The Black Radio Support For Obama


Quite interesting that in this article from the NYT’s about black radio talk show hosts being the answer to Limbaugh, they never mention black talk show hosts like Larry Elder. Shocker! But the article is something that should be read for no other reason to see how much race is a factor in this election. If you are black and NOT behind Obama then something just has to be wrong with you….right?

Warren Ballentine, one of black talk radio’s new stars, was on a tear against Senator John McCain as he broadcast from the Greenbriar Mall here last week, blithely dismissing Mr. McCain’s kind words about Senator Barack Obama at the recent N.A.A.C.P. national convention.

“He came out talking about how good of a race Barack Obama was running, and how proud he was of Barack,” Mr. Ballentine said. “You know he went back home and said, ‘I can’t believe I spoke in front of all those Negroes today!’ ”

Yeah, thats what McCain did. How insulting and ignorant.

The article goes on to note how some in the black community are upset that Obama has sorta shunned them as the general election got underway in an effort to get the white vote which in all honesty makes sense. The black community are behind Obama because he is black, period. Doesn’t matter that he is the closest thing to a Marxist we’ve seen come around in a long time….no, what matters is his skin color. Examples are given in the article itself:

One caller to Mr. Ballentine’s show last week laid out some boundaries for him, as well: “All of us coming down on him and criticizing him before we give him a chance, you know, that might hurt his campaign — let’s get him in there first,” the caller said. Mr. Ballentine responded, “Brother, I would never criticize him — until he’s in the White House.”

How special.

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We knew where all the racism was coming from, now the black talk show host prove it. Black America is totally racist, why? They use racism to get ‘freebies’ from the taxpayers so the sorry among them (90% of the black population) don’t have to work. Maybe now even the moonbats will wake up and quit falling for the pity party.

scrap, if they admitted that it would go against everything they believe. its all the evil conservatives that are racist, we are still getting the memo’s on that. its funny how its okay for thembut not okay for anyone else.

Jeremiah Wright, a former Muslim, laid the ground work for racial slur. If Whites want to vote for Whites, that’s OK too.

We knew where all the racism was coming from, now the black talk show host prove it. Black America is totally racist, why? They use racism to get ‘freebies’ from the taxpayers so the sorry among them (90% of the black population) don’t have to work. Maybe now even the moonbats will wake up and quit falling for the pity party.

I think making statements suggesting that 90% of blacks are freeloaders is pretty telling about you and anyone else who agrees with you. You’re part of the reason people have a negative image of conservatives when it comes to race.

We knew where all the racism was coming from, now the black talk show host prove it. Black America is totally racist, why? They use racism to get ‘freebies’ from the taxpayers so the sorry among them (90% of the black population) don’t have to work. Maybe now even the moonbats will wake up and quit falling for the pity party.

Angry white racist! Nicely done! This reads like an excerpt from The Complete Idiot’s Guide To Bigotry. If you could only keep this kind of crap up for three hours a day, you could get your own radio talk show.

Jeremiah Wright, a former Muslim

Now you’re just making stuff up.

I don’t even come close to agreeing with this freebies drivel. However, I do believe that the generation to generation of African Americans who have been held down by their own familial patterns and blaming their situations on the limitations supposedly set on their race by the whites is pretty prevalent. This is not different from their White counterparts who are “welfare families” generation after generation because they sincerely do not know any different nor how to break the pattern. Racism exists! But so does sexism, ageism, and countless other isms that will exist as long as humans feel the need to feel superior and powerful over other human beings (good old boy mentality shared by lots and lots of folks).

I think it is becoming difficult for any member of the black race to keep “blaming” their plight on racism since a black man is running for the highest office in the nation. And so many upscale commercials now use African American’s to represent their costly goods (and they wouldn’t do that if there wasn’t an audience relating to these commercials with the means and the interest in purchasing them).

I agree, I think the mental barriers are a greater problem than the external ones. But I also believe it’s best for our country if we work to improve both.

Obama has said welfare is one of the reasons for the failures of the black family structure. He has also repeatly said government can’t and shouldn’t do everything. I don’t think I’ve ever heard another “liberal” who talked like that (even if he means it or not).

This is driving the dittoheads berserk.

And that’s a very good thing.

It’s always amusing when middle-class whites (Flopping Aces core demographic) declare racism no longer exists.

Except on the part of such as Reverend Wright.

Ha. Ha.

“He came out talking about how good of a race Barack Obama was running, and how proud he was of Barack,” Mr. Ballentine said. “You know he went back home and said, ‘I can’t believe I spoke in front of all those Negroes today!’ ”

Uh….yeah…and I’m sure he probably went back home and said it right to the face of his “brown daughter”, Bridget.

