Flight 93 Memorial Blogburst: Muslims Can Earn Goodwill By Helping To Stop The Crescent Plot


Blogburst logo, August 2nd

Al Qaeda’s 9/11 sneak attack cast suspicion on all Muslims. After the hijackers hid amongst us, pretending to be trustworthy friends while plotting acts of war, how can we know that other Muslims are not doing the same?

American Muslims could undo much of this suspicion by helping to expose the terrorist memorial mosque that architect Paul Murdoch is trying to plant on the Flight 93 crash site.

Non-Muslim Americans can tell themselves that the Mecca orientation of the giant crescent is esoteric or unimportant (even if they go by semi-Islamic sounding names like Allahpundit), but every Muslim will instantly recognize this orientation as the central symbol of Islam.

Other Americans can also get confused about the direction to Mecca, thinking that the northeast facing crescent memorial CAN’T point to Mecca because Mecca is south of us. Not American Muslims, who all know that the shortest-distance direction to Mecca is to the northeast, since the overwhelming majority of them face this direction for prayer:


A person facing into the Crescent of Embrace (which remains completely intact in the “broken circle” redesign) will be facing almost exactly at Mecca (the Muslim “qibla,” or prayer direction.)

Similarly with the Tower of Voices. Unbelievers can look up the minaret-like Tower and not recognize that the crescent projected against the sky is an Islamic crescent, but every Muslims will instantly recognize its specifically Islamic geometry (covering about 2/3rds of a circle of arc, with a circular inner arc):

Flight 93 Tower and Uppsala mosque

Flight 93 tower, left. Uppsala mosque, right. Crescent topped minarets are a familiar sight in much of the Islamic world (including Sweden).

If American Muslims DON’T help to stop this al Qaeda sympathizing architect from building an Islamic memorial to the 9/11 terrorists, when many who are less familiar with Islamic symbolism are stepping up, what will it say about their loyalties? How can these fellow countrymen claim to not warrant the suspicion that al Qaeda has cast onto all Muslims if they will not help stop an al Qaeda attack that is more easily recognizable to them than to anyone else?

On the other hand, if American Muslims DO step up and expose this al Qaeda sympathizing plot against their new homeland, it will demonstrate that they ARE trustworthy friends.

This loyalty to America is what is what the rest of America wants to see. Is it what our Muslim countrymen want?

EVERYONE is encouraged to please sign our petition against the crescent mosque, and please come to Somerset PA on Saturday August 2nd to help Tom Burnett Sr. protest the crescent design.

To join our blogbursts, just send your blog’s url.

Written by Alec Rawls

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Non-Muslim Americans can tell themselves that the Mecca orientation of the giant crescent is esoteric or unimportant

You took the words right out of my mouth. It’s esoteric and unimportant. Good call.

If American Muslims DON’T help to stop this al Qaeda sympathizing architect from building an Islamic memorial to the 9/11 terrorists, when many who are less familiar with Islamic symbolism are stepping up, what will it say about their loyalties?

What demagogic, bullying B.S.! If they don’t sign your petition, they’re traitors? How about this:

If American Muslims DON’T help to stop this al Qaeda sympathizing architect from building an Islamic memorial to the 9/11 terrorists inane bout of ginned-up outrage over nothing, when many who are less familiar with Islamic symbolism are stepping up there are many, many far more pressing issues to deal with in this world, what will it say about their loyalties sanity?

There: fixed.

I still don’t understand why the American Muslim community isn’t outraged at having anything even resembling an Islamic theme to the site. Such a theme-to me-makes the idea that the war on terror is a war against Islam, and that Islam is responsible for the 911 attacks.

Flip the coin…
A group of American fundamentalists who claim to believe in a warped sense of Christianity, hijack a plane and crash it in the name of Jesus Christ. The plane was headed for the Islamic Republic of Iran’s Parliament building in Tehran, but some of the passengers thwarted the attack. Would the Iranians allow a memorial shaped like a cross, or an X or a T or anything resembling Christianity? No way. If it was Israeli religious extremists who did it, and left a crater outside Mecca, would they allow a memorial shaped even closely to a Star of David? No way.

