Old Karl and The Second Coming [Reader Post]


America has spoken. The Annointed One has been crowned. Old Karl is gleefully spinning in his grave.

While many conservative pundits are already looking forward to 2012, that is likely to be a useless exercise, as unless the world stops spinning on its axis, Barack Obama will be sitting in the Oval Office until 2016. We will simply have to sit back and observe as the Democrats have their way with American legislative procedures, getting their pet initiatives from the Marxist left rammed through the Congress. Oh, I am hearing sighs of relief that the Congress is not filibuster proof, but someone please edify me as to when was the last time any Republican had the backbone to filibuster an issue that the liberal Democratic leaders in Congress wanted to expedite? Filibuster proof? Fat chance.

I am also hearing sighs of relief from the left side of the Supreme Court. Look for a liberal exodus as soon as the One is on the throne.

While, of course, we should congratulate Senator Obama, the Commander-In-Chief-elect, we should not forget the issues, especially character issues that the campaign brought to light. They have not suddenly disappeared. The fact of the matter is that we still do not know who this man is, not a clue. We know who he says he is, and we know that he is the most liberal Senator in the Untied States Congress, but who is he really? I watched his victory speech and not one time did he ever look into the cameras, too busy looking at the right and left teleprompters, mouthing airy words and platitudes exactly as he has done for the past 21 months. Well, the time is rapidly approaching to put up or shut up.

One thing certain is that it will be a very interesting transition and first six months or so of the Obama presidency. Will a Democratic Congress, emboldened by the additional gains in the House and Senate, and a Democratic president, do what they had pledged to do at the mid-term elections and pull the troops out of Iraq? Obviously they will set a timeline. Obviously we will have a new Commanding General. A lot more ‘obviously’s’ on Iraq that I could list.

They have already done the bail-out in which the Republicans showed their true socialist nature, will they now bail out the auto companies and whomever else comes on their knees begging the administration to save them from themselves? Why not, what, me worry? The Democrats absolutely pulled a sleight of hand on that FannieMae/FreddieMac meltdown and by the time the bail-out was a reality, public opinion had turned completely against the Republicans as ‘instigators of the problem.’ This simply shows the gullibility of the electorate, though quite a few of the electorate especially here in Georgia did not fall for the ruse.

I made a comment in an earlier post about the red/blue states following the Mason-Dixon line. In the last Bush victory, the blue states were exactly as there were in 1862 with the exception of Ohio, but the southern states, the red states, were the same states as made up the Confederacy during the War of Northern Aggression. They were the same this time around with the exception of that turncoat Virginia, and of course, that damn Yankee Sunny Southern retreat to the south separated from real ‘southerners’ in Georgia by the Chattahoochee River and the Okfenokee Swamp. Yes, Virginia, there are still red and blue states.

Now, I am going to discuss what appears to be an anomaly in the factor of ‘race’ as pertains to this election. Possibly the MSM will take note after they finish their waltzing in the streets and try to come up with an explanation. Georgia went 53-46 for McCain. In the Atlanta area, Dekalb County is 55% black and 10% Hispanic. Fulton County is 43% black and 8% Hispanic. Clayton County, lately of the “My School Board Are Moron’s” fame, is 68% black and 11% Hispanic. Keep in mind that these percentages are compiled via census of Registered Voters so likely is much higher as non-citizens, non-homeowners, and indigent people are not accounted for by a census. This is just a small example.

USA Today has one of those fancy, clickable maps here, very interesting map.

One can click on and , since they have to option, can filter results by race. If one clicks the filter, it shows where the vast population of blacks live in this country. It is surprising to see that they are almost completely contained within the southeast: Louisiana, Alabama, Arkansas, Mississippi, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, and the Washington DC area. Therefore, I see it as completely ironic that these states are consistently and lopsidedly Republican states. It was surprising to note that the black vote was not enough to carry these states and thus actually was not even a factor in Obama winning the election except perhaps in the popular vote. It was also laughably idiotic how the MSM kept saying that race did not play a part in the election due to the very low percentage of voters who said race played no part when practically every black in the South and Washington DC (92-8)voted for Obama and almost all southern whites voted for McCain, sic, but obviously that’s just a coincidence. It is not a problem that blacks are here, it is the problem that blacks in the south have adopted this grossly ignorant ‘culture’ that further separates them from normal society. It seems that the majority of them have no desire to become as educated and eloquent as Obama . Hell, I wish I had his education and eloquence! I am willing to wager that it won’t be long before southern blacks have ‘buyers remorse’ and begin to label Obama as an ‘Uncle Tom’ because of his ‘white man’s education’: “Dat Obama, he ain’t one uv us!”

