Yes, Democrats Are Trying To Steal The Election In Michigan, Wisconsin, And Pennsylvania


By John Daniel Davidson

As of this writing, it appears that Democratic Party machines in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania are trying to steal the election.

As reporters and commentators went to bed early Tuesday morning, all three states were too close to call, but President Trump led former Vice President Joe Biden by comfortable margins—far beyond what had been predicted in the polls. None of the networks called these states because enough mail-in ballots remained uncounted that it could swing either way, but Trump’s position looked good.

Then, something strange happened in the dead of the night. In both Michigan and Wisconsin, vote dumps early Wednesday morning showed 100 percent of the votes going for Biden and zero percent—that’s zero, so not even one vote—for Trump.

In Michigan, Biden somehow got 138,339 votes and Trump got none, zero, in an overnight vote-dump.

When my Federalist colleague Sean Davis noted this, Twitter was quick to censor his tweet, even though all he had done was compare two sets of vote totals on the New York Times website. And he wasn’t the only one who noticed—although on Wednesday it appeared that anyone who noted the Biden vote dump in Michigan was getting censored by Twitter.

Others were quick to note the partisan censorship from Twitter and raise concerns over how 100 percent of a vote dump could possibly go to Biden. But the social media giant has maintained its crackdown on sharing this information. Twitter users could not like or share a tweet from the Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh noting the 138,339-vote dump.

Buzzfeed later reported that according to a spokesperson at Decision Desk HQ, the votes for Biden were the result of a “data error” from a “file created by the state that we ingested.” When the state noticed the “error” it updated its count, which somehow gave 138,339 votes to Biden and zero to Trump.

It turns out, the vote dump was the result of an alleged typo, an extra zero that had been tacked onto Biden’s vote total in Shiawaesee County, Michigan. It seems the error was discovered only because Davis and other Twitter users noted how insane and suspicious the vote totals looked, and demanded an investigation that uncovered what was either a typo or an incredibly clumsy attempt to boost Biden’s vote count.

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Pretty much what I thought, concerning the “trove” of Biden votes, suddenly found.

If Biden wins, I will not accept the results and he will NOT be my President.

This will be based on this election being not fair and free, or fraud-free. It’s not like when butt-hurt Dems couldn’t accept Trump’s clean win in 2016.

This isn’t right, and the Dems need to be held accountable. Americans don’t want Biden as President.

Wisconsin has fallen, Milwaukees 10% of the population has screwed us again, just like our in governor election.

It turns out, the vote dump was the result of an alleged typo, an extra zero that had been tacked onto Biden’s vote total in Shiawaesee County, Michigan. It seems the error was discovered only because Davis and other Twitter users noted how insane and suspicious the vote totals looked, and demanded an investigation that uncovered what was either a typo or an incredibly clumsy attempt to boost Biden’s vote count.

It wasn’t an alleged typo, it was an actual typo—which also means there was no “magically discovered trove of votes”. The “magically discovered trove of votes” was only a product of Sean Davis’s imagination.

An error that boosted a county’s party vote by tenfold would not have long escaped official notice.

@Greg: It needs both transparency and investigation, this was not late vote count, supposedly it was early vote count, not mail in. Why would a typo change count it should be on thumb drives from the ballot counters.


It wasn’t an alleged typo, it was an actual typo

And you know that the typo was made “accidently” how? Do you know the person who keyed in the vote numbers?

You want to act like Democrats are above stealing elections. They’re not. But here is the funny part; I have a good friend who is an election law attorney and a hard core Conservative Republican. Almost all of her business is election disputes in primary election between DEMOCRATS (see Hidalgo County, Texas). Democrats trying to steal the election from another Democrat. Too damn funny.

Democrats have been perfecting the art of election theft since 1948.


It wasn’t an alleged typo, it was an actual typo—which also means there was no “magically discovered trove of votes”.

Right. There were no votes. They just added another zero on the count. Hell, it’s just a zero… right? No big deal.

Again, funny how those “honest mistakes” and curious circumstances always seem to fall in favor of the Democrats. EVERY vote needs to be revisited and this bullshit about any vote, whether received before midnight Nov. 3 or not, whether postmarked are not is just that… BULLSHIT. Or, can people that forgot to vote just go show up a couple weeks after the polls close and vote for Trump?

An error that boosted a county’s party vote by tenfold would not have long escaped official notice.

Oh, really? Why was it so important to Twitter to suppress the information? No doubt, this was just the one that got caught. Probably the tip of the iceberg. Would it help if we blamed the Russians?

@Deplorable Me, #6:

Oh, really? Why was it so important to Twitter to suppress the information?

Because the nation is polarized and tensions are very high. Disinformation is potentially dangerous. People can be provoked to impulsive, destructive action with disinformation.

Do you really believe no one responsible for monitoring the voting and tabulation process would notice a large county total that has been multiplied by ten? There are local monitors representing both political parties who watch over the process. Election monitoring is the norm, at the polling places and with the counting and tabulating processes.


Disinformation is potentially dangerous. People can be provoked to impulsive, destructive action with disinformation.