The memorial should be redesigned. There are better designs available, and having been to Shanksville days after the attacks as well as several times since…I think the place is somber and respectful enough as is.

Imagine this scenario:

In Mississippi, a group of thousands of Buddhists are murdered by the KKK. The memorial to the victims consists of a large “cross of embrace” (or anything that could be associated with Christianity would work as well). In this scenario, we would hope that Christians (and all sane people) vehemently reject anything which resembles Christianity to be associated with the slaughter, especially when the KKK invokes Christian symbols and Christianity as part of their identity. This would be true regardless of the intent of the artist.

Why aren’t Muslims (and all sane people) rejecting the “Crescent of Embrace” when it can be so easily interpreted as being associated with Islam, even if the artist claims it’s not.

So true Bruce. I only mentioned Muslims as a group because the memorial design/crescent/Mosque issue is Muslim.

As a Christian, I wouldn’t want a cross, a T, an X, or anything remotely resembling Christianity around a site of a mass murder committed by a group of death cultists who use Christianity as an excuse for the mass murder.

Any plans to eliminate the third letter of the alphabet?

Any plans to eliminate the third letter of the alphabet?

Good question, and, frankly, anyone who does not advocate eliminating the letter C from the alphabet is of questionable patriotism.

On a related note: an actual crescent moon appears in our skies a couple of times a month. I know that they can’t do anything to change the whole astrophysics of planetary movement, but I question the motives of any Muslim astronomer who does not at least denounce the appearance of a crescent moon. Surely they understand that their failure to do so makes all White Christians nervous–if they don’t denounce the waxing or waning moon, what might they do next?

To DW 5000: It isn’t just Muslims whose loyalties are going to be revealed by this episode. You, for instance, reveal yourself completely as someone who would gladly try to protect an enemy plot when you think its exposure will be damaging to the left-wing politics that you subscribe to. The left has been trying desperately to lose the war in Iraq for five years. Democrats voted 40 times in 2007 to try to defund the war effort and hand Iraq over to Iran and al Qaeda. All of this depends on fooling the American people into thinking that the terrorist threat is overblown.

Exposure of the al Qaeda mosque that is being built in Pennsylvania will be a powerful reminder of the lesson of 9/11: that the people we are at war with–the followers of al Qaeda’s murder-cult version of Islam–operate by hiding amongst us, pretending to be trustworthy friends while plotting acts of war. Architect Paul Murdoch epitomizes this modus operandi of the opportunistic sneak attack, and his plot is every bit as ambitious in its own way as the 9/11 attacks. Having the nature of the enemy threat exposed again in what will be one of the biggest scandals in American history will be devastating to your politics, so you make up excuses for avoiding and suppressing the truth.

You are not so stupid that you cannot recognize the crescent and star configuration of the Crescent of Embrace design. No one is. You are not so stupid that you cannot comprehend the significance of the crescent pointing to Mecca–THE central symbol of the Islamic religion. You are WILLFULLY blind to these things, and actively seek whatever dishonest excuses you can come up with for convincing your fellows that there is nothing to see here. YOU are revealed as a traitor.

As for Muslims, there are not a lot of data points yet, but to this point, Muslims are looking a lot more honest than the left. In 2006 I talked to a thoroughly traditional Imam from the Somerset area. When I showed him the Mecca orientation of the giant crescent, he declared the crescent design to be a slander on Islam, and promised to help fight it.

Also, the Muslims Against Sharia folks have joined our blogbursts, and are committed to helping us stop this abomination.

As yet, I don’t think think that Muslims as a whole are any more aware of this enemy plot than other Americans. The press (particularly the Pennsylvania press) has been very successful in suppressing the facts of this story. When the broader public does learn of the truth, I suspect that Muslims will be much more against the crescent mosque than leftists, who are utterly committed to lying about everything forever. Whatever serves the left’s ambition for power.

You are WILLFULLY blind to these things, and actively seek whatever dishonest excuses you can come up with for convincing your fellows that there is nothing to see here.

Wrong again. I see everything–all the stupidity that is here to see–in the guise of your “blogburst.”

YOU are revealed as a traitor.

Then have me charged and put me on trial, dumbass. Otherwise, shut up.

