The Influence On Barack Hussein Obama


Now the question should be how much influence this man has had on him:

Barack Obama’s longtime minister, mentor, and sounding board has been a key supporter of Louis Farrakhan and last month honored the Nation of Islam leader for lifetime achievement.

Farrakhan has repeatedly made hate-filled statements targeting Jews, whites, America, and homosexuals. He has called whites “blue-eyed devils” and the “anti-Christ.” He has described Jews as “bloodsuckers” who control the government, the media, and some black organizations.

“Do you know some of these satanic Jews have taken over BET [the Black Entertainment Network]?” Farrakhan said in a speech on Nov. 11, 2007. “Everything that we built, they have. The mind of Satan now is running the record industry, movie industry, and television. And they make us look like we’re the murderers; we look like we’re the gangsters, but we’re punk stuff.”

The month after that speech, Obama’s minister and friend, the Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr. and his Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, honored Farrakhan at a gala, bestowing on him its Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr. Lifetime Achievement Trumpeteer award.


Hailing Farrakhan’s “integrity and honesty,” Wright said, “His love for Africa and African-American people has made him an unforgettable force, a catalyst for change, and a religious leader who is sincere about his faith and his purpose.”


As noted in a Jan. 7 Newsmax article, “Barack Obama’s Racist Church,” in sermons and interviews, Wright has equated Zionism with racism and has compared Israel with South Africa under its previous policy of apartheid. On the Sunday following 9/11, Wright characterized the terrorist attacks as a consequence of violent American policies. Four years later, Wright suggested that the attacks were retribution for America’s racism.

“In the 21st century, white America got a wake-up call after 9/11/01,” Wright wrote in Trumpet. “White America and the Western world came to realize that people of color had not gone away, faded into the woodwork or just ‘disappeared’ as the Great White West kept on its merry way of ignoring black concerns.”

In one of his sermons, Wright said to thumping applause, “Racism is how this country was founded and how this country is still run! …We [in the U.S.] believe in white supremacy and black inferiority and believe it more than we believe in God.”

In an op-ed in the Philadelphia Tribune, Wright said that war is about “making the world safe” for American business interests. “When one goes against the war, one tampers with the financial institutions and the financial system that was put in place by the Founding Fathers of this country to keep the rich, rich!” he said. “The rich can only stay rich by keeping the poor, poor.”

As for Israel, “The Israelis have illegally occupied Palestinian territories for over 40 years now,” Wright has said. “Divestment has now hit the table again as a strategy to wake the business community and wake up Americans concerning the injustice and the racism under which the Palestinians have lived because of Zionism.”

So how much influence does this man and his church have on Obama? Quite a bit it seems. He has said in the past that he found religion through Wright, has attended his church regularly since 1988, named his book after one of Wrights sermons and was one person he singled out to thank when he was elected to the Senate in 2004.

Last July he told the Chicago Tribune that the man:

helps keep his priorities straight and his moral compass calibrated.

And when he was thinking about running for President he sought Wrights advice.

Now you tell me how much influence this man and this church has on Obama?

And instead of the MSM focusing on that, they focus on Romney’s church. Tell me, how much outcry would we hear if any of the candidates attended a church that printed front and center that they were unashamedly white?

It would be a tsunami of outrage!

But not for the church that has a huge influence on Barack Hussein Obama:

…the church has a “non-negotiable commitment to Africa,” according to its Web site, and the church and its pastor subscribe to what is called the Black Value System.

While the Black Value System encourages commitment to God, education, and self-discipline, it refers to “our racist competitive society” and includes the disavowal of the pursuit of “middle-classness” and a pledge of allegiance to “all black leadership who espouse and embrace the Black Value System.” It defines “middle-classness” as a way for American society to “snare” blacks rather than “killing them off directly” or “placing them in concentration camps,” just as the country structures “an economic environment that induces captive youth to fill the jails and prisons.”

