Super Tuesday II


McCain clinches the nomination and Huckabee bowing out finally:

Sen. John McCain swept all four nominating contests on Tuesday to become the presumptive Republican presidential nominee.

McCain won primaries in Texas, Ohio, Vermont and Rhode Island, giving him more than the 1,191 delegates needed to clinch the GOP nomination.


Mike Huckabee dropped out of the Republican race after the results came in.

“It’s now important that we turn our attention not to what could have been or what we wanted to have been, but now what must be — and that is a united party,” Huckabee told supporters in Dallas.

And look at this, HIllary won Rhode Island, is up over 150,000 votes in Ohio and is within 1800 votes in Texas….guess the coronation will have to be put on hold for the Messiah.

Updated 1 minute ago

Clinton – 718,882 – 49%
Obama – 717,175 – 49%

UPDATE – 1956hrs PST

CNN calling Ohio for Hillary….and one minute later so does Fox

Sen. Hillary Clinton is projected to take Ohio, a state considered a must-win for her campaign.

Clinton earlier broke Obama’s 12-contest winning streak with her victory in Rhode Island.

Obama was projected to take Vermont, but the contest in Texas was too close to call.


Go Hillary!

UPDATE – 2028hrs PST

Hillary has a 23,000 vote lead in Texas and a city thought to be a Obama stronghold, Austin, is already at 65% reported….She may pull Texas off after all.

I have to hand it to the Democrats….they went out and found someone who is more liberal and more dangerous then Hillary which is forcing me to actually root for Hillary.

I feel like taking a shower after uttering those words but there ya go.

By the way, go check out Hot Air where the newest member of that team Ed Morrissey is liveblogging using the liveblogging platform we have used at Flopping Aces for a few months now…CoverItLive.

UPDATE – 2038hrs PST

Even better news:

FOX News exit polls showed Clinton taking the lead among economy-minded voters in Ohio, who broke for Clinton by a margin of 52-to-47 percent. Those voters were split evenly in Texas, but the exit polls there showed Hispanics — a key voting bloc in Texas — were going for Clinton by a margin of 64-to-35 percent.

UPDATE – 2044hrs PST

Hillary up 45,000 in Texas now!

UPDATE – 2138hrs PST

Hillary up 53,000 in Texas now and Houston is at 50% reporting…..upset anyone?

UPDATE – 2152hrs PST

Hillary has won Texas

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Well, I tried. I voted for Senator Obama here in Ohio. So did my wife. So did my Godparents. So did absolutely ALL of my friends (not 100% sure about one of em, but he was leaning that way last we talked).

Sad, but hey…at least we get more cackle

How offensive….I just listened to Obama speaking in San Antonio tell his supporters about the “Iraqi government that’s done nothing” to stand up. Iraqis have been fighting and dying and the Iraqi parliament has passed more legislation than the 110th Congress. General Petraeus told Wolf Blitzer:

  • Passed a pensions law that extends pension rights to tens of thousands of individuals who were left out in earlier arrangement several years ago.
  • they passed the Iraqi flag law in the council of representatives. Now, you might think that’s purely symbolic. It’s not. It has been a contentious issue for several years. The current flag does not fly in portions of the Kurdish regional government are in Iraq. And so this is an important step forward.
  • The de-Baathification reform bill, so-called accountability and justice law, has passed
  • The 2008 budget is being debated right now in the council of representatives, and it distributes oil revenues in a way that is in line with the oil revenue-sharing bill that could be debated later in the year
  • So, again, all of a sudden, it’s as if there’s a new dynamism in the council of representatives.

Not only that, but the Iraqi Parliament has been more effective than the U.S. Congress:

The House Committee on Foreign Affairs compares Bills Signed Into Law:

  • Democratic Congress – 48
  • Iraqi Parliament – 53

Progress Report on Iraqi Parliament

Reconciliation Continues…

Reconstruction progress via the US Army Corps of Engineers

Desperate Al-Qaeda Resorts to Using Retarded Women in Attacks

Al-Qaeda Car Bombs Decrease Dramatically in Iraq

Iraqi Officer Challenges Media Misinformation about Coalition Forces

U.S. To Transfer Authority of Anbar Province Back to Iraq

Soldiers Celebrate Safest Christmas Ever in Iraq

Sunni, Shia March Together in Baghdad for Peace

Inflation Drops 90% In Iraq (and other good news)

  • Year-to-date inflation as of October 2007 is 4.2%, compared to year-to-date inflation through October 2006 of 42.7%
  • The continued appreciation of the Iraqi dinar went from 1,475 dinars per U.S. dollar in late 2006 to 1,218 dinars per U.S. dollar currently.
  • Electrical output/production is up 14% from this time last year.
  • The postwar electricity production record for one day (123,000 MWh) was broken on October 12, 2007 with the production of 125,000 MWh.
  • Violence and casualties are down
  • Security is up
  • Sectarian deaths have plummeted
  • In NOV 2006 there were 6 Iraqi Division Headquarters, 30 Brigade Headquarters and 91 Battalions.
  • In NOV 2007 there are 10 Division Headquarters, 34 Brigade Headquarters and 108 Battalions.

And I also heard Hillary give her stump speech which including telling her fanbase we need to leave Iraq and go back to Afghanistan to focus on the fight.

Stuck on stupid.

I notice neither Hillary nor Obama addressed the fact we also bombed an Al-Queada holdout in Somalia!

That’s how naive they are, they think Al-Queada is concentrated in Pakistan and Afhanistan and that’s it!

Stuck on stupid is a true statement.

First really great election for the Republicans. The forces of darkness get to chase each other for another three months. Man, will Hillary dish out all the dirt on Obama. She can’t touch his positions, but with the personal stuff, the sky is the limit where she herself isn’t involved.