Socialists Claim Bush Preparing to Attack Iran (again)


If memory serves me correctly, Scott Ritter was the first to jump on this horse back in 2003 when he claimed that “he knew” of plans by the Bush Admin to attack Iran, and that it was gonna happen in June or July of 2004 so they could use it as an election issue.  Yawn. 

Still waiting. 

Still waiting for that draft that the left has been claiming was gonna happen too.

Oh well, at least this time we can see who’s pimping the propaganda-socialists.  No really


Just as almost all of the disinformation about the Iraq War stems from socialist propaganda (appears there first), so too is it now.   Yet, people will believe it.  They’ll believe President Bush is attacking Iran, and that Iran is a poor little defenseless, benign, non-threatening country with chocolate rivers, gumdrop trees, and cotton candy clouds.

(meanwhile, in the background hundreds of thousands are gathered to scream as one, “DEATH TO AMERICA!  DEATH TO AMERICA!”)

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Mos t of the speculation about impending war with Iran concentrates on who wins the election in November.

The conventioal wisdom if John McCain wins is that president Bush will not launch any attack since everyone knows that Senator McCain is just itching to start a war with Tehran (he has even sung sungs about it).

On the other hand, if Barak Obama wins in November, the belief is that president Bush will launch attacks so that he can hend President Obama three quagmire wars instead of two, with a tanking economy that thrid war will bring to boot.

Again, basing on conventional wisdom, George W. Bush’s vindictiveness would lend credence to that “Obama Scenario” as he would not want anyone to be even slightly more successful than he. And what better way than to hand over three impossible wars and no money to execute them. Conservatives everywhere would then spend the next generation declaring “we were winning in Iraq/Iran/Afghansitan and failure is all Obama’s fault”. (Providing a lifetime alibi to George W. Bush).

The only contrary opinions are that the US Military will convince president Bush that they do not have the necessary troops to fight/occupy Iran/Iraq and parts of Afghanistan, and prevent the war from starting. However, as has been demonstrated repeatedly, President Bush will immediately fire any military commander who does not tell him what he wants to hear, so they may keep their mouths shut.

That is the conventional wisdom one hears from most Liberal or Neutral observers. Right wing observers are, of course, screaming for war with Iran and declaring how “easy” it will be (“the people will support us” is a familiar refrain). Actually the political Right does not appear to be particularly concerned what happens after the shooting and bombing start. Their sole objective just appers to be to get the war with Iran going, and who cares what happens next (sort of like the NeoConservative plans for the occupation of Iraq).


That synopsis should save you considerable reading of multiple outlets, left, middle and Right.

Of course ytou are right Steve, along with all your other knowledge abut all conservatives. I mean it is clear as day that Bush wants to saddle everything on the next president. He wants to leave everythging to the Obamassiah to deal with. Yes what a great plan. Where did you get that one, from the next big blockbuster movie.

Ye got to believe that “conventional wisdom”, it should be”convetional idiocy”

This is the biggest non-story I have heard of in along time. We have always had planss to invade Iran, Great Britain, Canada, Cuba and every other country in the world. the Military has always had these in case something happens in the world.

I don’t know why anyone would take these rumors about an attack on Iran seriously. They all come from unknown sources in Israel, which used to claim for a number of years that the attack was scheduled for March of that year.

And it’s interesting that all these socialist/communist “anti-war” types are always screeching “hands off Iran” when they know full well Iran is trying to make an atomic bomb. I thought they were against nuclear weapons? Or is that just nukes in the hands of the good guys that they oppose?

That synopsis should save you considerable reading of multiple outlets, left, middle and Right.

That right there is the money quote ladies and gentlemen.

Stevie thinks that he, like Baghdad Bob, can tell us how things are and we, like mindless sheep, will follow him along to the slaughter.

He knows all things about all things. He knows the very thoughts of every Conservative before those thoughts are even conceived.

He purports to be able to read people’s minds and be able to preemptively determine their intentions.

No need to go out and read anything else because he has found what he wants us to know and nothing else is necessary on our part.

The Great Stevie O’PinkPanties has spoken.


Considering carefully the dozens of times you have been proven absolutely dead flat wrong you must be kidding.

Every day you continue to dash in here and bescumber this site with your vapid thoughts.

I would tell you that you’re full of dog squeeze but that would be rude, so I won’t.

Phillie Steve sez

Again, basing on conventional wisdom, George W. Bush’s vindictiveness would lend credence to that “Obama Scenario” as he would not want anyone to be even slightly more successful than he. And what better way than to hand over three impossible wars and no money to execute them.

The flaw with this notion is assuming that Dubya actually engages in gutteral, politics of revenge for personal gain. While that is the MO of the left, it is not a path this President takes. Were perceived success (in the libs’ eyes) and legacy his quest, he would have cow towed to popularity polls years ago. He’s been a lone ranger, hated by the media and both aisles of Congress, all of which result in low poll numbers and demonization by the majority.

Yet Steve tries to paint him as a man, willing to risk US security to seek personal gain?

In fact, Phillie Steve’s delusional theory is so riddled with blind hatred, it defies all logic. Bush’s decisions – against all odds and support – are based solely on what he believes is the correct path to protect this country from a 911 ever happening again. One can say, to this date, that this has been accomplished on his watch.

The only ones that ever talk about attacking Iran are the media and liberal Congress members. How convenient that the rumour of an Israel Army Radio broadcast surfaces. A charge that has been – yet again – denied by the WH. I have yet to see or hear a radio excerpt.

Even were the broadcast true, the facts remain the same. The Bush admin has always advocated int’l pressure, diplomacy, and encouraging Iranian elements of freedom as a way to rein in Iran. Military action, tho a plan contingency should be in place as a safeguard and remain on the table, was never the intent.

The libs seize on this regurgitated rumour with delight. They need desperately to ignite fear that Bush or McCain WH will do this, so that terrified citizens will vote D and a pacifist Obama in November. It’s nothing more than campaign fear strategy by the left.

Who believes a child-molester anyway?

thebronze, that is exactly right.