are akin to a five year “government ARM”, they still lock distressed homeowners into an overvalued mortgage… preventing any kind of a sale other than a short sale down line. To boot, they force a situation where the interest rates cannot be used to control housing and inflation.

Is the public catching on to this latest spending misstep? With the press that Rick Santelli’s public protest is receiving, as well as the increasing bipartisan outcry of “foul” gaining speed, I’d have to say yes. This despite the WH’s attempt to use the bully pulpit via Press Sec’y Gibbs in denouncing Santelli as one who “doesn’t know what he’s talking about”.

Back to a Rasmussen Reports Feb 23rd report on HASP…

Fifty-five percent (55%) of American adults say the federal government would be rewarding bad behavior by providing mortgage subsidies to financially troubled homeowners. Among investors, 65% hold that view.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that, among all adults, just 32% disagree.

Will this negative public opinion stop Obama and an unstoppable Congress? Unlikely. As they’ve already demonstrated, they believe we… the peons of the nation… don’t know what we are talking about. Despite their rhetoric, they don’t give a flying fart about what we think.


But, back to the original subject at hand… the utter insanity of these polls. On one hand, we are constantly reminded of Obama’s popularity in the polls by the faithful. On the other, we have polls with strong disapproval of Congress, this spending… all of which is doing Obama’s bidding PLUS tagging on their own spending wishes to boot.

How can this be reconciled? That’s like saying you hate Ford pickup trucks, but then brag incessantly about your black, shiny F-150 with the flame paint job.

I suggest it’s an electorate, extremely reluctant to give up the “hope” and euphoria of their dreams. But, as many other authors here have pointed out multiple times, they might be catching on… albeit slowly.

This is indicated in the movement in the Obama approval rating. From Rasmussen’s site, a graph of the Presidential Approval Index since the Inauguration. The “strongly approve” is in green, the “strongly disapprove” is the red.

Note that the “hope” and euphoria reigned supreme on that historic day… with 40% “strongly” approving, and only about 12% “strongly” disapproving.

Also note Obama’s approval for that first week has never been higher…

Instead, there is a jagged “strongly” approval rating, but ever slowly working it’s way down the longer he occupies the Oval Office.

Also notice those that “strongly” disapprove is on a steady increase.

A particularly interesting observation… sometime between Feb 16th and 18th, the “approve” was near or at it’s lowest, and the “disapprove” was near or at it’s highest. Coincidently, that was the time the ARRA – aka the “stimulus” – was passed in both Congressional chambers, and waiting for Obama’s road show to sign the bill against the Denver back drop. (BTW, did anyone ever figure out the carbon footprint for that PR stunt??)

These approval polls, when viewed in snapshots, provide a lot of political BS fodder. Yet when you view the true extremes in reality… i.e. disapproval of this composite omnipotent government spending vs love and adoration for the guy heading up the spending spree … they don’t make sense.

Well, they don’t make sense until you see the increasing disapproval on the rise, and the euphoric approval on the decline.

The American public may be a little slow. Afterall, it’s hard to admit you got snookered, and the man of your dreams is turning out to be a political toad. But at least they are *starting* to notice the warts appearing.

It’s been stated by admirers that Obama is a “skillful politician”. I’ll add to that, he is masterfully staged at every public event. As a past worker in the film/TV biz, this glitz stuff doesn’t carry much weight with me. But apparently, there is only so much time that the more easily influenced public can be blinded by Hollywood political flash.

Eventually they figure out that, no matter how good a Ferrari kit car looks, it’s still a Volkswagon engine under the hood.

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Polls were spot on for the last election of course it is always better to take an average of poll results rather tha cherry picking one poll simply because you like those results. And actually the VWs engine is in the back.

Another poll that makes absolutely no sense is the one I just found at HotAir before coming here: Heart-ache: 64% support stimulus, Obama’s mortgage plan

But really, who cares about these polls? The support for Obama and Congress could be 0% and you know what? It doesn’t matter. We had our chance Nov 4th 2008 to express our opinions. America voted en masse for socialism, Marxism and racism, electing Obama and huge majorities in both Houses. For people to whine in these polls now, well tough luck, it’s too damn late. We warned all these ignorant tools that this would happen and they didn’t listen. This is the result of those bad choices. Now we are all going to pay, no matter what some stupid poll says.

@John ryan: Hey buddy, check out ALL the latest polls and Obama’s approval is dropping by stastically significant margins while the public’s disapproval of him is growing.

The only cherry picking going on here is your attempt to deflect that reality.

Pres Obama like all presidents will be judged by the results not polls. Time will tell if his philosophy wins the day and if that means more time in the president’s chair. I for one am totally distressed by the huge deficits and hope tonight he addresses that topic.


I really have never understood the purpose of polls. Why do they matter? Aren’t the only polls that matter the elections. And then, after that, the only thing that should matter to our elected officials are when their constituents call them up and approve of/complain about what they are doing/plan to do. Polls, in my opinion, are meaningless as far as government working is concerned. I think the purpose of polls, however, is to sway public opinion, into the herd mentality as you say.

