Barack’s Disingenuous Excuses


We’ve become accustomed to Barack Obama making disingenuous statements but this one takes the cake:

“I believe in personal responsibility, I also believe in faith. That’s not something new; I’ve been talking about that for years. So the notion that this is me trying to look” – he waves his hands around his head – “centrist is not true.”

Uh yeah. He’s flipped over FISA, guns, public financing, and gay marriage. And thats only recently. To say he has been trying to look more centrist is an understatement and any attempt by him to dismiss this as some kind of fraudulent accusation makes him look more disingenuous.

Yuval Levin has it right:

But when he makes such moves so easily and shamelessly and then denies that he has changed at all, can we be blamed if we conclude he’s just playing us for suckers and will revert to his very liberal origins (as demonstrated by his very liberal voting record) if he becomes president?

Nope, can’t be blamed at all. He WILL revert back to his origins, which is pure unadulterated liberalism…and not in the classic sense either. More like the Socialist sense.

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“He’s flipped over FISA, guns, public financing, and gay marriage.”

He’s going back and forth on Iraq, too. Like I told my dad today, I expect Obama to eventually try to take credit for the surge. If that day comes, we’ll all see McCain’s famous temper in action.

That’s right, Curt, if he wins the election, he’ll flip right back to liberalism. That’s how the game is played, politics is said to be ‘civilized warfare’. The exact same can be said for McCain that Levin said for Obama; both are working their way into the white American dum-dum creme pie center.

But Look at it this way, at least this time his supporters won’t be circulating a rumor that McCain fathered a black child!

I don’t it’s so much disingenuous, as just plain lying.

Barry O’Bama is a liar.

Doug: Are you honestly trying to suggest that McCain would govern more right than he is running?

I’d like to think so, but McCain’s record suggests the opposite. Compromise and bipartisanship are his middle name.

No, Mike, I’m not. McCain is moving, or ‘flipping’, more right, too.

Obama is not flipping or changing.

He is the center of the Universe and he is standing still and simply everything else is flipping around him.

Get with the program people!