What If Trump Had Won As a Democrat?


Could Trump have done to the Democrats in 2016 what he did to the Republicans? Why not? There, too, he would have challenged an overconfident, message-challenged establishment candidate (Hillary Clinton instead of Jeb Bush) and with an even smaller number of other competitors to dispatch. One could easily see him doing as well or better than Bernie Sanders—surprising Clinton in the Iowa caucuses, winning the New Hampshire primaries, and on and on. More to the point, many of Trump’s views—skepticism on trade, sympathetic to Planned Parenthood, opposition to the Iraq war, a focus on blue-collar workers in Rust Belt America—seemed to gel as well, if not better, with blue-state America than red. Think the Democrats wouldn’t tolerate misogynist rhetoric and boorish behavior from their leaders? Well, then you’ve forgotten about Woodrow Wilson and John F. Kennedy and LBJ and the last President Clinton.

There are, as with every what-if scenario, some flaws. Democrats would have deeply resented Trump’s ‘birther’ questioning of Barack Obama’s origins, and would have been highly skeptical of the former reality TV star’s political bona fides even if he hadn’t made a sharp turn to the right as he explored a presidential bid in the run up to the 2012 election. His comments on women and minorities would have exposed him to withering scrutiny among the left’s army of advocacy groups. Liberal donors would likely have banded together to strangle his candidacy in its cradle—if they weren’t laughing him off. But Republican elites tried both of these strategies in 2015, as well, and it manifestly didn’t work. What’s more, Trump did once hold a passel of progressive stances—and he had friendships all over the political map. As Bloomberg’s Josh Green notes, in his Apprentice days, Trump was even wildly popular among minorities. It’s not entirely crazy to imagine him outflanking a coronation-minded Hillary Clinton on the left and blitzing a weak Democratic field like General Sherman marching through Georgia. And besides, it’s fun to think about.

So how, in fact, might history have changed if Trump descended that infamous golden escalator and declared his candidacy for the Democratic nomination? And how would it be (depressingly) the same?
Below: a guess at some of key moments from the first six months of the presidency of Donald J. Trump, Democrat:

Read more at Politico

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If Trump was a Demac-RAT he would have gotten plenty of support from Hollyweird he would have passed the Paris Accord there would have been no viiolence riots and Mad Madame Maxine(Waters)would be keeping her piehole closed

He is a successful business man and he still would use many of the same methods and reasoning in handling the government. I still believe he would have appointed Gorsuch to the Court. He would have been a rather conservative Democrap.


He is a successful business man and he still would use many of the same methods and reasoning in handling the government.

With an understanding I’m responding to someone that listed Nixon as the 2nd greatest POTUS and GWB coming in 3rd (among many other incredibly unhinged and illogical quotes and asinine arguments), the only response I can expect from you would be that of abject stupidity.

But to set the record straight, most every so-call success Trump had was through bankruptcies, scams, and throwing those who help him acquire success under the bus, something he even admitted during the debates-that stiffing contractors and workers, even after performing a job well done and meeting all of his requirement, was “good business”.

You are correct as he is indeed using those very “same methods and reasoning in handling the government”, lying to and scamming those who put him in office with absolutely no intentions of fulfilling his promises to them.

Wordsmith, the Trump phenomenon will likely baffle many for years to come. Todd Akin went down in flames over a simple slip of the tongue considered possibly racist yet Trump utilized racism as a political stratagem. Where before could a presidential candidate suggest a woman harassed at work just get another job? Or to admit sexually assaulting women simply because his elite status prevented them from objecting? Or as mentioned above, admitting cheating workers out of their pay for a job well done is good business. And of course, as you well know, the list just goes on and on and on.

I’ll give you my very short and condensed theory. Hillary snubbed the working class and Trump conned the working class. Period.

But I’d suggest your hypothetical leans more towards simply pointing out that it’s just maybe somehow possible that had Trump been a Democrat, Dems would then be just as rabidly hypocritical as republicans are today?

@HeyJay/HoJay42302: It must be a pitiful situation for you never knowing what your name is each day. I doubt that you are old enough to know if Nixon was or was not a good president. The largest mistake he made was having a bunch of crooks that had been appointed by previous presidents (as head of CIA, FBI etc.) that had a sole purpose of undermining any Republican president that was going to be elected. I don’t pretend to know who the ‘best or worst’ presidents of all time were. But Obama certainly has to be, by far, the worst and FDR would be there near him somewhere, along with peanut Carter. I’d guess Washington was probably the best as it’s likely he was actually concerned about the nation and not about himself.

But to set the record straight, most every so-call success Trump had was through bankruptcies, scams, and throwing

Strangely, part of that is true. He was able to survive a few bankrupticies of casinos without his business partners losing money. Something most of the casino bankruptcy victims weren’t able to do. I know of no scams that Trump was involved in. Unless joining high priced golf clubs is a scam.

he even admitted during the debates-that stiffing contractors and workers, even after performing a job well done and meeting all of his requirement, was “good business”.

So you have to admit to an outright lie to attempt to make your point. No contractor or worker has ever come forward saying that Trump cheated anyone out of a dime, or more. NONE.

You are so full of sh!t that the rest of your pack of lies and make up crap is not worth responding to. How about trying to figure out who you are today before responding. Maybe it depends on who is paying the whore and if he/it wants it to be a HayJay or a HoJay. One’s girlie, ones tranny.