But really, as far as how our government works, polling is meaningless. If people want to affect government in our representative republic, the way to go about it is through voting and writing/calling/e-mailing/going to see their elected representatives. Other than that, if the majority of Americans don’t care enough to do any of that, especially get off their lazy butts and vote on election day, then we deserve what we get.

For people to cry now about what B.O. and the Democrats are doing falls on deaf ears to me. What percentage of eligible voters bothered to vote in November? 50-55%? For the sake of argument, let’s say it was 50%. Of that 50%, 53% voted for Obama, and 47% for McCain. 53% of 50% is 26.5% while 47% of 50% is 23.5%. For any Democrat or B.O. or any mass media tool to proclaim that “the American people want X” when only 26.5% of America bothered to vote for socialism/Marxism/communism, while 73.5% voted against it, is ludicrous.

But that is why it so aggravates me to have people not show up to vote. I endorse people voting 3rd party or write-in over not voting, any day. The votes for Ross Perot in 1992 were a message sent to Washington that America did not want liberalism or big government. Had there been a bigger movement like that to utterly reject the crappy GOP candidate this year as we rejected the crappy Bush 41 in 1992, then Americans would have some credibility when they whined about what is going on with our government. But instead of sending a message to Washington and the nation by together voting for some 3rd Party candidate, people either chose to stay home or vote McCain as a vote against Obama (for the record, I chose the latter option and hate myself for it). But that accomplished nothing. Because now we have a bunch of fools who think that a moderate, more leftist GOP is the way to go, instead of the other way around.

It’s an utter disaster.

You know, it’s ironic that it was B.O. who made fun of the GOP with the “lipstick on a pig” remark. Because that is exactly what B.O. is. He’s a big ole communist, socialist, Marxist racist pig, who puts lipstick on all his speeches and crappy policies and then smiles as he watches our American Idol society just fall for it all hook, line and sinker.

Polls are a result of what the pollster wants to hear.

Polls showing approval of spending from D.C. should have at least 30% deducted from the approval rate to account for those (welfare riders) who see more dollars coming to their pockets. That’s the only effect they know or approve of in the multi-trillion dollar pork bill. The joke they call a housing bill (for 5 states) is the biggest sham of a vote buying bill to ever be approved.


“…76 percent of Americans say they think he will make the right economic decisions — also found that Americans dislike many of the choices he has made thus far.”

Well, FFS, how on earth does this make *any* sense *whatsoever*?!!?

Can someone explain to me why anyone has *any* reason *whatsoever* to trust B.O. to make the right decisions on anything? Based on his entire political history of *failure*? Based on his entire political history of Marxism, socialism and racism? Based on his entire political history of getting favors everywhere he went, from William Ayers to Tony Rezko to that guy in the IL Legislature who put B.O.’s name on all existing legislation to the mass media in Chicago who released Senator Ryan’s divorce records? Based on his entire campaign wrought with illegal activities from accepting illegal donations to A.C.O.R.N.’s illegal thug activities to illegal voter registration and illegal voter fraud? Or how about his Administration, fraught with lobbyists (broken promise), tax cheats (broken promise), not having an open and transparent government with legislation or his EOs (broken promises)?

Forgive me for being a logical person, but there is no way in earth, heaven or hell that anyone can see this POS’s entire background and history and then “think he will make the right economic decisions”, let alone 76 freaking percent of Americans? Are you freaking kidding me?

Oh wait, I remember now. “My President is Black”, so I guess that’s why it makes sense to trust him. *rolling my eyes*

Either America has lost its freaking mind or these polls are complete and utter BS. I have a feeling that it is a combination of both.

* I should add that I am also at a complete and utter loss with regards to the “we need to give him a chance” crowd. This is like watching a man who has cheated on women his entire social life and has mentally abused every one of the women he was with his entire social life and then you see your sister get engaged to him… and you still say “well, we need to give him a chance”, as if *now* after he is married, he will turn into a swell guy and suitable husband for your sister.

Yet this is the mentality of the “give B.O. a chance” crowd. In my opinion, those people — on both the Left and the Right, but especially the Right — are delusional. This POS has proven what kind of person he is for the past 2+ decades in addition to his 2 years on the campaign trail. He is scum and there is absolutely *no* logical reason to “give him a chance”. The guy is not going to spend his entire political career being a racist, socialist, communist, Marxist and then change into a post-racial, post-partisan, moderate pragmatist only after he gains the most powerful position in the world. I still am simply flabbergasted with all the people on the Right who seem to think this way though and are urging us to “give him a chance”. Yeah, eff that. He’s been in office 1 freaking month and is already destroying this nation. That’s what giving him a chance gets us. Brilliant.


Oh I know. I hope you knew I was not taking issue with *you* and your addressing of the polls. I was taking issue with the general idea of why people put stock in any of these polls. Because they are meaningless. BUT, I do know their purpose, and it is exactly what you stated earlier: propaganda to elicit a herd mentality among the weak sheep. To get people to go “Hmmm, my opinion on this is X, but it says here that 60% of Americans feel Y about this. Well, if 60% of Americans feel Y, then me feeling X must be wrong. I’ll feel Y about this now too.”

