Stop The Hand Show Fredhead Donation Drive


It’s the Stop The Hand Show donation drive at Fred Headquarters. Started yesterday and since I was work all friggin day I didn’t get the word. But there are still a few hours left and if your even considering putting a vote in for Fred please drop a few coins into the bucket. 

UPDATE 1715hrs

A little over 7 hours since I first posted this up and we had 1,123 donations in at that time.  And now success!  Thanks to those who donated.

Running for President is serious business. We’re facing pressing
issues like national security, bankrupt entitlements, a broken tax
code, and out-of-control judges. So what did the liberal moderator want
at Wednesday’s debate? A show of hands. We deserve serious discussion
not kindergarten antics.

Don’t you want a conservative leader who won’t grovel to the liberal media?

If 2,400 people donate in the next 24 hours it will tell the liberal media that the American people are tired of their games.

Stand with Fred and reject the liberal media’s “monkey business” and gotcha games.

Along the lines of the first video check out the audacity of the School Marm writing in her paper today: (h/t Riehl World View)

By and large, the Republicans say they can get us to smaller government and
lower taxes with economic growth and government efficiency. They don’t ask
Americans to make terrible sacrifices. About half wanted to tackle
global warming and about half chose not to talk about it.
They want
local control and choice in education.

Excuse me lady, but Fred DID ask to talk about it.  He didn’t want to play your game of “yes or no”.  And your damn right they don’t ask Americans to make terrible sacrifices when they don’t have to.  You lower taxes and get government out of people’s lives and the economy grows.  People have more money to spend so they spend it.  Hell, I’m no economist but that’s not to hard too grasp. 

Here’s another great video from Fred on his apologies to a few of the candidates since it seems to be apology giving season:



Gary Gross at California Conservative has a few questions:

Should it ever be too late to support the smartest man on stage in the
Republican debates? Let me illustrate my point by asking some questions about
Sen. Thompson’s positions on the key issues of the day.

  • Were you impressed by Sen. Thompson’s intent to reform entitlements?
  • Were you impressed with his standing down “Nurse Ratchet”?
  • Did you like it when he said that the NEA was the single biggest thing
    standing in the way of education reform?
  • Do you like Sen. Thompson’s unwavering support for the Tenth Amendment and
    the principles of federalism?
  • When Sen. Thompson talks about shutting off the flow of illegal immigrants
    by beefing up the border partol and building the wall, do you find him credible?

  • When Sen. Thompson says that he’d lay out for the American people the fight
    we’re facing with the jihadists, is it apparent that his plan is intelligent and

Let’s compare your answers to those questions with some questions about Mitt

  • Does it bother you that Gov. Romney says that he’s for local control of
    education in one sentence, then touts the fact that Massachusetts implemented
    many of NCLB’s provisions before it became law?
  • Are you convinced that Mitt Romney is solidly pro life? If you’re convinced
    of that, how do you reconcile the fact that Gov. Romney put a higher priority on
    signing a single payer health care bill than on fighting against publicly funded
  • When Gov. Romney said that he’d sign a federal law banning abortion in a
    post-Roe v. Wade world, was it more likely that Gov. Romney was saying that
    federalism wasn’t important? Or that he was simply pandering for votes?

The point I’m making is that time shouldn’t matter. It’s far more important
to find the candidate with the most consistently intelligent, well-thought out

Ask yourself if you’ve ever heard him give an unsatisfactory answer. Ask
yourself if you agree with Sen. Thompson that federalism and libertarianism were
the most important underpinnings for your policies? Ask yourself how high a
priority you put on fiscal sanity, nominating and confirming strict
constructionist judges and defeating the jihadists.

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That Fred States video is great!

Might as well apologize while you are pointing out another candidate’s weak points.

Talking about apologies, Did you see Hillary’s Mark Penn on Hardball explaining Hillary’s apology to Obama about the drug use smear while he repeats the attack on Obama’s cocaine use?

Classic Clinton:

Question: How many times can Mark Penn work the word “cocaine” into a sentence and blame it on someone else?

I bet Penn left the studio and made some references to the “snow” and how the wind was “blowing” up his nose.

While I like Fred, I still like Huck as a national candidate, but that’s just me. What REALLY got me about this piece was the pics from the troops with the banners. Somehow….I’d just love to see a similar Kucinich or Ron Paul pic (just for laughs).

Scott: Huckabee? You spent too much time out there on the landfill! 🙂

Way too much if your behind Huck. Still better then any Democrat on the ticket but the guy is just unelectable. The Dem’s know this, and so should we. He is our Hillary….Huck gets the nod and a Dem will get into the White House.

Hang in there, members of the military have a great sense of humor. A Paul and Kucinich poster will show up. Kind of like the save me Jon Scary Karry posters. Huck is not the republican Shrillary, not smart enough, he’s the republican Dimmy Carter. Ask Ann Coulter, she has him pegged.

2400 people in 24 hours isn’t bad, especially on short notice. Probably raised a quarter of a million dollars in one day. Nice to see that they now have a counter – I think it helps a lot when people can see the results in real time, stupid as that sounds.
Tomorrow Ron Paul will raise twenty or twenty-five times that in a similar timeframe. Fred better step up his game if he wants to have enough money to compete with Giuliani and Romney…

Ask yourself if you’ve ever heard him give an unsatisfactory answer.

Bingo! My answer is “no!”