Obama has said welfare is one of the reasons for the failures of the black family structure. He has also repeatly said government can’t and shouldn’t do everything. I don’t think I’ve ever heard another “liberal” who talked like that (even if he means it or not).

Really now, Fit… that must have been a rare moment for BHO. Because it sure belies his entire domestic policy foundation. He is a firm affirmative action policy guy. And his insistance that the government can supply/create jobs indicates he most certainly *does* believe the government is the end all solution. Uh… words *do* matter. Especially when those words, weighed against his specific proposals, indicate he says anything that makes the crowds swoon and feel “hope”.

From a NYTs article on his Unity 08 speech after his Euro vacation..

Mr. Obama also answered questions about issues of importance to the journalists in attendance, like immigration, affirmative action, reparations and apologies for slavery, and the treatment Native Americans.

“I think that there’s no doubt that when it comes to our treatment of Native Americans as well as other persons of color in this country,” Mr. Obama said, “we’ve got some very sad and difficult things to account for.”

If elected president, he said he would encourage a discussion of a whole range of issues concerning the legacy of such things as slavery. He stopped short of saying an Obama administration would offer any formal apologies.

“The most important thing for the U.S. government to do is not just offer words, but offer deeds,” he said, adding later, “The best reparations we can provide are good schools in the inner city and jobs for people who are unemployed.”

Mr. Obama told the group he was a strong supporter of affirmative action “when properly structured” to take into account not only race but economic hardship and lack of opportunity.

You can get the speech “free” from Democracy Now, but only after you make a donation…. uh, okay.

By the time he’s done creating all the new government entities he has planned (all of which require civilian employment), funding alternative energies, and making all departments databases transparent by getting the data online (an expensive proposition in itself, and requiring a lot of govt employees to do so), the feds will take over being the largest employer in the US. And that is not a good thing for the nation.

I think Larry Kudlow’s NRO article back in Feb said it best…

Obama unveiled much of his economic strategy in Wisconsin this week: He wants to spend $150 billion on a green-energy plan. He wants to establish an infrastructure investment bank to the tune of $60 billion. He wants to expand health insurance by roughly $65 billion. He wants to “reopen” trade deals, which is another way of saying he wants to raise the barriers to free trade. He intends to regulate the profits for drug companies, health insurers, and energy firms. He wants to establish a mortgage-interest tax credit. He wants to double the number of workers receiving the earned-income tax credit and triple this benefit for minimum-wage workers.

The Obama spend-o-meter is now up around $800 billion. And tax hikes on the rich won’t pay for it. It’s the middle class that will ultimately shoulder this fiscal burden in terms of higher taxes and lower growth.
The Wall Street Journal’s Steve Moore has done the math on Obama’s tax plan. He says it will add up to a 39.6 percent personal income tax, a 52.2 percent combined income and payroll tax, a 28 percent capital-gains tax, a 39.6 percent dividends tax, and a 55 percent estate tax.

Not only is Obama the big-spending candidate, he’s also the very-high-tax candidate. And what he wants to tax is capital.


Obama believes he can use government, and not free markets, to drive the economy. But on taxes, trade, and regulation, Obama’s program is anti-growth. A President Obama would steer us in the social-market direction of Western Europe, which has produced only stagnant economies down through the years. It would be quite an irony. While newly emerging nations in Eastern Europe and Asia are lowering the tax penalties on capital — and reaping the economic rewards — Obama would raise them. Low-rate flat-tax plans are proliferating around the world. Yet Obama completely ignores this. American competitiveness would suffer enormously under Obama, as would job opportunities, productivity, and real wages.

The man is not only a foreign policy idiot, he’s an economic nightmare.

The spectre that Wright was a former Muslim was first raised by Ryan Lizza at the New Republic in March of 2007, saying:

After many lectures like this, Obama decided to take a second look at Wright’s church. Older pastors warned him that Trinity was for “Buppies”–black urban professionals–and didn’t have enough street cred. But Wright was a former Muslim and black nationalist who had studied at Howard and Chicago, and Trinity’s guiding principles–what the church calls the “Black Value System”–included a “Disavowal of the Pursuit of Middleclassness.'”

I do not know if this has been disproved, or verified. Nor do I care. Wright’s associations with Farrakhan, and his fundamental Black Theology beliefs do not play in BHO’s favor – either as the foundation for his own racially oriented Christianity (rather an oxymoron in itself…), nor with Wright as a close associate.

But the “Wright was a Muslim” comment is not a thought pulled out of the blue by AdrianS.

