A Finger To All Politicians


Take a guess which finger I’m giving them?

This is why politicians on both sides of the aisle should piss you off:

Hoyer said in his weekly press conference that he hoped to wrap up work on an update to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act; “towards the end of this week or the beginning of next week.”

However, the majority leader acknowledged that there were “still disagreements” within the Democratic caucus over the issue of granting immunity to telecom companies who aided the government in the wiretapping program.


Although Democratic leaders insist they are working feverishly to iron out their differences, one House member – speaking on the condition of anonymity—suggested it could be a long time, if ever, before the bill was brought for a vote.

“A lot of people think the politics of doing nothing on this issue are very good for both sides of the political spectrum,” they said.

Republicans get to beat the Dem’s over the head with their failure to get this thing done while the Democrats don’t piss off their big breadearners….the trial lawyers.

Meanwhile our country’s security is in shatters…..

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However, they can sure tear apart athletes in a hurry because that is what is really “important”… Yep, who cares about Congress’s Constitutional Duty to support and Defend “We the People of the United States” from all threats foreign and domestic when Congress is too interested in “investigating” what should be a state police vice case (or even a city police case)….

I can think of 500+ members of Congress who should have to look for new jobs if this is their priority.

that is suppose to different than any other time that the dummycrats are in the majority. I have to agree with Chris it is time for a fresh new Congress

I’ve been thinking the same thing for a long time now. I also believe that a goodly portion of these overpaid idiots should also be investigated on the grounds of treason!

I’m with you craftyone. The biggest problem in this country is congress. There needs to be some serious “change” in how they are allowed to do business. For starters, term limitations, NO PERSONAL BUSINESS WHILE HOLDING THE POSITION, same pay scale as the US Military, attendance requirements, accountability for any and all crimes committed, paying into the SS and medicare systems, mandatory drug tests, and if found in violation of their oath of office, FIRED. Oh, and they CAN NOT vote themselves pay raises. After all, they do WORK FOR US, not the other way around.