Ah: this is interesting:

My training is as an economist. I was in the PhD program in economics at Stanford until my research led me more towards moral theory and constitutional law, at which point I dropped the program and started working on my own.

Read: “I couldn’t hack it in the PhD program, got booted out, and had to find something else to do to stay in school so my folks wouldn’t kick me out of the basement.”

I was writing a book on republicanism (the system of liberty under law) for World Ahead Publishing when I discovered that the Flight 93 memorial was going to be a terrorist memorial mosque.

Read: “I found all that research and stuff to be too difficult, so I switched to something that doesn’t need research. With the Fight 93 memorial stuff, all I have to do is rant. Much easier on the gray matter, and I can do it all right here in my pajamas. Besides, the people at the library were getting upset with all the Cheetoh dust I was leaving in the books. This new direction is simply win-win all the way around.”

DW 5000 wrote:

“Then have me charged and put me on trial, dumbass. Otherwise, shut up.”

Don’t start crying about spilt milk now Dink Weed. You have already revealed yourself on this issue. It WILL become one of the biggest scandals in American history, and you have put yourself on the record as blocking for the hijacker.

So have a lot of leftists. TBogg is on the record trying to expunge key evidence about the Park Service’s fraudlent internal investigation. One of their so-called experts, a professor of Sharia law from Indiana State University (WTF?), acknowledged the similarity of the giant Mecca-oriented crescent and the mihrab around which every mosque is built, but told the Park Service not to worry about it because no one had ever seen a mihrab anywhere near this BIG before:

Thirdly, most mihrabs are small, rarely larger than the figure of a man, although some of the more ornamental ones can be larger, but nothing as large at [sic] the crescent found in the site design. It is unlikely that most Muslims would walk into the area of the circle/crescent and see a mihrab because it is well beyond their limit of experience. Again, just because it is similar does not make it the same.

The Park Service has not released this quote, and did not want anyone to know that they accepted this blatantly dishonest excuse for not being concerned about the Mecca oriented crescent, but Professor Jaques went and posted his entire statement to the Park Service on a TBogg comment thread. When this was exposed, TBogg went and deleted the comment for Jaques. He directly assisted in covering up evidence of an enemy plot.

Dink Weed isn’t in that class, but he is just like the hundred or so TBogg commentators who put themselves on the record making up excuses for the crescent mosque that are every bit as dishonest as Jaques’. You found your niche Dink Weed. Congratulations.

This just in from the Department of Non Sequiturs:

DW 5000 wrote:

“Then have me charged and put me on trial, dumbass. Otherwise, shut up.”

Don’t start crying about spilt milk now Dink Weed.

The idea, Alec, is that the things you type are supposed to make sense within some context. This, alas, does not. One wonders what “spilt milk” you’re referring to. You don’t seem to know what this idiom means.

It WILL become one of the biggest scandals in American history

Please read that sentence again and think about what it means. Hyperbole has its uses, but sometimes it gets in the way of rational discussion. At times, it just makes the writer seem spittle-flecked.

a professor of Sharia law from Indiana State University (WTF?)

Again, what is it that you’re not understanding–that somebody teaches Islamic studies, or that Indiana State University exists?

Dink Weed isn’t in that class, but he is just like the hundred or so TBogg commentators who put themselves on the record making up excuses for the crescent mosque that are every bit as dishonest as Jaques’.

Alec, you might want to invest in some of those reading comprehension lessons you wingnuts are always writing about. Far from “making up excuses for the crescent mosque,” I don’t care one way or the other. Protip: “excuse” is another one of those words you might want to look up some time; you can’t just toss it into any random sentence and expect to make sense.

It is fun watching you get the vapors, though.

In 2001 Islamofascist terrorists hijacked Flight 93 murdering 40 people on board. There were no Islamic people on that flight. There were Islamofascist terrorists. What possible reason could be there for including anything Islamic or anything even resembling an Islamic symbol into Flight 93 Memorial? Inclusion of Islamic symbols memorializes murderers who brought down the plane and is tantamount to spitting in the faces of victims and their families. United Airlines Flight 93 was hijacked in 2001. Let’s not allow hijacking of Flight 93 Memorial in 2008. We, as Americans, owe it to the heroes of Flight 93!


