Why Biden Will Withdraw From the Debates


by Rob Crisell:

William Shakespeare famously observed that “all the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players.”

One of these players, Joe Biden, is currently trying out for the biggest role of his life. Unfortunately, he’s in danger of bombing the audition. He’s flubbing lines, breaking character, and occasionally forgetting the plot.

His rambling, often incoherent speech in front of a supportive audience at a church in Kenosha, Wisconsin, on September 3 shows that he’s no longer playing the role of viable presidential candidate. Instead, he’s stumbled into the last scene of Shakespeare’s “strange, eventful history” — “second childishness and mere oblivion.”

At this point, putting Biden on a stage without a script can only hurt his election prospects, and possibly even harm his health.

That’s why I predict his team will soon announce his withdrawal from all three scheduled debates with President Trump.

 The Politician as Actor

As an actor, public speaker, and teacher, I’ve had my share of memory lapses on stage. Last year, I portrayed Iago in a production of Othello. Iago was a “bucket list” part for me — a scene-stealing villain with more lines than any character in the canon not named Hamlet. I spent months memorizing and rehearsing. While I never forgot any of my lines, trying to keep hundreds of words, actions, emotions, and objectives in my head — all while “acting naturally” — exhausted me physically and mentally. After every show, I felt like I’d run a marathon.

Like many talented public figures, Biden is as much an actor as he is a politician. His grin, volubility, sense of humor, and high energy have made him a fixture in national politics for decades. He plays a nearly extinct character type — the charismatic, good-natured, blarney-spewing Irish politician. He relies on a variety of canned speeches, sprinkled liberally with jokes, poetry, stories, personal history, and folksy sayings, affectionately known as “Bidenisms.” Even when he appears to be speaking off the cuff, he’s usually repeating lines memorized years ago and recycled countless times.

When Biden declared his third run for presidency last year, some observers noticed changes in the old veteran. His energy and confidence levels were lower. His pugnacity seemed less charming and more unhinged. The pace of his speech was slower, he regularly lost his train of thought, and his syntax became more erratic, even for him. His virtual appearances showed an actor going through the motions, propped up by muscle memory, heavy-handed directing, and teleprompters.

A Kerfluffle in Kenosha

Biden’s appearance in Kenosha indicates that his mental and physical decline has accelerated.

Many, including myself, found his performance shocking and more than a little sad. Throughout his roughly 45-minute speech, he seems to be moving in slow motion. He’s unsure of his movements. He’s frail and stoop-shouldered. He appears to be out of breath much of the time. He mumbles and slurs his words. Worse, he commits dozens of mistakes, messing up lines from old speeches and making a hash of new material.

The result is an inedible stew of words, chock-full of non sequiturs, filler phrases, thought fragments, and gibberish.

Some examples:

  • To the primarily black audience, he says, “When Dr. King, when he said — I know that’s ancient history, you weren’t even born.” He never quotes MLK, instead recycling a boilerplate story about Bull Conner and firehoses that allegedly explains his support for civil rights.
  • On prison reform: “Because right now we’re in a situation where you get out of prison, and I think you all know this, you get a bus ticket and 25 bucks.” What is he implying about his audience that he assumes they would “know all this?”
  • On civil unrest: “Protesting is protesting, my buddy John Lewis used to say.” A few minutes later, he again name-checks the deceased Lewis, this time crediting him with another prosaic — and just as made-up — quote: “As John said, the only answer is to vote. It’s the only answer.”
  • He delivers a laughably bad paraphrase of Psalm 91, which he misidentifies as Psalm 23.
  • Forgetting for a moment why he’s in Kenosha, he jokingly says, “I can lay out for you [my plan] … I won’t now because they’ll shoot me.”
  • With his finger in the face of a black woman in the front row, he muses, “You ever think you’d turn on the TV, and roughly two out of three ads would be biracial couples selling a product?”
  • On black inventors: “A black man invented the light bulb, not a white guy named Edison. Okay?” Lewis Howard Latimer (whose name Biden didn’t bother to mention) made important improvements to the lightbulb filament, but he didn’t invent the lightbulb.
  • On American schools supposedly ignoring black history: “Did anybody know before what’s recently happened? That black wall street in Oklahoma was burned to the ground?” This is a cryptic reference to the horrific massacre of 300 black citizens in Oklahoma 100 years ago.
  • On racial injustice: “I don’t think we have any alternative but to fight back.” He hastily corrects himself: “ … alternative than just go tell the truth, just tell the truth.”
  • On mental health: “Every major university and prestigious university of the country has pointed out that increases by 58 percent the chances of that child, no matter what home they came from, will get all the way through all 12 years of school. It also insists that we provide for — Right now, we have one one school psychologist for every 1,505 kids in America. We know now that about 60 percent of a child’s brain is developed by the time they’ve reached that age — And anxiety that exists with children that can be identified early is able to be dealt with. Anxiety … and their situation again — where, when you do that, we know, we know that the most at-risk generation for the first time in American history is the Z generation.” Trying to make sense of this word salad might drive you crazy.
  • Interrupting himself during a solemn point about police brutality: “Hey, that’s my wife, Jill! Hey, Jilly! I’m Jill’s husband, actually.”

Clearly, Biden is a shadow of the skilled performer he once was.

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Only one problem with this.
Joe Biden’s puppet masters have shown no care or concern for him all this time.
The way they treat him might be called elder abuse in some circles.
Since Joe is too far gone to even realize it, his puppet masters might just work him to death.
That, taking place before the election, means someone else steps into the fray.
Presumably that would be Kamala Harris who couldn’t even muster 1% in the primaries.

Without questions in advance and a teleprompter with the answers, sleepy joe does not stand a chance against President Trump in an extemporaneous 90 minute debate.

On September 25, paedophile joey will announce that he had contracted the virus and must be quarantined for another 14 days in his basement thus avoid the debates.
Debates are not from his basement when he has teleprompters and access to questions like slut hillary did.
-47 yeas in DC and did squat. another piece of democrap feces. the rain and voters should have washed him away a long time ago.

Biden stands in front of Fords, before an audience of four or so and states how excited he is about the 140 mph electric Corvette coming out. No… really.

There’s no way Biden can get out of the debates, but his handlers will try to find a way. Standing up before all the media without a teleprompter and the option to cut and do another take is going to be absolutely disastrous for the DNC.

Kamala is no sure thing against Pence, either. Only the moderators can save them.

Maybe the 25th should be enacted against Biden now.