Liberals and obedience


The two dominant racial stories currently on the Daily Mail website are the pursuit and stabbing of Nicholas Pearton in South London by six negro gang-members and the lift from The Times about the “tidal wave” of Muslim grooming of white girls in the North. They are both very emotive stories. They are both completely ignored by the left-wing press and the BBC. Google has removed all links to the original Times story and the Daily Mail version. It is completely clear that white lives do not mean anything to the people involved in those decisions. What does matter is the progress of the MultiCult. At all human costs, if those humans are white.

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Curt, Here the phrase “the willingness to submit” pops right out in the first paragraph. The “Willingness” is the key here. For quite some time the UK has been on a path of submission and the acceptance of Islam and the consideration of Sharia Law as a “judicial system” of sorts. All for the sake of “Diversity” or acceptance of Islamic Culture as a harmless thing, even after the bombings.

As the UK has never had a Bill of Rights per se or No 2nd Amendment Rights, there is not any recourse or sense of individual responsibility for rejecting threats. The Courts in the UK are reluctant to deal with Gang Activity if it involves Gangs of an “Ethnic” flavor so as to not offend any particular groups or lend no appearance or suggestion of racism. Tolerance by their Ultra Liberal Judiciary is dominant.

The “Willingness to Submit” is what Islam is all about when dealing with Non – Believers in certain part of the World where tolerance is viewed as a virtue. From the authors points are insight. How much Tolerance or Submission is healthy? Both France and Germany are confronting that concept now.
Time will tell on this notion.

Just as people tolerate flies or insects at a picnic or barbecue…sooner or later the irritation level becomes unbearable…when this level is reached…instinctively these people will bring out the “Raid Yard Guard” dispatching said nuisance from the area.

Give it time…

When did Google remove all links to these stories?
I read one about how 56 men all were arrested for grooming girls (as young as 11 years old) into prostitution in the UK.
Of the 56, 53 were termed ”Asian,” while 50 were termed “Muslim.”
The Daily Mail version is still linked if you search: groomed girls prostitution asian.
In that article is plainly states that

“Agencies have identified a long-term pattern of offending by gangs of men, predominantly from the British Pakistani community, who have befriended and abused hundreds of vulnerable girls aged 11 to 16.”

And this:

Three of the 56 were white, 53 were Asian. Of those, 50 were Muslim and a majority were members of the British Pakistani community.

Those convicted allegedly represent only a small proportion of what one detective called a ‘tidal wave’ of offending in Yorkshire, Lancashire, Greater Manchester and the Midlands.”

I was reading an ex-Muslim’s explanation for WHY we are seeing so much of this.
Wealthy Muslim men can afford to get up to their 4 wives.
But poor Muslim males pretty much do without.
That leaves them three alternatives.
One is joining jihad to get 72 virgins in Paradise.
Two is taking a young, prepubescent boy, as self-gratification is a death sentence (if caught).
Three is taking/raping an infidel female.
This third one is called ”razzia,” and means take war booty, rape, pillage at will.

Insects don’t gain influence to convert your children through the education system and media. Also the police will not protect them, so I’m sorry to say your metaphor is not at all comforting