A Good Day For Fred


Big news for Fred Thompson fans.  While I was at training all day getting shot up by simunitions (we trained on doing entries into houses and to combat active shooters ie. school shooters….something I’m sure Glenn Reynolds would call assassination training) Representative Steve King endorsed Fred Thompson for President.

Each past president, and the national
debate on the way to his election, has redirected our national destiny. The
decisions made in the oval office move the chess pieces of world history. Our
decision in the coming weeks will determine the America our children will leave
to our grandchildren. They will have to build upon the foundation we leave them
because a nation cannot be stripped to its original foundation and rebuilt
without revolution.

The cultural calamity toward which we are headed is the focus of my life. I
believe America was founded by Christians and that the broad core of our culture
is Christian, founded in Judaeo-Christian values. I do not believe America, or
the American Presidency, is closed to other faiths, let alone other Christian
faiths. I believe our destiny as a nation is in the hands of God, but as
individuals we have free will. Some are so passionate in their beliefs that they
believe they have the market cornered on salvation. In fact, if we didn’t
believe our faith was the true faith, there would be no reason for competing
denominations. God only knows if any of us are right, but each of us justly
believe we are.

In the time that I’ve been evaluating the candidates, I’ve dealt with them in
every arena. I’ve probed their private thoughts and measured their responses.
I’ve gotten to know their families. I’ve watched and sometimes helped shape
their policies. I’ve measured their instincts and intelligence

There is only one candidate who epitomizes the full spectrum of our
conservative values. There is one who is a comfortable conservative whom I have
full confidence in his decisions.

That candidate also has to have the fire in his belly to go the distance and
the brains and resources to get there.

That candidate also meets the test of life and marriage, judges and borders.
That candidate has taken solid, persistent, and principled positions consistent
with the Republican platform-which we wrote to inform the candidates of the
positions of Iowa Republicans.

That candidate has a record of faith, family, freedom, service, and success.

There is no question about that candidate’s position on protecting our
sovereignty at the borders, in the workplace and on the streets of America. The
Rule of Law will be reestablished in American life. My long and exceptionally
deliberative evaluation of the Republican candidates for president has come to
an end.

I will put all my efforts into and the fire into the belly of the person whom
I believe destiny has called to be the next president of the United States, Fred

Big big news for Fred.  King is a major player in Iowa on the Republican side and a close ally of Tancredo which should help him with many Republicans in that state whose number one issue is illegal immigration.  In fact The Hill described his endorsement as something that:

“could provide a boost for one of the GOP candidates in the all-important
first-in-the-nation caucus state.”

The buzz in the blogosphere was the fact that NBC assumed Romney was going to get the nod because of all the Romney people there, so they put it up as fact on their website. 

Imagine that, a news organization assuming something to be true and instead of waiting for the outcome, or doing some digging on their own, they just put up as a known fact…..you shocked?

Anyways, Fred also received the endorsement from the Wesleyan Center for Strategic Studies, a Methodist umbrellas organization. 

Standing inside the Mississippi State Capitol Rotunda, a cluster of conservative Christian leaders voiced their support for Republican candidate Fred Thompson, praising his “fortitude” of character.

“[Former] Senator Thompson’s pursuit of the presidency is not ego-driven … and [he] does not attempt to re-invent himself or change his language depending on his audience,” Reverend Phillip Knight said, adding, “It appears to me, the only candidate that can act, isn’t.”

Knight and Dr. Benny Tate, founders of the Wesleyan Center for Strategic Studies, promise the endorsements of 100 conservative Methodist pastors in the coming days.


“We don’t need a leader in the White House with a sporadic splash but we need a man with a steel spine,” Tate said.

After meeting with Thompson, the two men said they were impressed with the former Senator based on his stances on issues like abortion, same-sex marriage and U.S support for Israel. Tate says Thompson’s record as a “tax-cutter” also elevates his appeal as a presidential contender, one of the reasons why he’s supporting him over Huckabee.

And to top it all off he received a endorsement from the California Pro Life
and the Minnesota Citizens Concerned for

All in all not a bad day for Fred.  The day started with his interview on Fox:

And ended with a bang.

I’ll leave you with a good quote from Allah at Hot Air on describing the video above:

Fred’s laugh is about a million times more palatable than Hillary’s.


One of the editors from Redstate, Pejman Yousefzadeh, has given his endorsement to Fred also today:

Many writers, in praising Thompson, have indicated that one of the more
laudable things about his candidacy is that he is more interested in doing
something than he is in being somebody.
This is true. Ambition is a good thing
to have but far too many politicians make ambition an end in and of itself. For
Thompson, ambition is a means to an end–a means to implementing the policy
positions he and other Reagan Republicans care about so deeply. That having been
written, Thompson owes it to his supporters to vigorously campaign for the
Presidency of the United States. People like me have invested a lot of hope in
Thompson’s candidacy as being the truest campaign there is to the principles of
Reaganism. Reaganism deserves a forceful, articulate, tireless and compelling
champion for its philosophy. If Thompson is willing to be that candidate, if he
is ambitious not for himself but for the beliefs he holds and for the country
which can benefit mightily from the application of those beliefs, his candidacy
can serve as a powerful standard to which Republicans can rally.
And more
importantly, it can lead to a Presidency of success and promise.

We have waited a long time for a candidate who puts substance over style. Now
is the time for him and for his supporters to put their noses to the grindstone
and realize his vision.

Fred Thompson for President.


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Have you ever seen a killer whale swallowing an unsuspecting seal? This is how Fred will win!