The above is entirely my opinion. Time will tell.

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How much voter fraud entered into this is hard to know, especially since no one will now investigate. If and I say if, it had a big part in this, then how does anyone here expect to retrieve government back, won’t the fraud just be greater with the crooks in power. No America has succumbed to the leftist and it’s unretrieveable. I’m sorry to say it but we allowed the MSM to pick both parties candidates, and then allowed the outcome to be as planned. Sour grapes? Maybe, but I tried to warn of John MCcain, but thats all water under the bridge, the main point is that taking it back is going to take an act of G-D.


Fraud?? if there was any it was probably minuscule, but don’t hold me to that! You are right about the MSM and this election was the most blatant exhibition of hero worship of one candidate by the American Press that I have ever seen.

When you have about 23% of claimed conservatives voting for Obama, 36% of so-called Evangelical Christians voting for Obama, 70% of all ‘new’ voters (possible fraud there)even if only 10% of the total votes voting for Obama, right off, that takes a huge chunk out of McCain’s potential.

Something was amiss last night. I guess the crowds finally have something to admire this country for the first time in their life…………

I don’t want any to take this wrong, but yes I saw those crowds, and it scared me to death. Have we finally caused the down fall of this country via our education system. Fraud, every one hollers that the polls were spot on, how do you explain Murtha, a 50-50 pole turned into a rout.

The DOW just closed DOWN…. -497 (I think.)

I’m sure it’s just a coincidence.

Steve: Just curious but who did YOU vote for? Truth please….

I think it’s hard to use the voter fraud card. There is no way that enough voter fraud happened to give Obama the kinda numbers he had. The liberal illuminati did a lot of shady things durring this election and the media covered it up but there is no way Obama won cause of voter fraud. I think we just need to keep speaking what we think is wright and be the best American’s we can be. It’s not going to be easy.

After January 20 the America that many of us have grown up in and love will be no more. I’m not sure we will ever get it back. There sure won’t be anybody to serve , protect and defend us.

David101: Didn’t you get the memo from HQ that you were supposed to drop the bitch act and play nice today? Or aren’t they paying you like the rest of them?

And as for Obama being my President I have a question:

Is Bush YOUR president? Was he duly elected according to the Constitution in 2000?

Mike’s America:

A curious question, but i”ll oblige: I was a Fred Thompson fan in the beginning, when he dropped out, I voted for Romney. When McCain won the nomination, I was completely lukewarm towards him until he selected Sara Palin. Until he selected Sara Palin, I was going to write in Jefferson Davis. I haven’t voted for a Democrat since an intense case of buyers remorse in voting for Jimmy Carter (since he was from Georgia) and that was enough.

Backatcha: Specifically why do you ask?

Yeah, your lack of intelligence jumps right out of your post!! You can probably not cite one accomplishment of the man you adore. You probably have never read the “Decleration of Independence” or the constitution and most likely don’t know what they even are! YOU are what this country has to fear more than Barry.

@Mike’s America:

I’m casting a vote for the “Eject Button”.

Jasmine continues to insist in engaging in insult rather than debate and discussion.

He/She brings nothing but an IQ reduction and a foul stench to this site.

Some people improve their surroundings through their presence, others through their absence.


Obama WILL be your President!!!!

As far as Obama being my President, will that position be forced upon me as part of a re-education process or is this still a free country where I am able to make my own decisions about things?

David, you’re like an old piece of chewing gum. Your flavor is all used up.


