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Operation C.H.A.O.S. rolls on.

Curious, why was it ok for the KOSacks to advocate crossing over and voting in Republican primaries, but

Did anyone expect her to bow out. She will never give in and will use the nuclear option if neccesary to get the FL and MI delegates placed.

As I have been saying all along, it is fun to watch the Dems implode on themselves from their Identity Politics structure.

Get the popcorn and enjoy the show.

Yes, it is quite strange that for all their gripes about Republicans crossing-over in Indiana that the BHO types are fighting so hard to disenfranchise the voters of Michigan and Florida.
For all the talk about the delegate gap between BHO and Hillary; what would things look like if Hillary got the delegates she’s owed from the Florida and Michigan votes? The answer to that is probably made clear in how hard the BHO campaign is working to keep those voters silent.
We can hope that those voters will remember BHO’s conduct come November, should he be selected as the Democratic nominee.
Yep, that’s real “change you can believe in” all right. For all their screams of “rigged” back in the 2000 election, the MSM seems to be happily “aiding and abetting” in BHO’s “selected not elected” march to the nomination. Talk of the MI and FL votes must qualify as a “distraction” to BHO.

Hillary *should* be staying in the race. The only way Obama genuinely wins is by ignoring the primaries of two states. Nope… not good for a party that’s done a lot of whining about vote disenfranchising in recent history. Yep… Hill’s gotta stay in to the bitter end.

Supers, who could totally alter the balance here, haven’t weighed in en toto. They’re probably waiting to see what other tar pit seeps to the surface on Obama. The pimple known as Wright came to a head in Feb-Mar, and was popped and stridex’d just a couple of weeks ago. Another “wright” kind of surprise, and Hill will be looking quite good to the supers.

Operation Chaos was a thing of beauty. Unlike Hannity’s “stop Hillary express” (which was absurd anyway… then again, that’s Hannity. Short sighted), Op Chaos was always about keeping the race close enuf to force the DNC into a corner with Supers and turning on their own party members – all merely to hold power.

It was, and remains, a classic sting and expose’. However the bulk of the damage was done by the DNC themselves with FL/MI. Op Chaos just kept the madness alive, stopping BHO from having a runaway victory. Without Hillary on his coattails, BHO would never be vetted. And we, as a nation, deserve to know as much about those running for CIC.

I would not be surprised to see Hillary bow out gracefully, then work quietly to subvert BHO’s win in Nov… leaving her a clear field for 2012. Wouldn’t take much “work”, as he’s a very vunerable candidate anyway. If he goes up against McCain and loses, it’s unlikely he’ll be the DNC darling next round.

As you know, Mike’sA, I never believed HRC was coming up as a result of Wright. And I’ll bet the reason you thought Hill would win IN by larger margin, and not lose NC with the margin she did, was because you still believed the Wright episode hurt, instead of helped, BHO. With Wright’s notable absence in the press after that one weekend, it just supports the “stage play” theory. Obama’s rid of Wright as an issue now for the DNC and supers. Still an issue with the GOP, of course… but it’s a losing strategy to play.

Now we need to find the next albatross that’s lurking in the shadows of BHO’s life. Because I’m darned sure there is one. And it may be that Hillary will be the one to expose it. The question is… when? In time to get the nomination, hoping she won’t be hurt for playing dirty? Or let BHO get the nomination, then make sure he’s unelectable, and allowing the blame to fall on the mean right wing conspiracy machine?

On yeah… popcorn all around. It’s gonna be one interesting DNC convention.

The convention in Denver should take a pirate theme:

Cutthroat Island


If Hillary steals the nomination, Denver may look more like this…. Heck, even if Obama gets it, the Dems may riot just for practice.

MataH: You were right about Wright in NC. Though I doubt the issue goes away when it comes to the general election. Clearly Dem voters don’t care (or perhaps agree) when their candidate associates with someone who says “God DAMN America.”

It will be a strategic error to regurgitate Wright during the general, Mike’sA. Most the electorate – regardless of party – will look at it as beating a dead horse. Been there, done that. Old news. Just gives him another chance to re-state his official “divorce”.

