Why Impeachment Is A Massive Blunder For Nancy Pelosi


It’s been an ugly fall in Washington. Wet, dreary and deeply stupid. In the season we’re supposed to be shopping for the perfect gift for our loved ones, instead most of us are busily shopping for a reason to give America what they say she wants more than her two front teeth: impeachment.

But despite Wednesday’s long-expected vote and the media cheer group accompanying it, this is going terribly for the Democrats.

There’s a willful suspension of belief at work in the capital city. Self-proclaimed defenders of the Constitution make excuses for sloppy spying on a major candidate for president. Men who compare themselves to those at Valley Forge shift seamlessly from allegations of urine-soaked escapades to collusion with the Kremlin, from the Kremlin to Ukraine, and finally from quid-quo-pro to bribery to obstruction, with stopovers on NFL anthem protests and insults to “The Squad.” The speaker quotes the deceased Elijah Cummings in wondering, “When we’re dancing with the angels, the question will be asked, in 2019,” did we impeach Donald Trump?

Media commentators in Washington and New York read D.C. bedtime stories about a majority of Americans backing their efforts– a statistic you would have to spend nearly all your time in New York or D.C. to remotely believe. When polls don’t fit that worldview, they’re discarded. “I don’t believe that poll for one second,” CNN’s Jeffrey Toobin balked when CNN political director David Chalian showed declining enthusiasm for a impeachment in a network poll. “David, that poll is wrong. Just because I said so.”

After the Robert Mueller Russia fiasco, it takes willful stupidity to think that a solid majority of Americans ever wanted to see this impeachment go through over a country some of them might recognize from a Risk game. But the delusions don’t end with the same polls that predicted President Hillary Clinton. From the nature of the impeachment to the lionization of its leader, media elites and their Democrat allies have misread this political situation more seriously than any since the eve of Trump’s election, when paragraphs of space were devoted to what catering reporters were eating as they awaited Her big win.

The New York Times served “an array of Greek food and Dallas BBQ” while giving Clinton an 85 percent chance of winning. Politico served chicken, shrimp and salads.

Three years later, Republicans across the board have rejected the impeachment proceedings as unjust, unfair, and undemocratic. Since Justin Amash, a libertarian who loves to disagree and gives the strong impression he annoyed classmates in his youth, became an independent five months ago, the ranks have closed. According to Wednesday’s conventional wisdom, though, this marks a new chapter in “three years of unshakable and at times irrational support for Trump.”


Democrats, the same article follows, are falling “almost uniformly” in line. Except for Democrat Reps. Jared Golden and Collin Peterson , who Wednesday voted against impeachment. And Democratic presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard, who voted present. And of course New Jersey’s Jeff Van Drew, who is telling colleagues he’s becoming a Republican in protest.

Understand that to the political press corps, a GOP that unanimously backed the president and opposed Pelosi is “at times irrational,” and three Democrats voting against their speaker and one defecting from the entire party is “almost uniformly” in line. This “conventional wisdom” is accepted by nearly the entire corporate media, and parroted to Americans forced to listen at airports and gyms across the country.

Amazingly, though, it is not nearly the greatest media distortion of even the day. For example, it is far surpassed by the worship, adoration and glorification of Madam Speaker, the Democrats’ leader in the fight.

“Her command of legislation, her control over her caucus, her ability to confront a historically hostile president and GOP-run Senate on equal terms are unparalleled,” Politico crows in a hard-hitting piece about the how the 79-year old congresswoman in office since Ronald Reagan was president “has roared back.”

“She’s the one person in Washington who can beat Trump at his own game,” Politico continues, “though she never wanted to play it.”

And the pews in the speaker’s church are just overflowing.

“Nancy Pelosi: An Extremely Stable Genius,” the New Yorker cheers.

“Political Grandmaster,” Vanity Fair crowns.

“Nancy Pelosi Has Trump Right Where She Wants Him,” Politico Magazine pretends.

“She May Not Acknowledge It, But Nancy Pelosi Is A Fashion Icon,” The Washington Post blogs.

“She,” a Food And Wine profile assures, “can also locate Paris’s best croissant.”

Casual readers will be forgiven for not knowing that the speaker has never actually beaten the president. Even on Wednesday when the addled, shaky pillar of Democrat might led impeachment, she seemingly failed to win the national argument and likely strengthened the president’s re-election prospects.

