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I would expect that fix from an out of touch elitest with ‘0’ knowledge of how things really work. Ever time he opens his mouth without a script he shows how little he knows, about anything. There is no cure for stupidity or BDS.

Hmm maybe Obama could reduce his traveling caravan by 1/4 too. UPS claims to have reduced their purchase of 3 million gallons of gas by making right turns and yes doing things like slowing down and inflating tires will help. If people would wear jackets they would burn less heating oil and firewood. It’s however not a good govermental energy plan and instead this is what people should and do by themselves.

Since my wife works for Goodyear, I’m gonna add that buying NEW TIRES more often helps too.

Hey! Maybe we can come up with a new term… like BODS?

Properly inflated tires can increase your efficiency by 10%. It’s a good idea to do but a bad idea to campaign on. Too many morons like Mike in the world.

Offshore drilling could eventually increase US production by 7%, or less than 2% worldwide (oil prices are subject to fungiblity). When the basic problem is supply and demand, 2% ain’t cutting it. As I said before, I do believe we need to drill wherever we can, but wake up to the fact that it is not the answer.

Over-inflating your tires will also increase your chances of having an accident which, in turn will lead to higher insurance rates for everyone which, in turn will lead to higher prices of everything because the trucking companies will just pass the increase along to…US. This guy’s retarded. He’s about as mentally acute as Sheryl Crowe with her one sheet of toilet paper idea.

Scott: How many gallons of oil does it take to produce each tire?

Fit Fit: NO ONE ever said that drilling was the ONLY answer! That’s another of the BIG LIES you folks like to tell.

Why, only Friday I reported that Republicans were pushing their “all of the above” plan which covers the entire spectrum of new energy and conservation options.

Perhaps instead of calling me a “moron” you should express your desire to drill to your pals in the House and Senate who have absolutely refused to even debate or vote on anything but their limited plans to punish speculators and raise taxes.

The bottom line is that there is enough energy available in this country just waiting to be safely exploited. And if we did start on the GOP “all of the above” approach it would change the dynamics of the world energy market.

the latest data available is 2005 on gasoline usage in cars andtrucks.We used 20 million bbls/day in 2005, and 41% was for transportation,or ca. 8 million bbl/day for transport.Inflating tires properly would yield at best about 1.5% according to the tire companies. Lets give him 2% savings on the assumption that most people havent paid any attn to this possibility.That yields about 160,000 bbls/day savings. At the most.Obama says we can get more from this then we can from drilling where the oil is in the US and continental shelf.Schumer and his friends say that after all Anwar would only produce 1 million bbls/day so why bother.And then there would be the cost of the “Tire Inflation Patrols” to be sure anyone not having the proper tire inflation is caught and punished.

Fit Fit: NO ONE ever said that drilling was the ONLY answer! That’s another of the BIG LIES you folks like to tell.

I think those shutting down congress until a vote comes on offshore drilling implies that it it a higher priority than anything else. If “all of the above” included regulations on speculation, we would likely be on our way to getting offshore drilling bans removed, at least in the senate. Pelosi wouldn’t be able to stand on her own.

You’ve sipped too much of your crude oil kool aid Fit Fit.

It is Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid who have shut down Congress by refusing to permit any debate or vote on anything but the Democrats own pathetic plan that mainly focuses on oil speculators.

The GOP in the Senate has oil speculation covered in their bill and would likely accept Reid’s bill with amemdments for drilling offshore and oil shale development:

Pelosi could have the same bi-partisam arrangement but she absolutely refused to do ANY bill which includes drilling.

Again, it would seem that if you support drilling, you might have a word with those clowns. Or have you concluded, like so many of us, that Reid and Pelosi really don’t give a damn what you think?

Well, I have heard tales that we all have a twin in the world – this seals it for me. Obama is Carter’s twin.

If I thought it would actually make more of a difference, I might be able to work up some outrage. Offshore drilling is the true “squirtgun for a burning house”. Reid is working for some sort of compromise, Pelosi is not.

Nay, Nay, Fit Fit. Error, Will Robinson… Plenty of speculator/speculation bills.

In fact, they’ve picked one already, and the House overwhelmingly passed HR6377 Jun 26, 08 – Energy Markets Emergency Act of 2008 which is all about speculators. It will then be up to the Senate.