So that campaign strategy would be based on an un-stated accusation that BHO deliberately lied.

Many of us already think he does. Or perhaps a nicer way to put it is “conveniently politically expedient”. But it’s more likely even GOP’ers would look at that sort of strategy as an unnecessary slam. I’ve already read too many posts from conservatives who “feel sorry” for Obama over Wright. Clearly most Americans in general don’t care if Obama has radical friends.

But I certainly believe the media will attempt to raise the spectre again. They’re always desperate to revive a scandal. The only way to give it new legs is to prove it was planned via taped conversations, or offer some other nefarious scandal in it’s place.

I’ll let Hill’s camp work on that…

I disagree that raising the Wright issue again would be a mistake. However, that doesn’t mean John McCain should invite Rev. Wright to the GOP convention, nor should he, or will he, go out of his way to draw attention to the issue.

That job will be left to some 527 group which is the byproduct of the McCain-Feingold effort to get the money out of politics. They will go out and raise a bucket of cash to run ads describing who the real Barack Obama is.

And of course if Rev. Wright does a book tour in October, which I heard was a possibility, the media will drag the whole thing up.

Meanwhile, McCain can take his high road and see if that leads anywhere. It will be interesting to watch.

Yes, the creepy thing is that a wide swath of Democrats don’t seem to have a problem with Jeremiah “God Damn America” Wright’s ideology. So, bringing him up again may not be helpful for the remainder of the primary season. Seems like Hillary is running out of political strategies; but at least she’s planning to fight through to the very end.
Out of curiousity, if the McCain and the GOP aren’t supposed to pursue character and judgment as lines of attacking BHO’s fitness for the Presidency; what would you suggest we use as fodder MataHarley? Granted, people have recently shown a disdain for negative politics taken to an extreme; but totally avoiding it also seems the pathway to defeat as well.
BHO’s waffling on the Jeremiah Wright affair was so incredibly blatant, that I’m still shocked that so many people choked it down and called it a “truthful” moment. Talk about a transparently political move; but I suppose with the MSM watching his back, BHO figured he could pull it off. All the same, I suspect there will be enough uncomfortable squirming in the DNC that the remainder of the primaries should still be popcorn worthy.

Eventhough I lean more towards center left,I like reading the commentary on this site because I like reading different points of view.Sometimes I even agree.But I think some of you guys are giving Operation Chaos too much credit.The working class Dem base has not embraced Obama (and they may never)and many Dems DO take issue with Wright.Just because Obama has converted politicaly naive youth,the AA population and the Starbucks crowd to his cause,does not mean he has converted us all.There are some of us who are completely opposed to his candidacy and the lunatic far left who seem to be taking over the party.If McCain plays his cards right,stays away from far right oddballs,Id vote for him…and Im a true blue Dem from Mass!Nothing is impossible…but people need to tone down the Hillary bashing and work on getting some of her supporters to cross over instead.

Susie: I haven’t done much Hillary bashing lately. I kind of miss it, but at this juncture, what is the point? I do think Operation Chaos played a small role in Indiana. The Republican crossover vote went 52-48% for Hillary.

MataH: Every year we hear that people don’t like negative campaiging. But do they really mean that they don’t like it when negative campaigning is used against the candidate they support?

Negative campaigning works. And I do hope that McCain’s emphasis on positive campaigning isn’t just another version of the “new tone” that allowed Bush to get knifed in the back repeatedly by Democrats whose idea of civility is to only compare us to Nazis once a week instead of twice a week.

Hillary is holding Aces, here is why:

Hillary Clinton will win the nomination,

After reading the Democratic rules, watching the media, and especially participating in the blogs like this in comments at random rather than watching selected emails from the media that spike bias, has helped me understand how the system is working. In a way I call it a real time tutorial that can not be done in the traditional way like going to school taking classes. Because here, an American citizen gets a chance to work, real time in the system for your own validating.