What is frustrating to me is that I realize these propaganda tactics of the Left and the Democrats and the mass media can only work as well as they do, because a good majority of the American people are ignorant, apathetic, willing sheep. The Left has done a great job of dumbing down this society to make the Left’s tactics feasible. And the Right simply keeps on thinking that we can work with the Left and maybe we need to be nicer and things will get better.

Sorry, Rush finally stated something today that I have thought for a few years now: this is political war. And we are losing this country from within, because the Right refuses to realize that we are in a war with the Left/mass media/Democrats. They are not interested in intellectual debate, discussing ideas for a better future or working with us to make the best choices in government. No, they are interested in destroying us completely to wipe out their competition so they can transform this nation into what they want unopposed.

Until the Right realizes this, we are screwed.

Michael in MI: Rush finally stated something today that I have thought for a few years now: this is political war. And we are losing this country from within, because the Right refuses to realize that we are in a war with the Left/mass media/Democrats. They are not interested in intellectual debate, discussing ideas for a better future or working with us to make the best choices in government.

Don’t you think that is a bit strident? Like the Democrats want to ruin the country? Isn’t this just about different political philosophizes? Don’t you think the Republicans did the same thing when they were in power?

“Loosing the country from within?” What the heck does that mean! Did the election of Pres Obama suddenly create all the problems we have today?


Like the Democrats want to ruin the country? Isn’t this just about different political philosophizes?

Oh, freaking spare me. “Different political philosophies”? Are you that dense and naive? Have you not been paying attention to the lies the Democrats have been telling about the war effort, lies they have been telling about the economy under President Bush, lies they have been telling about their participation in the mortgage crisis, lies they told about Fannie and Freddie, deliberate breaking of campaign finance laws and campaign voter registration laws, Obama teaching ACORN and encouraging ACORN all these years to do their thug tactics. That’s just off the top of my head. You are going to honestly sit there and tell me that that has to do with “different political philosophies”?!? Demonizing our military, lying about our military, lying about the war effort in Iraq, declaring it lost, calling the top General “Betrayus”, supporting groups like CODE PINK, bringing groups like the lying frauds of IVAW to Congress to tell their lies. That is deliberate undermining of this country.

And yes, I look at that and see the deliberate desire to destroy this country from within, in order to make Americans dependant on government, so that Democrats can have their power and control, just like their hero Chavez in Venezuela. Don’t think for one second the Democrats care about representative republican government. They want complete power for a long as they can lie, cheat and steal their way to keeping that power, and they will do whatever it takes — and have done whatever it takes over the past 8 years of their lies and borderline treason.

“Different political philosophies”. Don’t make me laugh. You can’t honestly think we are that stupid. Different political philosophies is when people are honest about the facts and debate the merits of how to deal with those facts. That is *not* what the Left, the Democrats and the mass media has been doing the last 8 years. Not in the least.

One month in, Barack Obama’s approval slips, disapproval doubles

By Andrew Malcolm

One month down, 47 to go.

And Barack Obama’s poll numbers have slid almost 10% already. According to the latest Gallup Poll, the new president’s approval rating of 68% in January has slipped now to 63%, about average for recent new presidents one month in.

What isn’t average, however, is Obama’s new disapproval rating — 24%, or 50% higher than the 16% average for a month-old new presidency.

And it’s twice the 12% disapproval rate that Obama had last month.

While liberal and independent support has held fairly steady, the rookie chief executive’s approval among Republicans has plunged from 41% to 30%, presumably tied at least somewhat to growing awareness of the spending program. The drop has been especially steep among conservatives, from 36% at inauguration to 22% now.

Additionally, Obama’s support has weakened among middle-class Americans, those touted during the campaign as benefiting from his promised tax cuts. Among that working crowd, Obama’s approval fell from 69% to 58%…

In fact, after 30 days, the Gallup Poll shows Obama has about the same approval rating as did George H.W. Bush and his son, George W. Bush, the man whose eight years in office the Illinois senator so often denounced as destructive during the recent campaign.

What’s surprising, as the astute Don Surber points out this morning, is that the gap between approval and disapproval is worse now for Obama than it was for the newly departed Texan after his first month. Bush’s differential gap was 41 points between approval and disapproval. Obama’s is 39 points, still above Bill Clinton, who had the worst differential of 30 points. Carter again had the best after one month of 62. Richard Nixon had 54

I thought you might like that.

Mata, comparing Pres Obama with Chavez is ridiculous. Keep in mind Pres Bush was responsible for the largest nationalization in our country’s history. What comes next who knows, but honestly, lets not just blame Democrats and somehow call them socialists while Pres Bush actually implemented these policies.

