Those Evil Jews & 9/11


As usual, the guys and gals at Screws Loose Change have done an outstanding job of exposing the lunatics inside the Truther movement.  Over the last week they have discovered some great stuff which I will breakdown for my readers.

First, Paula Zahn did a 10 minute segment on the 9/11 Truthers that shines the spotlight on the wackjob 9/11 Truthers and how they believe the Jews are behind 9/11. 

A little transcript for ya:

ZAHN: We have all heard some absolutely incredible 9/11 conspiracy theories. The web of course is full of them. But tonight we’re bringing one out that feeds on racism out in the open. We were absolutely shocked by one recent poll that found out that one in every three Americans believe the terror attacks were not the work of America’s enemies, but some sort of inside job. And Deborah Feyerick found a smaller percentage who believe an even uglier theory.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This 9/11 attack was not by 19 Arabs. It was not by Muslims.

DEBORAH FEYERICK, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): They talk about a Jewish plot.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Everywhere you look you find a Zionist agent.

FEYERICK: A conspiracy by Zionist Israeli intelligence or by Zionist moles in the Bush administration allegedly calling the shots in the Middle East. Websites, magazines, documentaries, radio programs, dozens of them disputing the fact that al Qaeda was behind the 9/11 attacks.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It was done by a group of Zionists.

FEYERICK: Are you suggesting that al Qaeda had nothing to do with it, that this was all part of a large conspiracy, Zionist or otherwise?

CHRISTOPHER BOLLYN, WRITER: Al Qaeda is in my opinion — has been exploited. I question whether such a group even exists.

FEYERICK: Chicago writer Christopher Bollyn is one of the conspiracy theorists.

BOLLYN: I believe that there are Israeli elements that are connected to the Mossad, that are involved in this attack.

Whoa boy.  Tin hats galore.  Of course the Truthers are a bit upset about all this and are thinking up ways to counter-attack:

The first line of defense is to be very conscious about making any statements to the media that can be twisted to support the anti-Semitic accusation. Yes, this is self-censorship, but it is enlightened self-censorship and we are playing to win. Anyone invited into the media spotlight needs to be very disciplined about staying on message and those who allow themselves to be used to discredit the 9/11 Truth movement should find themselves out on the cold and lonely fringes immediately.

The best way to counter-attack would be to have a group called Jews for 9/11 Truth (don’t laugh) rain emails, letters and phone calls down on Zahn, King and CNN and other msm outlets. To my knowledge, no such group exists at this time. The next best thing we can do is contact Dr. Kevin Barrett and have him ask the prominent Jewish members of MUJCA (perhaps Sandra Lubarsky and/or Rabbi Michael Lerner) to do whatever they are willing to do to counter this unfounded and poisonous attack. I would love to see Rabbi Lerner go one-on-one with Larry King on this (I can dream, can’t I?).

Makes sense right?  They all know the Jews did it but no one should say that to the media or your out.  Get a few Jews to become their friends and ta-da!  Problem fixed.

But even better then all this is the upcoming 9/11 Accountability Conference scheduled at the end of this month.  They have lots of kooks lined up to keep all the minions in line, plus refreshments of course, and to top it off the whole show is organized and run by one Eric Williams, a holocaust denier:

Eric Williams does not want to be known as a Holocaust denier. After my interview with him for an item in this week’s Bird column titled “Deniers Conference,” in which I expose his views as written in his self-published tome The Puzzle of Auschwitz, he posted a free pdf of the book online at his site, along with a “disclaimer” stating that, “I am not a holocaust denier.” But in the same disclaimer, he writes, “…first, and foremost, it is [a] well known fact that the numbers of the 6 million Jews said have been killed in Concentration Camps have come down to around 1 million. ”

[…]Williams takes as gospel the findings of Fred A. Leuchter, a hero to neo-Nazis worldwide, whose so-called Leuchter Report on the use of the poison Zyklon B has been thoroughly discredited. Errol Morris’ acclaimed documentary Mr. Death: The Rise and Fall of Fred A. Leuchter, Jr. reveals Leuchter to be a fool, whose tests on the walls and bricks of Auschwitz were ultimately disowned even by the chemist who performed them.