The results of this Internet medium are profound beyond anything at anytime in history of any cultural period. I think we can all agree about this. The introduction of the Internet in the Educational and Commerce process is something that has changed the way the whole world is doing things. America and the world are at an incredible period of time to enjoy plus realize a simple important result of the Internet called transparency. Or simply knowing the truth, a huge change which is driving traditional Mainstream Media, crazy, plus to new methods of political control.

Very buried in all this celebration is the very fact and effort of the Clinton Gore administration initiative to connect Americans to the Internet in that time period where they Clinton and Gore are the key players in the success of what we have today in the modern Internet. Very much glossed over by a huge intellectual educated group let alone the illiterate group. This in it self are core believes the Clintons have extraordinary baggage loaded with good ideas similar to the Internet for robust social advancement but condemned for personal escapades.

Its extraordinary Hillary’s health care has a chance it can turn out like the success of the Internet. Its Ironic that Hillary’s hot topic of Universal heath care was trashed a decade ago is now in the forefront of issues needed for progress. The Mainstream Media can not stand the success of this new idea so much it is working at an extremely zealous or enthusiastic to fanatical ends to maintain control of mass media they always enjoyed, and trash Hillary at every moment.

In closing anyone can deduce by reading the Democratic rules and realizing what Hillary is saying that she would have been the nominee along time ago is true. This is why, for some reason the Democrats for decades have always left the door open for Republicans to help choose their candidate. This is new to me; I am a rookie at understanding why but guess there were political advantages. This is called the Caucus vote and kept much buried by the Media through the ages. For the balance in its use and results show an unfair out come may very well happen. Thus the case of the so called Republican mischief as said by Chris Mathews, or Limbaugh’s operation chaos which should be called wide open Sedition. Across the spectrum CNN, Fox, MSNBC all are manipulating the ideas in this primary one of which is to rant about Hillary can not win and “Must” drop out. Minute after minute hour after hour day after day an incrdible rant with an imbalance of bias so profound and unfair Americans should realize this. For heavens sakes the balance of time against Hillary shows the distortion in proportion beyond anytime in history.

For an instance just getting elected by the support of the party is a huge benefit. However, when the rules let Republicans vote for their own candidate then is able to cross over and vote as an Independent for a Democrat has the sense to throw a curve and distort the Primary. You see it does not work the other way around Democrats do not vote as Independents in the Republican Primary, There are many hard to visualize, Republicans that are running around and parading as Democrats but support the Republican Party with loyalty. Heck Lieberman and Zell Miller are but a few wide open examples that game the system shelters. Amazing they are still living examples considering the hate and bias that has exposed them.

So where an I going with this? Barack Hussein Obama knows very well that those red state wins he has had before Revered Wright was dumped on the public will likely not vote for him for sure now. Yikes those red staters about a half dozen would not vote Democrat if Obama was White let alone being Black, those red states have not voted Democratic for over forty years and Obama’s slogan management will not change them now. Now with Revered Wright springing up shows the gaming of system on both sides. Obama know this. Hillary was double digits behind Obama in Indiana. With the Reverend Wright issue came from a double digit win for Obama turned in to a win for Hillary. Incredible and the media were responsible for it. If Reverend Wright was outed before the Iowa Primary, Obama would not be in the running. I truly believe that. The controversy would be pitiful by now where it will be an advantage for McCain to be sure and exploited to the max.

There are some political and legal stuff in the background that is a dark cloud over Obama with ties to an Iraqi Billionaire very slightly talked about in the Chicago papers. All sealed by a Judge, for anyone’s speculation a huge ace in the hole for someone and likely not for Barack.

Democrats whose idea of civility is to only compare us to Nazis once a week instead of twice a week

Anyone who calls Republicans fascists or Democrats socialists is not contributing anything useful to the body politic. I think it should be condemned on both sides.

Was anyone able to make sense of what megalomania posted? Apparently he believes that only Republicans ever cross over and vote in opposing party’s primaries, and actually believes it to be seditious. I think he needs to learn that political parties are not governments and actually don’t even need to hold primaries or caucuses to decide who their nominee for president will be.