You blooming trolls are now getting up the nerve to venture out into hitherto challenged grounds. No Marxist will ever be my president and I suggest you hold your horses until you get a better feel for whom you have elected. Nobody’s elect other nobody’s, and the only clue you have at this point is that he is a Marxist nobody.

As for your post, that’s proof positive for me as to why I have never identified with anyone in the Democratic party: too many mentally challenged, gullible morons who are unable to discern party deception when its setting on their tail.

Yeah, we lost, I can get over that, however we lost because you Alice in Wonderland types and your ‘change at any cost’…..trust me, you will be lucky to get some ‘change’……


Can’t sign on your name to your pitiful offering? That call sign of yours looks like one of those anti-spam security codes one has to punch in to affirm they are legitimate. Hysterical!!

You talking to to me? Since you appear heavy for ‘citing’, let’s let you ‘cite’ one item in my post that supports what you are contending.

Never read the Declaration Of Independence? I can ‘cite’ it to you verbatim, likewise the Gettysburg Address, however, it’s difficult to appreciate Abraham Lincoln as those dead are laid at his feet.

Your call sign was just rejected as spam so crawl back under that rock.

And before you go, as for The Constitution, been a while since I read that one, it’s become quite unreadable after you and your ilk trampled all over it.

A Typical Patriot:

I tend to agree with that assessment. Last night appears to be the end of an era. Not that we have to stand meekly, but continue to stand up and fight for what we believe in. America has elected a Marxist and there is nothing to him that says otherwise. in fact there IS nothing to him but that he’s a Marxist socialist.

As for Dimwit101,

Let the child be. He’ll go away if you don’t give him attention. We shouldn’t reduce ourselves to engaging in childish conversations. Believe me, it’ll work miracles on your nerves.

Besides, the responsibility is now in the hands of Democrats. Just sit back and see things unravel with them behind the wheel; then we can show them AND the world – not just America – that they don’t have a single clue as to what they’ll be doing. Steve (author of the post) is right – it’s time for them to put up or shut up. If they don’t put up, we’ll make them shut up. We have the power to punish those we elect into office.

INRE the post: I heard today from a friend of mine looking at an article that someone did call Obama an “Uncle Tom” already…


Sorry, but I like to play “Goad the Troll”…they never pass GO, and they never collect their $200…..however, their hopes are high that Omammy will give them the $200 by simply robbing the bank….

Anyway…about that article you noted…nuff said….

Ralph Nader used “Uncle Tom.” He was rambling on about evil corporations. Only heard part of it and can’t give context because Shepherd Smith woke me up by raising his voice about the comment. The ending of the heated conversation was, Nader wouldn’t take it back. That’s all I know.

Oh! Found it!


“That’s the question he has to answer. He could become a great president, or he can become a toadie for the for the corporate power that have brought both parties to their knees against working people in this country, and have allowed our country to be hijacked by global corporations who have no allegiance to this country other than to ship its jobs and industries to fascists and communist dictators abroad who know how to keep their workers in their place. This is reality here – this is not show business, this is not celebrity politics; there are people suffering in this country, and we expect a great presidency from Barack Obama, and we’re going to try to hold his feet to the fire.”

“I just wonder, in hindsight, you wished you used a phrase other than ‘Uncle Tom’?”

[shamelessly]”Not at all.”

Heh…you beat me to it, Missy.

“Dat Obama, he ain’t one uv us!”

Is everybody missing this really important point? When Obama first announced his candidacy, that is exactly what many blacks called him, an Uncle Tom, a product of the white man, and they said he wasn’t black enough. When he defeated Hillary (she really got robbed) all that changed. Suddenly he was one of them.

How long will the spit shine last and how long until the same people get tired of the eloquent oratory that Obama energetically propels on the hoi polloi.


I think they only said that because they were doubtful that he’d ever get far. They didn’t think that he’ll be able to win the presidency, so they viewed him as a black man turned white because he was running for a white man’s office. When he beat Hillary and it was clear that he had a very good shot, they lined up behind him because of the color of his skin. It was a sort of “We’re going to show you racist bastards; we’re going to kick Whitey’s ass by taking over” deal that they supported. You don’t find many Alfonzo Rachel’s who support a candidate for his policies and how he’ll lead anymore.