News from Iraq: The Two Bills and the Two Michaels


photo by Michael Totten

Along with Bill Ardolino’s series, Inside Iraqi Politics, the other excellent read is Michael Totten’s The Final Mission Part III. According to Totten, we are scheduled to hand back security control of Anbar Province over to the Iraqi government, provided all goes well and the violence continues to decline as Iraqi security forces continue to be trained. One would think that if all these insurgents and Islamic holy warriors wanted is to have American and Coalition “invaders” to be expelled from Iraq, they’d just desist with the violence, and it would automatically happen. Hugh Hewitt writes,

Michael Totten has another fascinating write-up, this one of the Marines’ effort to teach human rights to Iraqi police in Fallujah, as well as on the need for journalists and writers of all types to humanize both Iraqis and Americans.

Don’t forget to consider leaving a little something in the PayPal tip jar. Michael Totten could use the support.

Also, Michael Yon: AQI Losing Habitat in Iraq at Alarming Rate

And Bill Roggio: Al Qaeda in Iraq under pressure in Balad, Anbar
Iraqi, US forces capture senior Special Groups operative in Hillah

Read the accounts, and send the links on to your friends and enemies. You’ll be doing everyone a favor.

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You bring up a good point about desisting with the violence. Problem is that these guys are incapable of not blowing something or someone up every week or so. It’s like a drug in their Islamo-faschist blood.

Off Topic:

I will be back to read the rest in a few but this ought to make you happy!