Oh, Obama tries his best to distance himself from the man, explaining away his disgusting 9/11 words by saying the minister was just trying to be “provocative.” But the fact remains he stays in his church, seeks council from this disgrace of a minister, and obviously holds him in high regard.

This is what we want behind our President?

But the final nail has to be that even one of the worst racists we have in this country understands what Obama is doing:

“Barack Obama has been very careful not to position himself as Rev. Jesse Jackson or Rev. Al Sharpton as a promoter of ‘The Black Cause,’” Farrakhan said in the interview with “He has been groomed, wisely so, to be seen more as a unifier, rather than one who speaks only for the hurt of black people.”

And we call Mitt fake.

This man is dangerous.

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Democrats are so down in the mud there is no way they’ll ever see B Hussein Obama (Islamic radical) for what he is. I’ve said it from day one, the man is a phony American groomed by Islam since birth and a danger to the country.

Well here we go. What else can we expect from the loony left.

Two racists + 1 legend in his own mind + 4 flip floppers +1 Ken doll +1 actor= 1 messed up primary.

Seriously though, only John Edwards for the liberals and Fred Thompson for the moderates and conservatives have at least the mental compacity to be president. The rest should have been locked up in a loony bin or at least ditched by their own parties. As far as Edward’s views go, they wouldn’t work well anywhere let alone the U.S. That leaves Thompson as the best candidate.

I’m sure some conservatives were upset by Bill Frist not running. Frist had some character issues that deserved the loony bin treatment (racist/ethically challenged and I’m not just talking about his issues with how he got cats for a school project dissection experments).

Fred Thompson for the moderates and conservatives

Thompson isn’t really a moderate; he’s a conservative. He may well get the moderate vote in a general election because the Dem candidate is bad, but a moderate would be someone like Lieberman, Schwarzenegger, or (based on his record, not his rhetoric) Romney.
I’m surprised you don’t think Romney has the mental capacity to be President. I have a lot of beefs with the guy but complaints about his smarts and general competence aren’t really on the list.

“a moderate would be someone like Lieberman,”

Lieberman is not moderate. With the exception to his views on the war he is a pretty typical democrat I believe

The Thunder Run has linked to this post in the – Web Reconnaissance for 01/15/2008 A short recon of what’s out there that might draw your attention, updated throughout the day…so check back often.

If we get Barack it will be like getting Kofi Anan with high energy as the President of the United States. And what has the US done to deserve such a fate?

Romney has the flip-flopper label put on him be those that oppose him. Reagan and Bush Sr. were both flip floppers themselves (increased the size of government and increased taxes while promising not to do both), but his flip flopping has been done on static issues. For instance one can believe that taxes should be lowered during bad economic times and raised during good times to prevent inflation, while restocking the coffers and I wouldn’t consider that flip flopping on taxes as long as the candidate says they would do just that. He has ran as a liberal for senator and governor for Massachusetts, but then turns around and claims he is a die-hard conservative when running for president. I believe the change shows he isn’t a leader, but a follower of the current trends.

I believe Edwards and Thompson stay true to their beliefs at least more than the other candidates. Edwards does have voter regret voting for the second invasion of Iraq, but as far as I can tell he didn’t go back and vote against the war. Edwards’s plan isn’t too far off of Bush’s plan although Edwards has an end plan which Bush’s plan doesn’t have.

When it comes to Edwards and Thompson courting the moderates, I believe that Thompson’s beliefs are better for the economy, Thompson would have a better staff to handle a crises and run their departments and Thompson would be better at security. I believe that both would go after their own if those people were found to be corrupt or incompetent (unlike Bush jr. or the other candidates). Thompson already helped bring down President Nixon.

Re: “I’ve said it from day one, the man is a phony American groomed by Islam since birth and a danger to the country.”

The Conspiracy-Right makes its entrance to the 2008 Election cycle.

This is just like the John BirchSociety’s claim that Eisenhauer was “a conscious part of the Communist Conspiracy” belief of the Radical Right.

And I thought they were just happy declaring that flouridated water was a conspiracy to poison us all.