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Watch out Nasty Nancy this could very well be the Waterloo for you and your fellow Democrats so watch your step

Cant say we did not warn them.
Yes Trump is the 3rd President to be impeached, but he could be the first to be re-elected after impeachment. No we are not sick of winning yet.

Mike Huckabee recently trolled that he would head up President Trump’s 2024 campaign for re-re-election.
Why three terms?
Because the Dems messed up his 1st term based on lies created for Hillary.

Democrats never figure out what questions to ask themselves. Like, for instance, if the evidence was so clear and irrefutable, why did it take all of Nancy’s arm twisting and political “genius” to get her albatross passed and hung around her neck? Why did it take so much lying to make it look like something impeachable?

Democrats avoid these questions because the answers sting…. real bad.

The Democrats are all Traitors to America they all belong in prison doing life for their acts of Treason

Now, is it possible that those who lied under oath can be prosecuted by the DOJ with out opening the impeachment case again? What about all of the leakers? Can Trump initiate that after he gets reelected? He would have nothing to lose then, but House Dems will have to undergo another election during Trumps second term.

I wonder if Pelosi initiated the impeachment to weed out the weak members of the House who have been pushing her too far left? Maybe she was willing to sacrifice short term control for long term success?


Now, is it possible that those who lied under oath can be prosecuted by the DOJ with out opening the impeachment case again? What about all of the leakers?

Impeachment is the process by which a legislative body levels charges against a government official. Impeachment does not in itself remove the official definitively from office; it is similar to an indictment in criminal law, and thus it is essentially the statement of charges against the official.
They simply made an accusation it was their duty to provide all the evidence witnesses to the senate for trial.
They were arrogant enough to write the articles on the garbage Schiff gathered, the democrats so stupid to vote yea on this.
The leakers of classified call, best just reassign them to some shithole job in the government stripped of any power to ever see hear or deal with any classified material.

@kitt: I wonder if there are any government jobs in BF Egypt where trump can send those people?

@Randy: I hear there are openings in Bengahzi Libya.
I suggest you pick up the book by Dan Bongino, Spygate, he caught what was in your link a while back. Fuggin Brennan.

In Federalist No. 69, Alexander Hamilton described impeachment essentially as a release valve from another “crisis of a national revolution.” He and other Founders grappled with how best to execute such a check, and eventually, they settled on the system we have today.
Even more than 230 years ago, they were eerily prescient in fearing how the impeachment process could play out: beset by partisanship and broken down by factions. Every impeachment proceeding so far — from Andrew Johnson to Bill Clinton and now President Trump — was split along those lines.

@MOS # 8541: They also realized that our government still relies on people with noble hearts and dedication to the Constitution. They didn’t imagine thugs like Pelosi, Schiff, Nadler and Schumer having control. Right this moment, our entire system of government if protected by a mere handful of seats in the Senate. It is terrifying how close we came to watching totalitarianism take over our country.

this farce of impeachment is a pyrrhic victory for the democraps. History records 5 major military pyrrhic victories: The battle of Bunker Hill, The battles of Heracles and Asculum, the battle of Malplaquet, the Battle of Borodino and the Battle of Chancellorsville. this farce is a pathetic pyrrhic victory if history will even record it as such.

Yesterday’s traditional Christian moral principles are now being branded as leftist. Don’t believe me? Listen to these two Trump propagandists:

From FOX News, December 11, 2019 – Ralph Reed: Evangelical magazine that slammed Trump should change name to ‘Christianity Yesterday’


“This is suppose to be a publication about saving souls, I would imagine. Right? But he decided to make it all about politics.”

Christian evangelicals were herded into the republican political corral by making it all about politics. They were given to believe that the Republican Party supported Christian moral precepts concerning proper human conduct. Christianity Today has made the the observation that Donald Trump’s conduct in office and personal behavior exemplify none of those precepts; essentially, that in the person of Donald Trump, Christians are being presented with a test of their faith.

For that reason, Christianity Today is now under attack. Typically, the publication is accused of being leftist—for supporting the Christian precepts of yesterday. The claim is that it has been becoming increasingly leftist since Billy Graham founded it in the 1950s. Apparently it did that for nearly 60 years on the long watch of Billy Graham himself.

Maybe people should do an inventory of the principles laid out by Jesus in the New Testament and ask themselves how many must be twisted or thrown out to rationalize support of the man in the White House. Of course any such invitation to introspection or soul searching is probably a leftist suggestion. You can just keep your MAGA hats screwed on tight and follow the leader. Maybe he will also Make Christianity Great Again.