Mr. Obama told the group he was a strong supporter of affirmative action “when properly structured” to take into account not only race but economic hardship and lack of opportunity.

Taking out race and gender as the sole determining factors in affirmative action is evidence that we have moved forward. As someone who grew up very poor and rather white, I for one embrace this.

I’m sorry if I don’t trust exactly trust Steve Moore when it comes honesty in “math”. Truth be told, neither candidate is currently proposing anything approaching a fiscally responsible economic plan.

“I think making statements suggesting that 90% of blacks are freeloaders is pretty telling about you and anyone else who agrees with you. You’re part of the reason people have a negative image of conservatives when it comes to race.”

I have to agree Fit Fit, it is not accurate and serves no purpose.

There always has been and always will be racism and sexism…
The key is if that person acts on it or not…

I may want to kick the crap out of someone that wronged me but I don’t do it because it’s wrong.

One of the best experiences for me during my time in the Air Force was meeting and working with people from many races and the opposite sex..
I learned even more to judge people by their actions not apperance…

Agreed that neither candidates are “fiscally responsible”, Fit. However one is most decidedly more fiscally irresponsible. Thus my bet in this dog race is governed by whom I wish to lose.

You need not trust Moore’s math. Just go to BHO’s site, and start adding up his proposals, figure out how much that will raise taxes on both middle and upper class. I’ve heard 60% tax bracket for “the rich” and as high as 45% for the $200k + group.

But there’s no doubt, by the time he raises taxes first by sunsetting the Bush tax cuts, then gives his lower income tax cut (which might end up a break even proposition…), then start adding taxes back on for his energy, education and affirmative action policies, health care…. our tax rates will be astromonical, our fuel and energy prices will remain high because of his stubborn refusal to address oil needs while transitioning to supplemental alternative energies, and his refusal to erect nuke plants.

I repeat, he’s an economic nightmare for capitalism, and a walking icon for Marxism/socialism – the first baby step towards Communism. If he gets in, and does what he promises on the campaign trail, the nation will vehemently resist…. if they can.

INRE your comment:

Taking out race and gender as the sole determining factors in affirmative action is evidence that we have moved forward. As someone who grew up very poor and rather white, I for one embrace this.

Uh oh… so now that affirmative action isn’t solely benefitting *other* minorities or individuals, it gets your stamp of approval? Then you are missing the argument against “preferences” itself. As Ward Connerly says, when people call him the “nation’s most outspoken opponent of race preferences.”, that makes no explanation for *why* he opposes preferences. And I love Ward, BTW…

It is his words here that will best convey my comments to you, Fit:

As a product of the 1960s, I believe devoutly in “civil rights.” By that, I believe that every American has the right to expect to be treated equally in the public domain — voting, education, employment, contracting — when that individual interacts with his or her government. Thus, “civil rights” are not just for black people. They are for every American and are basic rights to be applied by every government agency operating with taxpayer funds.


There are now those who seem to believe that civil rights are just for black people or other “people of color” or women. Those who harbor this belief are not true civil rights “activists;” they are civil rights frauds.

For me, the Bradley Prize was a critical validation that there is at least one major institution of American life that understands and appreciates my view that the principle of equal treatment under the law is a basic American ideal worth fighting to retain. And, for that, I am profoundly grateful and enormously energized to continue this modern-day civil rights movement.

The validation is not just a personal one, however. It is for, and of, all those who are working tirelessly, in ways big and small, to defeat the mantra of “diversity” and to reinstate the principle of equality as a fundamental “civil right” for all Americans. snip….

Affirmative action is a system of preferences, Fit. It doesn’t matter whether those preferences do or do not include your hypenated American class and/or race. “Diversity”, a word that pretty much makes Connerly’s ears blow steam, is – again in his own words, “the antithesis of a merit-based, colorblind government.

BTW, Obama opposes Connerly on this stance. BHO’s comments on affirmative action?

The spokeswoman, Candice Tolliver, is quoted as saying: “Sen. Obama believes in a country in which opportunity is available to all Americans, regardless of their race, gender or economic status. That’s why he opposes these ballot initiatives, which would roll back opportunity for millions of Americans and cripple efforts to break down historic barriers to the progress of qualified women and minorities.”

Affirmative action that benefits one party, disadvantages the other party… all despite individual merit. Yet BHO believes that, despite civil rights legislation in place that allows for injured parties to seek legal recourse, affirmative action is the only way to give opportunity to his version of “all Americans”…. which are, of course, his select minorities.

Horse manure. He seeks favoritism as a form of “reparation”