Michael in MI: Oh, freaking spare me. “Different political philosophies”? Are you that dense and naive? Have you not been paying attention to the lies the Democrats have been telling about the war effort, lies they have been telling about the economy under President Bush… (and more blah)

I guess Pres Bush’s doubling the national debt, uncontrolled trade with China and fiscal management was exemplary, just like finding WMD’s in Iraq. Both parties suck if you ask me, but you choose to only look at lies where you feel your political philosophy is somehow enhanced.


The national debt doubled? Really?

Both parties are bad, yes, but only one party was deliberately working – with the aid of their propaganda machine and the Left (Kos, Huffington Post, Moveon, Media Matters, etc) to deliberately lie about everything from the economy (which they cried about being the worst since the Great Depression and being in a recession since around 2003, when that was clearly not the case) to the war effort in Iraq (too many lies and smears and borderline treasonous actions to list here) for the past 8 years. So we basically are left with a Party of dopes (GOP) or a Party of power-hungry, corrupt, despicable liars who will lie, steal, cheat, smear, undermine anyone and everyone, with the help of their propaganda arm of the mass media in order to gain and keep power.

I choose to look at reality. The reality I see is that the GOP-voters throw GOPers out of office when they undermine their elected office, while Democrats keep their office no matter what lies, smears, corruption or laws they break over and over and over again. Wide stance in a bathroom, the GOP is labeled a “culture of corruption”; 2 decades of corruption, racism, communism, socialism, working with anti-American terrorists to corrupt the Chicago school system, working with ACORN to create the housing crisis and incite racial divisions.. that earns Democrats praise, bigger majorities in Congress and their leader is called Lincoln, Reagan, JFK or the messiah himself.

Yes, the GOP has problems, but the magnitude of corruption, lies and anti-America activity among the two parties is like comparing an ant to a brontosaurus. And the fact that the mass media, the Left and the Democrats have brainwashed a majority of willingly ignorant flock of sheep of Americans into believing the GOP is bad and the Democrats are the saviors of the nation and the world led by the 2nd coming of the messiah, B.O., pisses me off beyond belief.

Michael in MI: from your link:

By no measure did the debt “double” (increase 100%) in the last eight years. By using total debt in nominal dollars, you get to only a 72% increase, not a doubling. But that is nominal dollars, which includes both inflation and real economic growth in a country growing in population. Plus, the “total” debt includes what the government owes itself; it is a figment of government accounting.

Oh, I see, we have to “redefine” what doubling means with double speak. You and I both know the national debt doubled under Bush, why even spin a lie from a partisan rag? Either way you wish to describe it… Bush either made the debt go up 72% or as I think reality is, 100%. Next you will use the argument that gold weighs less now since the Earth is slowing and so that has an impact on the deficit. So as you go spend “nominal dollars” in your nominally valued home… good luck with all that.

Michael in MI: Yes, the GOP has problems, but the magnitude of corruption, lies and anti-America activity among the two parties is like comparing an ant to a brontosaurus.

I don’t think of my Democratic and Republican neighbors in those terms. Both are loyal Americans and good neighbors.

Of course, Bush didn’t really double the national debt.

WMD’s were found in Iraq.

But who’s really interested in the truth nowadays?


“I don’t think of my Democratic and Republican neighbors in those terms. Both are loyal Americans and good neighbors.”

Yes, William Ayers and those of his ilk are truly loyal Americans and good neighbors. ACORN and their ilk are truly loyal Americans and good neighbors. CODE PINK and their ilk are truly loyal Americans and good neighbors. Moveon and IVAW and their ilk are truly loyal Americans and good neighbors. Daily Kos and Huffington Post and DU are truly loyal Americans and good neighbors. Please.

It is because of naivety like this, thinking the best of politicians and politically active groups, that has gotten us into this mess. Come live in Detroit and deal with the utter filth that resides in the government of this city and hear the racist, class-warfare reasoning and utter hatred and ignorance coming from the people who vote these a-hole elected officials into office.

@Aye Chihuahua:

“But who’s really interested in the truth nowadays?”

Not the mass media, not the Democrats, not the Left and apparently not ‘blast’ either.

MataHarley: This is not a “Bush” act, but a combination of Bush AND THE DEM CONGRESS!

Lets not rewrite history. Tres. Sec Paulson was on his knees begging the dems to adopt the Bush administration plan. Fanny and Freddy and AIG (80+%) were nationalized under Pres. George Bush. What national companies have been nationalized by Obama, Mata?

Michael in MI, maybe you live next to Bill Ayres and code pink, I don’t. You act like Republicans are the answer to everything. Wrong. Look at the mess we are in with having 6 years of Republican domination in Congress and 8 of the Presidency. I considered myself more Republican leaning for a long time, except the Republican party became something other than advertised… now it is too late for them to bitch.

Hey Dudley….

Fannie and Freddie were nationalized when they were created. They became quasi-public under Johnson.

Nice try though.


Fanny and Freddy and AIG (80+%) were nationalized under Pres. George Bush.