How do evangelicals feel about McConnell’s public announcement that he has no intention of conducting an impartial Senate impeachment trial, when he and every other Senator involved will be required by long-standing Senate rules to take an oath before God affirming that they will do so? THE MAN IS OPENLY STATING HE WILL BREAK HIS OATH, AND THAT TRUMP WILL BE PROVIDED WITH A RIGGED SENATE TRIAL.


Perhaps you would like to link to that bit of self perceived wisdom you just spewed out? Everyone knows that you have not one original thought of your own.

And what is with your fixation on religion lately? Are you failing your Communist litmus test of being a non believer? Watch it, Comrade Greggie, you just might have your card revoked.

Christians have elected Presidents through the years that were less than Christian. FDR, JFK, Bill Clinton. All hypocrites when it came to their claimed Christianity. Hell, according to the Old Testament, committing adultery was punishable by death.

You would be funny, Comrade Greggie, if you were not so pathetic.

@retire05, #15:

The link to the article is directly in front of your nose. I plagiarize nothing. I have my own mind, fully capable of putting together a lifetime’s collection of words to express its own thoughts.

And what is with your fixation on religion lately?

I suppose it does tend to be in my thoughts a bit more around this time of year, but the occasion for the post was the predictable reaction to someone finally speaking out about Trump in the evangelical community. I’m not an evangelical sort, but found the Christianity yesterday remark to be both shocking and revealing. People can figure out why for themselves.

You would be funny, Comrade Greggie, if you were not so pathetic.

You’re certainly full of the Trumpian holiday spirit. I’m switching off the news in favor of old holiday movies this coming week. Maybe I’ll read some C S Lewis.


The link to the article is directly in front of your nose.

I realize your not the brightest bulb in the box, but so why do I have to explain I was not referring to the article you linked, only your comments afterward?

I plagiarize nothing. I have my own mind, fully capable of putting together a lifetime’s collection of words to express its own thoughts.

Wrong. Much of what you blather on about here at FA can be found on one of the more left wing blogsites like Huffington Post or the Daily Beast.

I’m not an evanglical sort, but found the Christianity yesterday remark to be both shocking and revealing.

No, you found it in agreement with your own opinion of President Trump. The Christianity Today article was simply preaching to your choir.

You’re certainly full of the Trumpian holiday spirit.

I have no use for hypocrites or liars, or radical leftist Commies such as you are, no matter the day or time of the year.

Wrong. Much of what you blather on about here at FA can be found on one of the more left wing blogsites like Huffington Post or the Daily Beast.

That’s because many thoughtful people are attentive to the same national and world events and share the same ideas and opinions about them.

I’m going out for a walk. The weather is too pleasant to waste.

@Greg: For Christians, what is the alternative? Vote for the party of unlimited abortion, rotating genders and gay marriage? Trump is the best hope for Christian’s. Trump is the best hope for the nation.

@retire05: Most liberals link to religion when they feel the shadow of death. Remember Ted Kennedy gave the Pope $1 million to intervene. Greggie likely feels a little shudder once in a while as the left starts dying.

@Greg: Really? They all get the same talking points from the liberals!

@Randy: He is so funny, look I found 1 guy calling himself a Christian judging Trump, you are all Christians so yo must all think the same or you might go to hell or something. It was written in a magazine with a readership of 150K! And the son of the founder of the magazine is bad, um ahhh Trump made him evil. https://townhall.com/tipsheet/bethbaumann/2019/12/21/franklin-graham-blasts-christian-todays-call-for-trumps-impeachment-my-dad-would-be-disappointed-n2558387?
And that is why impeachment thingy isnt a massive blunder that the speaker of the house wont even forward to the Senate.
How can we fight such logic?
Here we see Nancy and AOC try to stop the Trump train https://www.redstate.com/nick-arama/2019/12/22/climate-cult-gang-tries-to-block-a-freight-train-find-out-thats-not-a-good-idea/

@kitt: Maybe Greg can tell us how many Democrats have been reprimanded by their church for their support of abortion that runs contrary to the church’s dogma?

@Deplorable Me: @kitt: Trump is the only hope for anyone who wants to retire, maintain religious liberty, be free to speak their mind, protect their family and find equal protection under the law,