To direct the Commodity Futures Trading Commission to utilize all its authority, including its emergency powers, to curb immediately the role of excessive speculation in any contract market within the jurisdiction and control of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, on or through which energy futures or swaps are traded, and to eliminate excessive speculation, price distortion, sudden or unreasonable fluctuations or unwarranted changes in prices, or other unlawful activity that is causing major market disturbances that prevent the market from accurately reflecting the forces of supply and demand for energy commodities.

Now… tell me again why the “all of above” proposal – which they won’t even schedule for debate – would “likely” be on our way if the legislation” just had speculation regs??? Not needed… already got one halfway there.

Alas… the DNC is playing politics, and acting as Al Gorbots, heeding the UN’s call for “global solidarity and cooperation” on climate warming, and recognizing that they, as a national parliament “have a stake” in AGW.

Translation? They’ll talk energy. But they won’t talk about anything that offends their environmentally sensitive AGW noses. And oil and coal fit that category.

Then again, with Ted Kennedy and Mitt Romney teaming up in the past to kill a wind farm, enviros worried about impact studies on weeds and turtles from solar farms, Audabon types worried about wind mills and birds, I doubt we’ll get the alternative energies thru without a hitch. So I’d plan on being on petroleum for quite some time.

And today, Obama is pushing his solution to the energy problem: MORE TAXES!

Can anyone cite an example of where a new TAX on something actually made it cheaper and more plentiful?

Democrats are stuck on stupid and depending on their likeminded sheep to follow right on along.

If McCain can’t drive a truck through this opening, he doesn’t deserve to win.

If McCain can’t drive a truck through this opening, he doesn’t deserve to win.

He’ll probably forget if he’s for it or against it. Then his aides will again have to point out that he doesn’t speak for the campaign.

Obama’s theoretically correct:

Bush used this too, but under a safety issue:

Lastly, Obama also said tune-ups were part of the ‘individual’ equation also.

In the end, he could have articulated his line of argument better, driving slower, car pooling, regular and proper maintenance, walking, if possible, instead of driving…. But he’s too cautious and clumsy, as the concern for public insult and disrespect appears to be more forefront then the message itself.

America is consumer culture, one leg on the sofa-bench, in front of the tv, the other leg on the gas peddle; to move that kind of lazy “mammoth” you need more than some clumsy honest words, you need a cultural paradigm shift.

Bravo Obama. What a plan. Inflate your tires. That will surely get more oil on the market and drop prices. Sounds like the “drive less and wait for wind power” comment. What a bufoon. And you actually like this guy????

I phoned someone I know in the auto repair business to tell him about this story and, well, after he laughed for 5 minutes (really loud, too…I had to hold the phone a few inches from my ear), he let me know what a crock of poo poo that was!!! And, after few more expletives about Obama, said he’s looney tunes!

Reality has left the building, we are now in fit fit land which is right next to la la land. Democraps, can’t live with um and can’t out cheat them at the polls.

You know as much as I dislike Obama, this is a great improvement for him. It’s a considerably better plan than HOPE, CHANGE & Taxes.

“Tire Inflation We Can Believe In”
“YES We can Inflate Our Tires”

Maybe by the time November rolls around he can come up with a real plan. Well, if no one has inflated the tires, November might not have enough gas to get here.

If he’s elected, be ready to go back to a 55 mph max (or 65 which is is closer to the optimum), ala Mr. Peanut, because that DOES save gas.

As to inflating tires? Edmunds tested it and said . . .

“… they deliver better gas mileage. How much? In this test we saw a modest difference in two of the cars. It might have been more dramatic with different tires on different cars. Experts swear by it; we couldn’t really document it.”

Not exactly a rousing endorsement, and since they couldn’t give numbers, it won’t get us the savings Obie claims. Maybe when he tested it, his obameter was malfunctioining?

For you investers out there, if Obie is elected, and we have to slow to 55 and one day trips then take 2, Motel stocks might start looking pretty good.

And that won’t be all Obama does, since his rhetoric and advisors and policies all indicate he’ll be prince Jimmah the second, or, most likely, much worse. And why not, he’s as clueless as Carter. Here’s what he wants to do with the economy.

Oh, yes, and for all the worry over not wanting to appear like a Muslim, I wouldn’t have thought he would want to say “blow up” with regard to anything.

Yeah, right. I’ll go do that. In fact while your at it go the extra mile and set-up tire inflation check points and have your tune-up reciepts, like ID cards ready for proof. You can set up these check points like sobriety check points.


LOL. I think you have them pegged! What will it be, a Class TUUT (pronounced “toot”) felony? (“TU” for “tune up” and “UT” for “underinflated tire”)