Care to also remember President Bush and the GOP warning multiples times about Freddie and Fannie, from the first year that he was in office in 2001, and calling for regulation of these instituions, yet the Democrats said the GOP was fearmongering and were just racist? Funny how that gets left out of the blame-Bush rant. Bush and the GOP tried to fix things before they got bad and the Democrats blocked every last freaking effort. Then, when things had gotten beyond bad, Bush made the decision to try to fix it as he saw was best. He took the Democrats’ way of doing things, against GOP opposition and fixed a problem he tried to prevent years ago when Democrats stood against him.

Let’s keep everything in context shall we. Blame Bush where it is called for but people better damn well put the blame for the problems on the Democrats and the Left where it is called for as well. This is exactly what pisses me the f*** off about people such as yourself who refuse to put the blame in the proper place. For 8 freaking years, every last gawddamned thing was the fault of Bush and the GOP, never once was *anything* the fault of Democrats. I’ve f***ing had it with that BS, lies and smear tactics. This is exactly why these problems never get solved and end up getting worse and then we get President B.O. and his merry Marxists pushing through this BS legislation, instead of fixing the core of the problem that we tried to fix years ago.

Hey Blast,

Obama and Chavez are as different as Castro and his brother Raul.

If you do not have the insight to witness this county’s decay from within then you will have the most to lose while you did the least to prevent its downfall.

Gallup reported …
Bush had a 62% approve/21% disapprove (net +41) for February 19-21, 2001.
Obama has a 63% approve/24% disapprove (net +39) for February 19-21, 2009.

About the same .. given the margin of error.

But wait till those 401(k) statements come in April showing that Dow 1300-1400 point drop since the beginning of the year.


You act like Republicans are the answer to everything. Wrong. Look at the mess we are in with having 6 years of Republican domination in Congress and 8 of the Presidency.

Huh? Where have I stated the Republicans are the answer to everything. I can argue that Democrats are 100Xs worse than Republicans without saying Republicans are good. I am a fiscal conservative, not a Republican-voter. I left the party for good when they nominated McCain and I have no intention of going back until they get their pathetic act together and show me people of principle, not just words, rhetoric and pandering. But the solution to not wanting to eat horrible food is not to start eating horse manure. And that is exactly what the American people did. Instead of just sticking with horrible food and trying to work with that or choosing a 3rd option of better food, they chose to go the way of eating horse manure. Just brilliant.

And what ‘mess’ are we in? You act like this ‘mess’ is the cause of Republicans and President Bush. For 7 of his 8 years in office, the economy under President Bush was good. It wasn’t until the GOP lost their backbone and started enacting stupid liberal Democrat policies (ethanol subsidies for one) when things started going sour and then came to a head in Sept 2008. But I clearly recall Democrat bitching and whining and fearmongering and lying about the economy being bad for pretty much every year of Bush’s Administration when the facts clearly showed otherwise. But eventually, if you tell a lie long enough, people will start believing it is the truth. And then sure enough, people started freaking out about the economy and the Democrats’ talk of having to raise taxes and nationalize everything and things getting worse and worse and worse and investors and companies lost confidence and decided to take preventative measures with their investments and businesses and layoffs happened, which made things worse, etc etc.

I don’t have a problem discussing this ‘mess’ with someone who points out *all* the culprits who caused this, from the Democrats to the Republicans to ACORN to lenders, etc. But I have absolutely no patience for anyone who sits here and says Bush and the GOP were to blame for everything, Period.

This was brutal:

Remember the excited, butterflies-in-the-tummy feeling we had the first time we got to watch the newly elected President Obama address the nation?

One month later a queasy sense of dread emerges whenever he takes the lectern. As our new president prepares to address both houses of Congress at 9 p.m. eastern, the markets and investors brace for his next damaging soundbite.

“Every time the guy speaks, the Dow starts falling,” complains one venture capitalist, Ross Manel of ReStart Group in Addison, Texas.

Bam was the Message Man during his incredible campaign for the presidency, besotting millions with his reassuring call for hope and change. Since taking office he has plied an entirely different—and wrongheaded—message, one of fear and fingerwagging, of crisis-mongering and retribution.


We need these firms to help us find our way out of this financial abyss, yet the President decries a compensation system he doesn’t understand. He carps at Merrill Lynch’s now-ousted chief, John Thain, for spending the equivalent of ten minutes of revenue to redecorate his office.


Dude-in-Chief: It just isn’t any of your business.

Somehow I don’t think Mr. Kneale will be getting any State Dinner invitations.

I predict the markets plunge tomorrow.

My guess is +/- 200 points.

By the way, Obie doesn’t know who invented the automobile.


Michael in MI: For 7 of his 8 years in office, the economy under President Bush was good.

I bet Mrs Lincoln loved the first part of the play they were watching too… The country was being whittled empty by debt and lack of oversight. We had a FALSE economy based upon smoke and mirrors and if you don’t see that then you are blind. Yep, dems had their fault, but heaven forbid we place more blame on the man and party in charge at the time.


“The country was being whittled empty by debt and lack of oversight. We had a FALSE economy based upon smoke and mirrors and if you don’t see that then you are blind.”

