Obama Nominates Pro-Pornography Deputy A.G. [Reader Post]


Justice AppointeesHere is an excerpt from the Catholic News Agency:

He opposed the Children’s Internet Protection Act of 2000 as counsel of record for an amicus brief supporting the American Library Association in a case that challenged mandatory anti-obscenity internet filters in public libraries.

In the 1986 case American Council for the Blind v. Boorstin, he successfully sought a court order forcing the Library of Congress to use taxpayer funds to print Playboy Magazine’s articles in Braille.

Ogden also successfully challenged laws requiring pornography producers to personally verify that models were over 18 at the time their materials were made. According to the Fidelis brief, he argued that the decision would “burden too heavily and infringe too deeply on the right to produce First Amendment protected material.”

In other areas, Ogden has argued for homosexuals in the military and an unlimited abortion license.

In an amicus brief for the 1992 Planned Parenthood v. Casey decision which reaffirmed Roe v. Wade’s mandating of permissive abortion laws, Ogden argued that abortion “rarely causes or exacerbates psychological or emotional problems.”

“The few women who do experience negative psychological responses after abortion appear to be those with preexisting emotional problems,” he continued.

He argued that evidence shows abortion is more likely to make women “experience feelings of relief and happiness” and claimed childbirth and childrearing or adoption may pose “concomitant (if not greater) risks or adverse psychological effects” compared to the effects of abortion.

In a Wednesday press release, Brian Burch, President of Fidelis, called Ogden “a hired gun from Playboy and ACLU.”

“Ogden’s record is nothing short of obscene,” he charged, adding: “David Ogden has collected checks from Playboy and Penthouse to fight reasonable protections for parents and children from pornography.”

How could somebody’s soul be so sold off as to say with a straight face not only that the effects of abortion are not there but that it is actually beneficial?! Only somebody who is indeed a “hired gun” as Fidelis so aptly puts it.

This is a slap in the face to believers of all stripes. In what sense is this “reaching across the aisle”, not letting lobbyists or “hired guns” into the process, “no politics as usual” or whatever vague promises he has made? The same Catholic News Agency lists SEVERAL other appointees who are equally troubling. This needs to be shouted from the rooftop, along with all the other troubling picks and decisions just days into the new Administration.

As Mary wisely sang, ringing loud
‘He has scattered the plans of the proud’
So let us say it out with heads unbowed
There are rights with which we are endowed
We will not be silenced; we will not be cowed

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The two pillars of the modern Democrat party…SEX and DEATH.

Re-define sex acts including homosexuality as liberty and a protected civil right.

Keep the abortion industry running at full speed with 45 million less Americans. Institute a state sponsored assisted suicide.

Thank God……

OK, got to say it, does anyone think there is any other way with this creep?

So Obama wants a pro porn pro abortion pro terrorist and pro RIAA Justice Department. Change we can believe in?

I bet he is good friends with Senator Webb (D) who has a side job of authoring homoerotic fiction.