Williams dismisses as “total nonsense” the gassing of Jews at Auschwitz. He refers to Auschwitz as a “reconstructed theme park,” and in a particularly repugnant chapter, states that he does not believe the so-called Operation Reinhard camps of Sobibor, Treblinka and Belzec ever existed. He sums up the chapter dealing with these camps with this rhetorical query:

Do I really need to continue to show that these Operation Reinhard Death Camps of Treblinka, Belzec and Sobibor were nothing more than crafted propaganda to ensure the momentum of an agenda?

And this is a guy who says he’s not a Holocaust denier.

The Conference website, which at one time listed Williams as the Conference Director, now lists him as the Vendor Coordinator who just happens to be on the schedule to speak for an hour.  Since the story broke about this guy they have been pulling doubletime to distance themselves from him but as we all know, the web has a looooong memory.  Pat over at Screws Loose Change found that Williams is a bit more involved then just dealing with the vendors:

Well, if he’s not the webmaster, then whoever is the webmaster listed him as the webmaster (and Conference Director):

This may have something to do with the fact that he is the domain registrant (i.e., he owns the website):

He’s also the exhibit coordinator:

And exhibitors are requested to make checks payable to him.

James at Screws Loose Change found that Williams was listed as the conference Director when he was interviewed by 9/11 Blogger last month:

Eric D. Williams Co-Director of the 911 Accountability Conference was a guest on Lone Lantern Radio, January 10th. Host Gary Franchi discussed guests, goals, direction and the purpose for the conference with Eric. Janette MacKinlay called in towards the end of the show to share her thoughts on the conference and the importance of accountability.

But now he is the Vendor Coordinator.  Sure sure.

You think there will be any Jews speaking that conference now? 

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This would be comical if it didn’t point out that good part of the American public should not be allowed out of lockup. Anyone that believes this rot had better stay away from me and mine. I’ll get really violent, fast.

If President Bush was really this smart and could work this fast (Jan to Sept) in setting up an operation with people that would then disappear to some lovely island never to be seen again the Islamic world would no longer exist today. Just think what he could do with a million man army if he pulled off 9-11 with so few they could disappear and no one would be looking for them. He is an absolute genus.

Maybe that’s the cure for Global warming, make the Islamic world disappear and the population that is causing global warming would be reduced to a managable level. That is one operation I will go along with, and assist with. A few large nuc’s in Iran and Syria would be a good start.

THOSES for sure do not vote conservative,they sound more like the ones who come from the leftist totalitarians;

PAYPAL,i have a question and i am happy to have the chance to ask; it goes that way’how come i have paid an amount to FA last january or february by paypal,i never receive the amount to pay on my credit card;WHEN i did visit paypal,i followed all the lines,came back and saw that amount on” the pink gauge” up the page,so i was sure of the transaction;can you tell me what happen?i always check every month since then; bye 🙄

what i dislike about the thruters is thoses who give them a spot to publicly tell their lies,and show their sick brains;dont thoses main media have any others news for their public ?.

What I find increasing troubling about truthers is that sooner or later it will expose the sacred shoah. It won’t be truthers who do the exposure, for they are far too unintelligent. But it will usher in certain scientific groups who will once and for all “get to the bottom” of the shoah. This will cut off much, if not all of Israel’s funding and require the good Israel to pay reparations to the countries in which the shoah was used to receive billions, if not trillions of dollars from. We can only pray to God that this doesn’t happen. Remember, what the gentile doesn’t know, won’t hurt them.


H A Rosen, hi, would you be so kind to explain to me the meaning of shoa, and why would it expose ISRAEL with thoses funds of billions or trillions of dollards,
because I sense a double standard in your comment, tell me if I’m wrong,
I will be much oblige to understand it