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Hey! Does Joe want to run for office. I’d vote for him. He has great presence, is well spoken and he has something to say.

Best regards,
Gail S

We found “Joe six-pack”.

In his article “When You Spread the Wealth Around It’s Good For Everybody” dated 14 October, Morgan Freeberg at the blog “House of Eratosthenes” (see: has a great comeback:

You say you’re going to cut taxes for 95% of everybody. And yet the government you’ll be running will collect more revenue. Which means you’re going to be whacking the other five percent more than twenty times as hard as the amount by which the average among the 95 will see his taxes go down. That’s just sixth-grade math, isn’t it?

So what you’re asking us to believe is…some folks will be hit with tax increases, thirty or forty times as large as the other folks’ tax cuts. And, in the wake of that, they will not be changing their plans. Particularly with the businesses they run, and the jobs they would have been creating. Even a tiny bit. To the contrary, those businesses will be expanding more, with less capital, because you’ll be…uh…er…ya know…uh, telling ‘em to.

I think Obama needs to read Ayn Rand, “Atlas Shrugged”.

Obama just experienced his “Mondale Moment.”

Deaf Republicans blogspot has made an interesting observation regarding the make-up of business owners pulling in $250,000 or more:

According to a recent 2002 Census report black-owned businesses made $88 billion dollars and there were 1.2 million black-owned businesses in the United States. But here’s the interesting breakdown. Approximately 44,000 black-owned businesses out of 1.2 million black-owned businesses make over $250,000 a year which means that particular group make up almost 4% of the total black-owned businesses. A pretty small percentage. However, that 4% of the total businesses that make more than $250,000 a year make up 72% of all total receipts. And that 4% of the total black-owned businesses make up 83% of the total employees they hire and they account for 89% of the total annual payroll amount for all black-owned businesses. In other words, by taxing those 4% of black-owned business (assuming percentage-wise it hasn’t changed much to today) that make up 89% of the total annual payroll would have a direct impact on workers who stake their livelihoods working for black-owned businesses and their ability to survive in a cut-throat business competition would just get harder for these guys. And by taking money away from small, black-owned businesses they may be forced to lay off additional workers just to survive. This includes Ohio which is recognized for having some of the top black-owned businesses in the nation will face a very real prospect of seeing their companies get hit with higher taxes.

Here is the link to the 2002 census:

This guy’s questions revealed more about Obama and his ideology than a years worth of fauning MSM coverage.

i love the guy, he wasn’t intimidated by obama. he was asking a good question that needed asking and he hit the nail on head when he said it sounded like socialism. i love that he is such a normal guy and he explained himself very well on tv, he really should run for office.

This is one plumber whose philosophy and pipes both hold water.

“The society which scorns excellence in plumbing as a humble activity and tolerates shoddiness in philosophy because it is an exalted activity will have neither good plumbing nor good philosophy: neither its pipes nor its theories will hold water.”

John Gardner

The Gardiner quote describes Obama perfectly.

Curt: You beat me to it. When I first saw this interview I knew it would be on You Tube but you must have snagged it the second it came up.

This guy Joe Wurzelbacher is the average Joe who Obama claims he would try and help. Joe shows it aint so.

This should be made into an ad and run all over Ohio.

Expose the hypocrisy of Obama/Biden: they want to spread the wealth but both of them, who have boosted their incomes by being in public office, give very little to charity. And remember Obama’s slum-dwelling relatives.

If Obama really wanted to help out those at the bottom then he would have done so before he was running for president. The man’s a walking hypocrisy poster. I’m eighteen and I have to say the very idea of a socialistic move being thrown in by any presidential candidate is a slap to the face of our Founding Fathers. It’s like tearing the Constitution to pieces and then trampling all over the graves of Revolutionary War soldiers who fought to get AWAY from government in the first place.


– Stephen Harper won the elections.
– Polls where completely wrong as usual.


– He won a minority Government.
– Because of stupid leftist Quebeckers, Harper lost a majority Government. The ROC (Rest Of Canada) is mad at Quebec.

October 15, 2008 at 1:28AM EDT

OTTAWA — Stephen Harper’s Conservatives have won a stronger minority government on the strength of gains in Ontario and British Columbia.
But the Tories paid dearly for campaign missteps in Quebec, as their failure to make gains there was a big reason they are falling short of outright control of the Commons.

In two and half years of minority government, Mr. Harper had sought to woo Quebeckers, seeing them as the path to a majority government.

Read the rest:

P.S.: Hope Obama won’t win. I can’t imagine Harper dealing with stupid Obama. They are so different; night and day.

N.B.: There are 307 ridings in Canada. To have a majority, you have to win 155 seats. Here are the results of tonight’s elections:

143 Conservative
75 Liberal
48 Bloc Québécois
35 NDP (New Democratic Party)
2 Independant
0 Green Party

TAKE NOTE that Quebec has 75 ridings and only 10 went to Harper.

Congrats Craig.

If Joe was a Chicago Mayor Richard Daley crony, he would make alot more than $250,000!

As Ace says, “This is the election.”

Roll the tape:

And as J. D. Longstreet says on, if Obama wins this very well could be “The Last Election”.

I also like his piece, “Are the Dems Celebrating Too Soon?”


J.D. Longstreet – sounds like the name of a Confederate general. Maybe a forbear.

I don’t discount the contributions individual Southerners have made to our nation, particularly to our military. Nor do I deny the tremendous suffering the people of the South experienced during the Civil War. But I’ve always found it ironic that patriotism is presented as a crucial aspect of the Southern heritage. Particularly when a central aspect of the Southern heritage is that they went to war to separate themselves from our Republic, because they wanted to expand into the new territories their economy based on the use of other human beings as beasts of burden.

Actually, Dave Noble, the popular historic version of the Civil War is the slavery issue. The ugly fact is it was more about tariffs than slavery. But then, that’s a less popular rallying cry, isn’t it?

But tariffs… not slavery… is an issue that is still alive in today’s era as well.

Yah Craig, those crazy Quebecers. They always seem angry, snooty and are easily agitated by a sock puppet (Triumph, the insult comic dog).


Conceding your point for the sake of argument, the Southern states took up arms against the legitimate democratic government of the United States, because they failed to achieve their goals through the democratic process. Tariffs – now there’s something worth all the bloodshed that tore this nation apart.

What do William Ayres and the Confederate Army at Fort Sumter have in common?

They both attacked a federal facility.