Re-read the link I posted before. We had years of continuous job growth and economic growth and the spending was on par with the previous administrations. That was the good, that it was pretty much status quo. The bad was that conservatives expected the GOP to CUT, not to continue spending at the same levels as previous administrations.

And just think how things would have been different had the President and the GOP not been blocked by the Democrats in their efforts to do something about Fannie/Freddie in 2001 and again I believe in 2006. Also, how things would have been different if the Democrats didn’t block every GOP effort at Social Security reform.

The fact is, while the President and GOP did not CUT spending as we fiscal conservatives wanted, the President and the GOP did not spend any more than any previous administrations. And the Democrats didn’t have any issues with the spending and, in fact, complained that they wanted even more. So, one could actually argue that while the GOP spent more than conservatives wanted, it would have been even worse had the Democrats been in charge. Who knows. What I do know is that the President and GOP did not spend any worse than Administrations and Democrat-controlled Congresses previously had.

So while I am right there with fiscal conservatives who have been upset with spending amounts the last 8 years, I am not one to go overboard and say President Bush and the GOP were the worst spenders in the history of the nation or delude myself into thinking that the Democrats would have been better or were a better choice for “change”. As we can already see, the Democrats spending in one month alone is going to make the last 8 years seem like nothing. But, hey, people wanted “change”, they’re going to get it. So bravo for all the ignorant morons voting for “change”. I hope they realize that “change” is all they are going to have once the Democrats are done taking and spending all our money over the next few years on their pork projects and leftist causes.

Aye Chihuahua: Fannie and Freddie were nationalized when they were created. They became quasi-public under Johnson.

Ummm… yeah, so they started as Federally Charted GSE’s and went private (under a democrat) and became nationalized (under a republican commie) on our dime again… it still does not remove the fact they were part of a grand nationalization scheme by Pres Bush when he flushed $750 Billion for banks and picked up TRILLIONS in liability from Fannie and Freddie and AIG. So when you bitch about Obama, just remember your Lord Bush blew up the economy and nationalized TONS.

Michael in MI: We had years of continuous job growth and economic growth and the spending was on par with the previous administrations.

Dude, that was all based upon a false economy. No real wealth was being created. It was all in speculation and basically a pyramid scheme. All that construction of homes not needed, all those appliances not needed for homes that were not needed etc. Credit default swaps, derivatives and other financial instruments that created money or false money out of thin air, all evaporating when the music stopped. Add to that the raping of our industry by the low Chinese Yuan and our feckless response to Chinese aggression on our economy… We became crack addicts, China supplied the crack and lent us the money. Then add the total disregard to spending (during these “good times”) and we double the national debt (ok, you think we only increased it by 75%… big deal). It is a witched brew of crap and the lase fare attitude of the Republican Party and President Bush in particular has brought us to near ruin. Getting all blustery about Obama being a commie or socialist when Bush socialized so much more is disingenuous.

Good luck in Michigan, maybe we can sell that state to the Chinese to pay off the debt, after all we don’t really need Michigan any more (being sarcastic).

Polls are overrated statistical number games generally designed to prove preconceived results. I don’t care who spouts them, they should always be viewed with a grain of salt and some skepticism if not suspicion. Even aside from the unavoidable and inherent inaccuracy in sampling a small portion of public opinion, and transposing the numbers to the public as a whole. There are far too many ways that bias (deliberate or not,) can be skew the results.

1. How the questions are asked.
2. How the answers are “scored” (Yes/no, one-to-ten, strongly agree/strongly disagree, etc..)
3. Where the questions are asked
4. To whom the questions are asked
5. When the questions are asked.
6. What the person asked “thinks” they are being asked.
7. How the results are assembled.
8. How the results are represented.

When you think of all the things that can affect a poll, It’s really hard to buy any poll as being “scientific” or accurate, and when you get to political polls….

At least part of a poll mentioned above gives answers that seem to be schizophrenic or at least contradictory to common sense.

“76 percent of Americans say they think he will make the right economic decisions — also found that Americans dislike many of the choices he has made thus far”

Makes you wonder; what asylum’s inmates did they poll for that one?


Listen Dudley.

Fannie and Freddie were gov’t owned entirely when they were created.

Johnson, in an effort to reduce the national debt to free up money for his war, made F&F quasi-public, (GSEs) meaning that they became a blend of Gov’t and Public.

Under the criminal leadership of folks like Raines, Emanuel, Gorelick, Johnson, and others F&F committed a massive fraud on the American people. When F&F began to collapse under the load of that fraud Congress had no choice but to pump federal money into them because the gov’t had guaranteed every investment into F&F for all of those years. Think of it as a payoff on an insurance policy.

F&F remain GSE’s just as they were since Johnson. Nothing has changed.

You really need to lay off the Bush blaming and try to get a grasp of the facts and reality of the situation.