Hats off to flopping Aces, I had no idea what ties Obama has with key supporter of Louis Farrakhan. I am totally fooled by this Obama guy and likely will vote straight Republican if Obama is nominated.

Worse yet Americas should read his book “Audacity of Hope” its fill wild contradicts and believes , doubts that put Obama all over the map.

Sorry Democrats, but in his book “Audacity of Hope” Obama illustrates very hard racial slurs toward American white southern men. In his first Chapter closing out descriptions and political divide in America Obama continues a very immature rap about American southern men.

Obama boldly or one should say stupidly said “I imagine the white Southerner who growing up heard his dad talk about niggers this and niggers that but who has struck up a friendship with the black guys at the office and is trying to teach his own son different, who thinks discrimination is wrong but doesn’t see why the son of a black doctor should get admitted into law school ahead of his own son”.

Extraordinary, Obama can even imagine Southern men say nigger this and nigger that and be completely avoided by Mainstream Media suggesting Obama is completely free of racism. All the while blast Clinton or any other candidate for every wrong reason.

The real kicker is in the Prologue of Obama’s book. Were Obama say “I OFFER No Unifying theory of American Government” An incredible statement to make after teaching The Constitution for what is it eight to ten years at the University Law School in Chicago. I am totally frightened and scared of the Media and Obama making out Obama as any leadership role in our country.

Re: “Hats off to flopping Aces, I had no idea what ties Obama has with key supporter of Louis Farrakhan. I am totally fooled by this Obama guy and likely will vote straight Republican if Obama is nominated.”

Who are you kidding? You will vote straight Republican no matter who is nominated, on either side.

Like all the Republican Party paid bloggers who go out on the sites, extolling the virtues of Republicanism, the “reasons” given are nothing more than cover for pushing the straight party-line that the White House has dictated.

Jeff Gannon would be very familiar with this process.

And you will vote democrap no matter how many times they screw the middle class and betray us to our enemies. Lets look at the two candidates who “represent” the party. The klintoons: their self serving cult of personality and incompetence we witnessed first hand during the 8 long miserable years of billy boobs reign. And the obamessiah: he and his wife are both devotees of a minister who preaches hatred of Jews and Whites. Who stated that 9/11 was the result of the Whitey’s crimes against the brown people of the world. If any, ANY republican were to have obamessiah’s background the lame ass media and leftist assholes would crucify him/her. The democrap party is the party of the KKK, jim crowe, segregation, etc, etc, etc. It truly boogles the mind that ANY minority aligns themselves with them. I assume is simply because they are also the “welfare” party willing and able to give away taxpayer dollars to buy their power base. How I despise democrats and their anti-American bullshit. And by the way, I vote for the party who supports the military. Guess which one?

When there is no Democrat political leader who is willing to defend America, when the Democrats hold no party position that is good for America, there is no other option. Vote Republican.

Thanks Pagar. That makes it clear:


He is a fucking fake as american, we CANNOT ever allow such animal to be in the highest office of the land. That is a dangerous thing to do. That would be like sending all Americans in harm’s way. I am tired of this unworthy b hussein obamashitlips, and people need to start using their brains, stop getting too emotional about our current president and taking drastic decisions like voting for the undercover black supremacist b hussein ocaca. Stop it. If elected it will be the greatest, I mean the greatest mistake ever made in the history of the US.

Yes Pager, VOTE Republican until the country is bankrupt and we have 10,000 dead soldiers.  Yes VOTE Republican.  Great idea, we can not afford a liberal tax and spender,  but in Pager’s mind we can afford a conservative loan taker and spender.  Real smart.

So its better to vote for a party that promotes the killing of inconvenient babies to the tune of  "The Consequences of Roe v. Wade
Total Abortions since 1973"
"a href="">Link</a&gt;
I don’t think so.
party that has never seen a welfare program they don’t like.
A party that causes the death of American soldiers by their support of any terrorist who will fight against America.

I will proudly vote Republican.