Thank you for finally admitting the MO of the failing political party you support.


Election monitoring is the norm, at the polling places and with the counting and tabulating processes.

Not on this scale with mail-in voting. It was wrong to institute so close to an election. You’d be screaming bloody murder if 130000 votes for Trump suddenly just “materialized” all at once in a swing state, overnight….when they said they were don’t counting for the night.

Trump has won. Any Biden “win” must be rejected as the illegitimate fraud that it is.

No votes counted thus far have suddenly just materialized. They’ve been sitting there waiting to be counted. Those which are incorrectly completed or questionable for some reason are given the same critical examination as any other ballot.

Unfortunately some were caught in the postal backlog and never made it to their official destinations. Those have not been included in the count. They probably won’t be.

Neither Trump nor Biden has yet won, but we’re getting close to knowing who did. FOX News now has Biden only 6 votes shy of 270. They’ve been quicker than other news outlets to call several states.


Because the nation is polarized and tensions are very high.

And Twitter is now the “tension” police? Just admit it, Comrade Greggie; you like Twitter silencing your opposition.

There are local monitors representing both political parties who watch over the process.

You mean like the Republican poll watchers kicked out of polling locations in Pennsylvania?


How do you know if the election workers were both Democrat and Republican in any of those states? Since you seem to think you are such a legal eagle, give us the law in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania that says there has to be an equal division in the poll workers between Republican and Democrat.

Show what you’ve got, Comrade Greggie.


Because the nation is polarized and tensions are very high. Disinformation is potentially dangerous.

But it’s not “disinformation”. It’s the TRUTH. Sounds more like even Twitter is expecting fraud and doesn’t want the information to spread.

Do you really believe no one responsible for monitoring the voting and tabulation process would notice a large county total that has been multiplied by ten?

How about we don’t just make a bunch of assumptions of innocence and “oopsies”? How about we wonder how the “oopsies” always go to the Democrat’s benefit? All the vote needs to be reviewed.

The whole idea of all these mail in votes was exactly for this. No wonder Biden wouldn’t campaign; he would just hurt his chances with his stupidity and the fraud was in the bag.


The whole idea of all these mail in votes was exactly for this.

The only reason mail-in ballots have come into the count later than same-day voting ballots is because the law in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania blocked processing of them from beginning earlier. Everybody knew this would result in an inaccurate picture of the likely final outcome during the course of election day evening. COVID-19 shifted voting patterns. This was obvious throughout the month of October.

Mail-in ballots have represented a significant part of the mix each election. They’re not a new invention.


Mail-in ballots have represented a significant part of the mix each election. They’re not a new invention.

This many votes is certainly unprecedented. Then, sending out the ballots was bungled, ballots were misprinted and now nobody knows how to process or handle them… or so they pretend.

@kitt, #17:

There’s a crowd of self-appointed “poll challengers” outside demanding entrance to the counting floor. There are already 400 authorized observers inside freely roaming the area, including 134 Republican challengers, 134 Democratic challengers, and 134 nonpartisan challengers.

@Nathan Blue:

Pretty much what I thought, concerning the “trove” of Biden votes, suddenly found.

Looks like the Trump campaign was expecting they’d pull this shit. Ditto from me on not accepting a Biden win as well. They didn’t accept Trump and he won legally.

@kitt: Well, you know, to make sure everything is legitimate and the process is transparent, covering up windows and banning Republican poll watchers is the way to do it.

@another vet: We’ve got a bigger problem if one Party and their infected institutions have made the US something other than a Democracy.

If Biden wins, I will no longer say that I live in a Democracy. It’s officially a Democrat coup, at that point.

@Nathan Blue: I concur 100%. This is what the dems wanted- first steal the election and second delegitimize it should Trump win. They really didn’t think it through all the way. Whoever wins will be seen as an illegitimate President. Since they already viewed Trump that way, it does him no harm. Biden is the one who loses the most. After watching the Arizona video (assuming the claims are true and not hyped), I can’t help wondering now if Team Trump’s plan all along wasn’t to get them to cheat in massive numbers and then expose them.

@another vet:

They really didn’t think it through all the way. Whoever wins will be seen as an illegitimate President.

They are too consumed by hate (for Trump and this country) to think anything through. All they want is power. The media will cover whatever they do. Then they begin to govern the way Schiff ran his impeachment sham trial.

@Deplorable Me: For sure. They are unhinged. Another thing they haven’t considered is should they pull the steal off, and they have a good chance of doing that, is that it will make Trump a private citizen again. One with lots of money and resources who has an axe to grind and will be looking for serious payback. Imagine what a force and threat he would be if started up his own news network. It would most likely be the most watched and listened to network in the country especially since Fox cut their throats with their election coverage. Everything Biden and the dems say and do would be subjected to fact checks and independent investigation. His Twitter account on steroids.

If Trump becomes a private citizen again, he will likely be turning his full attention to multiple state-level criminal investigations that have been held back by his presidential immunity.

@another vet: He could take control of OAN and make it a power. Or, another network. We need more.