Wow… busy thread here.

Mach and Mike’sA, the reason I say going the well-trodden route with resurrecting Wright will not work was proven quite thoroughly in NC. i.e. the NC/RNC Wright ad they ran that McCain condemned – and they ran it anyway – did nothing to deter BHO’s 14+ point win.

True nuff that it will not sway GOP voters since they won’t vote for Obama anyway… with or without Wright. However for the Dem voters, they’ve already made up their minds if Wright serves as an obstacle for BHO. There is nothing new to be learned, and only another opportunity for BHO to again distance himself. Hillary die hards may not make the leap to Obama, and vice versa. McCain is so liberal domestically that their only beef is really Iraq and foreign policy.

Which brings me to what “fodder” the GOP should use, Mr. Mach. There is ample domestic and foreign policy differences between the DNC and GOP. McCain needs to get good advisors on both the Saddam-terrorism links (I want him to hire Ray Robison as an advisor… but who listens to me? LOL), and the impending economic effect of both BHO and Hillary’s socialist health care plans. It boggles the mind that so many bad mouth the VA care and bureaucratic red tape, then suggest we put the entire nation into the same pickle jar. Huh? But it might take some economic projections to drive that point home.

Iraq will be difficult. Under either leader, troops will be coming home as Iraq will be getting closer… not further… from being self sufficient. I notice the speed of withdrawal from the DNC candidates has morphed from an “immediate” pull out to something a bit more vague. And if you remember, neither candidate would commit to a definite pull out date during debates. This forked tongue approach is what should be emphasized when campaigning. But unless a smoking gun emerges, it will be nigh on impossible to reverse the “Bush lied” propaganda campaign the media has successfully waged over the past few years. Nonetheless, McCain must be well versed in the Harmony/ISG doc contents and meaning for debate purposes.

Then there’s the affirmative action stance Obama takes. The nation – both sides – have stated in various state resolutions and initiatives that affirmative action is not popular. That’s a losing battle for BHO, and one that needs to be pursued.

Another Obama “watch my lips, not my actions” is the IL Earned Income Tax Credit, as compared to the gas tax holiday battle. He states he’s against the latter because of the loss of tax revenue to Congress. Yet, when it came to his favored class of people in IL, the loss of $60 mil to the state bothered him not a bit. Why is that? He is willing to take that loss when benefits a certain class, but not when it benefits everyone equally? BHO’s dichotomy and preferential treatment is notable.

Then, of course, when the world wakes up to Obama’s gun control attitude, the NRA and GOP… plus many liberal gun owners… will be swinging into action. His IL statement questionaire lays out his, to date, unspoken attitude. I live in Oregon…. a speck of red in a sea of blue. But there’s one thing around here that folks agree on… gun ownership. We are very rural, and hunting/shooting is popular. Don’t mess with them on their firearms. BHO, by nature, is a solid urbanite with distain for the rural denizen. This also needs to be emphasized.

Let’s look at BHO’s Social Security plan… his way to bolster it is to raise payroll taxes. Don’t think big or small business will be happy with that. The economic repercussions of that additional burden… combined with whatever he wants to charge us all to be environmentally correct… are a looming economic disaster for US businesses. Let’s face it… I’d like to use recycled printing paper, etal. But it costs more money. Fact is, you have to be wealthy to be environmentally correct. When they make it cheaper to use recycled stuff, the nation will indulge.

BHO wants to expand federal government by creating a “White House Office of Urban Policy”. Great… just what we need is another administration heavy, inefficient spending/oversight machine that focuses on a select class of people… urbanites. It’s supposed to oversee urban development and make sure the priorities are in order and the funding well used. The cost of that department will probably zero out the wasteful spending, fer heavens sake!

The fodder is endless, guys. We don’t need to play with stuff that just makes people believe Obama is the victim of a swift boat campaign strategy. There’s enuf on this site alone who say they don’t care about Obama’s friends because they’re not running for POTUS.