That a Los Angeles architect would sneak a terrorist memorial mosque into our design competition is only a small scandal. It is not even a surprise. Of course the enemy would enter our design competition, and try to win a memorial to their heroes instead of ours, and as we learned on 9/11, the enemy is already hiding amongst us.

The serious scandal is the number of people in the Park Service, in the Media, and in academia, who are doing everything they can to keep the facts from the public. Here the DW’s are a kind of epi-phenomenon. They don’t actually affect anything, but they do show us how their minds work, while most of those engaged in the actual cover up try to be as tight lipped as they can.

DW’s statement that he doesn’t care one way or the other whether the design is actually a terrorist memorial mosque is typical. Numerous TBoggers said the same thing, and they completely mean it. There is no such thing as reality to these people. There is only interpretation, which is what they were actually taught at university. That is the essence of post-modernism: the claim that there is no such thing as truth, only power.

Numerous spokesmen for the Memorial Project have said the same thing: that people who want to see Islamic symbolism in the memorial will always find a way (as if we could see a giant Mecca oriented crescent if architect Paul Murdoch did not put it there). What they are really expressing is their choice not to see what they don’t want to see, as if that will make the giant Mecca oriented crescent go away. These are practicing post-modernists.

DW claims he is not making excuses, but of course he is. Post modern leftists HAVE to make excuses because there IS such a thing as truth, and to come up with interpretations that suit their quest for power, leftists have to find ways to evade the truth. What they become is truth evading machines. They are self-lobotomized moral and logical idiots.

DW is a perfect example, claiming that a terrorist memorial mosque is as innocuous as the letter “C.” He gloms on to every dodge that presents itself, no matter how absurd. He literally cannot grasp even the CONCEPT thinking straight because it simply isn’t how his mind works. He is constantly striving NOT to think straight–constantly seeking excuses to avoid or dismiss reason and evidence that conflicts with his presumptions–which of course is easy to do, especially when he does not care how absurd his excuses are. No one can MAKE him think straight, and this appears to him as a kind of power.

I’ve come to the conclusion that those who put themselves into this paper bag have so disabled their mental faculties that they can never break out. It is absurd really. Nothing is keeping these people from thinking straight except their bizarre decision that what they really want to do is AVOID thinking straight. But it turns out to be a powerful decision, and the proof is in the pudding. None of these people ever DO escape from the paper bag.

The best example is Vietnam. Intentionally losing the Vietnam war may be the most evil deed ever committed by a free people, yet the vast majority of those who favored handing Vietnam to the Communists still look at this as their finest hour, and still think of themselves as moral people. They are simply incapable normal moral reflection, and will never let even a hint of intellectual honesty creep into their brains on this matter. The most evil deed EVER committed by a free people, and the mainstream leftists who make up the Democratic Party are so proud of it that they tried for five years to do the same thing in Iraq.

The vast majority who commit themselves to thinking backwards (to finding excuses to dismiss reason and evidence that conflicts with their presumptions) will NEVER escape it. They will be logical and moral idiots for the rest of their lives. It is an incurable cancer, and it has matastasized to most of the information sectors of our society: academia, the mainstream media, the Democratic Party, the foundations, the AMA the ABA, numerous un-firable government bureaucracies.

One hope is that these giant scandals–the global warming hoax, the cover up of Murdoch’s terrorist memorial mosque–will wake people up to the pervasive culture of lies that is the Democrat half of America. Fingers crossed.

DW claims he is not making excuses, but of course he is.

Pray tell me of my excuses. List my excuses. Use quotes, please–no fair making stuff up. Finally, relate your quotes to the generally-accepted definition of the noun “excuse”: “an explanation offered as a reason for being excused.”

Rots o’ ruck.

Interesting thread of comments. The correct analogy to “imagine” is “Swastica of Embrace” for WWII victims. The people who refuse to recognize this are idiots and blind. This memorial cannot be more jehadi if it tried. Taxpayer funded abortion is just like this. Violent revolution will come. Just because a minority of stupid people inhabit this country does not validate the “Crescent of Embrace”. You cannot suck tax money from God-honoring people and think Santan-worship can continue for long without revolution.