Hey, by April some will be getting that extra $13.00 in their paychecks, all will be forgiven. (snort)


Details, details, per Randall Hoven:

Who passed Obama’s pork ridden stimulus? House: 244-D, 0-R. Senate: 57-D, 3R 99% of the support for this monstrosity was democrats..

Who jumped on board to bail out banks during the end of the Bush term? House: 172-D, 91-R. Senate 41-D, 33-R 63% of the support for this boondoggle came from the democrats. Not only that, as you have been told, Bush only released $267 billion to stop the hemorrhaging. Obama and team control the rest.

Dems enjoy 80% of the credit for increasing our debt by a half in less than 5 months. They will also be responsible for the porked up Omnibus that will pass soon. Over $400 billion to fund the next 7 months.

BTW, who wrote the post for that “partisan rag?” Believe I will take his word and sources before blast’s.

Randall Hoven retired from the Boeing Company (former McDonnell Douglas) in 2008 as a Technical Fellow, where he had worked since 1982. He most recently led the navigation analysis on the Small Diameter Bomb program.

He invented “A Method and System for Estimating Ionospheric Delays from Dual and Single GPS Signals” (patent # 6,781,542) and applied it to SDB, the Joint Direct Attack Munitions, and other programs, winning the 2005 Boeing Special Invention Award. For the last few years he has been an adjunct professor in the Engineering School of Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville.

Prior to joining McDonnell Douglas he worked at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics
Laboratory from 1979 to 1982. He was also an enlistee in the U.S. Navy from 1972 to 1975,
serving on the USS Wichita (AOR-1) including a brief stint in Vietnam combat waters.


* M.S. Systems Science & Mathematics,
Washington University, 1985

* M.S. Electrical Engineering, Johns Hopkins
U., 1982, with honors

* B.S. SSM Wash. U., 1979, cum laude

Missy, I can pull a few Nobel Prize winning economists to support my arguments, you have to live and breathe over a mathematician who used to make weapons for the DoD.

Missy: Who jumped on board to bail out banks during the end of the Bush term? House: 172-D, 91-R. Senate 41-D, 33-R 63% of the support for this boondoggle came from the democrats.

On that you miss PRESIDENT GEORGE W BUSH who initiated the bailout and sent his Treasury Secretary to beg on his knees. Yep, Dems followed the Republican President in a time of crisis and the Republicans now all of a sudden are afraid of spending… after their budget busting pork and overspending the past 8 years! Hypocrisy!

Missy: You really need to lay off the Bush blaming and try to get a grasp of the facts and reality of the situation.

You gotta be kidding. Bush created this problem and will always be remembered that way.


“…after their budget busting pork and overspending the past 8 years! Hypocrisy!”

What budget busting pork and overspending? The spending was not any more budget busting than any previous administration. It was basically status quo spending. Which was not good, since conservatives expected the GOP to *cut*, not keep the status quo, *but* the GOP didn’t spend any more differently than any previous Congress.

And once again, President Bush authorized $350 Billion, PEBHO then authorized the other half, then B.O. and the Democrats shoved through $1+ Trillion in pork and non-stimulus and are set to push through $400 Billion more in pork. $350 Billion vs $1.7 Trillion. Yet President Bush is to blame and B.O. and his merry Marxists get off scott free of any blame. Oh yeah, and the GOP which tried to stop all this nonsense is also to blame.

This density is tiring. It’s obvious now that you’re not a fiscal conservative — or at least not discussing this in good faith — and just want to blame all this on the GOP and Bush instead of spreading the blame around to all guilty parties. If you want to spread the propaganda that this is all the fault of Bush and the GOP to make yourself feel better, that’s fine, but it won’t solve jack squat, because the other major parties at fault here (ACORN, Democrats, Senator Obama, PEBHO and B.O.) will continue to get away with their corruption.

If you truly cared about fixing this problem, you would discuss this in good faith instead of just harping on President Bush and the GOP. Fiscal Conservatives such as myself have been placing the blame on this non-fiscal conservative spending by President Bush and the GOP for years, in addition to placing blame on the Democrats blocking GOP and President Bush reforms for years, as well as on ACORN, Senator Obama, PEBHO and the Democrat Congress of 2006-current. AllI have seen from you is Bush, Bush Bush, GOP GOP GOP. It’s getting old.

Coincidentally, some have stated that the recession started in Dec 2007. I find that interesting, since the Democrats took control of both Houses of Congress in January 2007 and won based on the promise that they would fix the economy and end the war, etc etc. Yet, all that happened under their control of Congress was to change a successful economy under 6 years of GOP rule into a recession after only 10 months of Democrat rule. Yet, everything’s the fault of President Bush and the GOP. Uh huh.


Missy, I can pull a few Nobel Prize winning economists to support my arguments, you have to live and breathe over a mathematician who used to make weapons for the DoD.

Actually, we can live and breathe over many more. B.O. can continue spouting the lie that “there is no disagreement” all he wants, does not make it true in the least.

@Michael in MI:

All I have seen from you is Bush, Bush Bush, GOP GOP GOP.

Michael, that’s all he’s got.