HeyJay/HoJay, (alias “The Clown”) you do realize that the biggest mistake Nixon made was trying to get the US out of Vietnam honorably? don’t you? He was going against the tide that had killed JFK to get us into that war. Eliminating JFK got us the biggest crook to ever inhabit the office, LBJ. Once the country got fed up with him and the war, they elected Nixon to get us out. He was swimming upstream from day one against the Military/intelligence/industrial complex until they finally got him set up to remove him from office. Regardless, he got us out of the war. Not as soon as he should have, but considering the money being made by the crooks, about as soon as he could. That’s what cost him his job. (though it was a little kinder than how they removed JFK) Then the figurehead took over until the Dunce came on the scene. Yep, just keep backing those Dumbocraps.

@HeyJay and HoJay42302:

I have to say you gave a surprisingly coherent and out of character response.

Well, I certainly can’t say that about your answer. It was about as incoherent and rambling as you get.
I ‘googled’ Trump scams and all I got was a ? Seems as if they don’t have any listed.


You say that Nixon was second best potus and GWB was third and then say you don’t know who was best or worse and then say Obama was worse and then say that Google pulls up question marks when you type in “Trump scams” and there are no listings and then say I’m incoherent.

Got it!

@HeyJay and HoJay42302:

You say that Nixon was second best potus and GWB was third

I did? I said that? Would you provide me a link?
Would you provide us with a list of great things that Obama did? If you can come up with one item, I’ll be surprised.
If you’ll check just above (note: that means ‘up’) you’ll find where I had no problem saying who was best and who was worst. (Note: check last sentence to see what I mean by best and worst). I’m sure it’s probably unanimous that Obozo was by far the worst ever.

I tried “Trump scams” and google still gives me a ? . Not surprised.


You can’t even acknowledge the links above (which you say brings up a question mark when you use the same search engine I did) so why would you acknowledge you very own words

If you want to break down gender barriers, eliminate them- totally

2″ rel=”nofollow”>here?

As I’ve said so often, you just can’t have a rational discussion with a Trump licker. They are just way too dishonest, even with themselves.

@HeyJay and HoJay42302:

You can’t even acknowledge the links above (which you say brings up a question mark

That’s because neither of them link to a scam or anything negative about Trump.

As I’ve said so often, you just can’t have a rational discussion with a Trump licker.

Not sure what a ‘licker’ is, but you refer to it quite frequently so I guess it’s just a core of your world. You and your buddies do a lot of this ‘licking’?
I notice you forgot your list of Obozo accomplishments.


I didn’t forget to list those accomplishments you requested but rather decided not to engage in your attempt to commandeer the discussion with such distractions. You don’t have the authority to set the narrative, I am under no obligation to oblige, and you are not significant enough for me to consider that request.

I noticed you avoided my link to your very own request of your very own rating of Nixon- which you denied and then challenged me to produce (see your comment #9). Much like how you cowardly ran from that (and the history of your childish rebutting tactics proves likewise), there’s no logical reason that you’d respond differently if I were to play along with your Obama request or much any request.

You are a dishonest and evasive coward, an argumentive fraud which brings us to the term trump licker. It speaks for itself. Or perhaps simply said, folks like you would rather keep your head up trump’s ass than face reality.

You prove that in most every post that you defend him with.


Or to admit sexually assaulting women simply because his elite status prevented them from objecting?

This is why you have such tremendous problems understanding reality; you tend to cling to lies and misconceptions. Of course, you ARE a liberal, so that is understandable.

As for Nixon, well, I guess there’s a sudden need to defend him considering the in-your-face parallels brought daily of your Honest Donald.

Actually, the closest parallel to Nixon and his downfall is Obama. What brought Nixon down was the cover-up and Obama had multiple (not just one) scandals and cover-ups. The difference is that the Republicans of that day were far more honest and respectful of the office than Democrats today and Nixon didn’t have a politicized DOJ or corrupt media to shield him.

I didn’t forget to list those accomplishments you requested but rather decided not to engage in your attempt to commandeer the discussion with such distractions. You don’t have the authority to set the narrative, I am under no obligation to oblige, and you are not significant enough for me to consider that request.

In other words, “AHHHH!!!! I’m trapped by having to back up my liberal talking points with facts!!! What do I do?? What do I do?? I know… I’ll do what I always do!!! I’ll run away like a sniveling little coward!!! It’s what I do best!!”

@Bill… Deplorable Me:

Way too funny. Slobbering Bill to Redteam’s rescue. I mean, who would have ever expected a savior of a sock puppet to suddenly appear? And where’s Redteam?

And I didn’t read a word of it because I’ve read this same distracting, dishonest, trump licking spin on this hack site time and time and time again.

@Ajay42302: I’m afraid Trumpeteers Bill and RT are of one mind set. Anything they deem lib is evil–DT the savior can do no wrong.

@Rich Wheeler: Liberals are distinctly anti-American, exhibited by their unhinged pursuit of destroying a duly elected President simply because they supported a disgusting candidate and lost.


The adult in the room, August 2, 2016, calmly stating the obvious. He was correct in his assessment. More than one-half of all voters who turned out on Election Day knew it then. Far more than one-half know it now.