Well, that, and half-truths conveniently twisted to fit his arguments.

We figured out from earlier thread discussions that Dudley only has one song in his jukebox.

He hates Bush.

And brown people.

Did you know that people who want to be free shouldn’t be helped? They should “work for it” themselves while their necks are being crushed under the boot of their particular brutal dictator.

I never would have guessed that if Dudley hadn’t told me.


I blame President Bush for his part in this mess, I also fault him for nominating Paulson in the first place. He needed an easy confirmation that would be attractive to the democrats, that’s why we got him.

You may squawk about Malkin, I don’t always like her either, but she did have the information pertaining to Paulson that I was looking for and then some.

Bush sending Paulson begging is garbage from the left and you, don’t see a difference. Paulson engineered this fiasco of a plan with no “Plan B,” betraying the Republicans and the President. Dem leadership padded it with another $150 billion of “sweeteners” to get it passed, the rest of the story has been accurately posted causing much fits and spits I see.

Michael, another good post, as usual, thanks.

The Libs and the Media may have been sucked in by President Training-Pants, but the markets weren’t fooled by the flowery words and the toothy smiles:


I seem to remember someone predicting that reaction from the market.

Oh yeah, that was me. 🙂

Mata: The dynamite was in place with a long fuse… planted in the financial dam before Bush became POTUS. The fuse ran out in the Bush admin. But the Dems were just plain overjoyed to do this spending. It was not the Dems who needed cajoling… as you suggest. It was the GOP.

Mata, so you are saying that the Bush Administration watched the fuse tick of EIGHT YEARS without doing anything to stop it? Given they controlled Congress for much of that time they had plenty of time to stomp out that fuse, instead… they were gluttons. I am not about Democratic talking points, and have never mentioned this is our arguments before, but keep in mind Pres Clinton (*pukes*) did have a balanced budget and surplus. Yes, yes, I know you will say that was a Republican Congress, but Bush had even more power with his Republican Congress… so what gives?

Mata: Now… INRE “nationalization” under Bush, and “nationalization” under Obama. Two different worlds. And remember that when money went to Fannie/Freddie, AIG and sundry others plus the bailout, it was a Dem Congress who was in control of writing just how that was going to work, and how the oversight was to be managed.

The fact is the nationalization took place under Bushes watch. We woke up one day and by magic AIG was 80%++ owned by the taxpayers, the same with Fannie/Freddie. The $750 Billion Bailout was passed with both parties… yeah, more support from Dems than Republicans, but even John McCain voted for it, just like President Obama. Bush Administration PUSHED hard for this bailout and originally gave the congress a three page law which was expanded. Lots of “trust me” from the Bush Administration and then they failed ONCE again by not putting strings on the cash. Typical.

Mata: And BTW, the only reason the market rallied yesterday with 236 points is because Bernanke assured them that nationalization of banks wasn’t in the cards.

The markets are unstable and probably even you Mata could cause the market to change. 🙂 (and if memory serves me correctly the markets dropped The fact is the WH came out against what Sen Dodd said, but honestly, some of those banks are so weak they probably will end up being taken over by the FDIC, as is normal when a bank is TOTALLY insolvent. Allowing these banks get so big that they “cannot be allowed to fail” is part of our problem. No business entity should ever have that amount of power over the American people or economy. President Teddy Roosevelt was lionized by his own party for breaking up the trusts and businesses like that. He protected us then and hopefully some of these big behemoths will be chopped up so they no longer threaten our economic security. Our modern Republican party is stale and simplistic. More interested in issues like “Intelligent Design” than intelligent fiscal management. It is not as though we are coming off 8 years of a Democrat Administration.

Mata, many many times here I have called for a Balanced Budget Amendment. My problem is the Bush loving can do no wrong mentality coupled with people attacking the new Administration before they even took office. We had a week or more of Pres Bush loving, how he kept us safe etc. Are we safe really? Doesn’t the near collapse of our economy mean he FAILED?

YES! The Democrats have a piece of this problem from before… but come on! I bring up the Terri Schievo example of how the Republicans could pull together something in the middle of the night and Bush fly back from Texas to sign a law. Pres Bush has the political capital to spend at that time, and if it was a lit fuse he had a HUGE RESPONSIBILITY to protect us from this calamity. Is blaming some idiot like Barny Frank really going to wash the Bush Administration’s hands of this? Get real. Frank is one in 435 House members and until Jan 07 was in the minority.

Mata: AIG bailout terms were designed and written by a Dem controlled Congress.

That is not totally correct. The Federal Reserve Bank, on Sept 15th stepped in and acquired 79.9% of AIG for $85 Billion, later they tapped an additional $37 Billion from the NY Fed and then the Treasury (the Bush TARP plan) ponied up an additional $40 Billion in Nov 08.

Yes, Democrats were in the majority in passing the TARP, along with many Republicans (including McCain) who voted for it and it was signed into law by Pres Bush who put in motion the plan to begin with. I focus on the Administration since they were at the controls at the time.