Wealthy Republican Donors: Either Support Liz Cheney Or We Won’t Donate to You


by Ace

It’s their money, of course.
But they can take their threats and shove them up their asses.
Maybe we’ll stop opposing efforts to tax the hell out of corrupt smug billionaires.

Cheney, who represents the state of Wyoming, is unlikely to lose any of her major contributors even if she is ousted as an official leader within the House Republican caucus, according to donors who spoke to CNBC.Some even say they will withhold contributions to anyone who opposes Cheney. That signals a split in the wealthy Republican donor ranks between big-money financiers who continue to back former President Donald Trump and those more aligned with Cheney’s views that Joe Biden won the 2020 election fair and square.
Eric Levine, who is an owner of the law firm Eiseman Levine and a Republican fundraiser, told CNBC on Wednesday in an email that Cheney’s business supporters plan to continue to back her. Those donors, he said, are concerned about Trump’s influence over the Republican Party and how those forces will impact future elections. Levine gave over $2,800 to a Cheney joint fundraising committee in the first quarter, records show.
“With but a few exceptions, that group appears to be uniformly supportive of Cheney and very concerned about Trumpism,” Levine said. “Republicans can only win if we can make substantial inroads in the suburbs and with women. Donald Trump is a proven loser in those precincts,” he added.

One thing we’ve all learned about neocons/neoliberals: they’re liars. They’re deceivers. They’re con artists.
They are uniformly more liberal than the average Republican — as liberal as the average Democrat in many cases — but will never admit to this.
What they always do is claim “We’re on your side on these issues, buuuuut we just can’t win if we press them! So why we’d dearly looooove to seal the border, we just caaaan’t right now!”
We can, of course, always spend our political capital on tax cuts for the rich and wealthy corporations.
Just not on any of the stuff we prioritize.
Trump was a particularly important political figure for demonstrating that yes, you can win by running on these issues, and running hard on them.
This is part of why the leftwing of the GOP despises him so badly: he took away their evergreeen “We’d love to be conservatives for a change but it’s not politically feasible right now” excuse-making.
So now they’re adapted that slightly — very slightly — into “We have to win liberal suburban woke Karens.”
Who just happen to be very liberal.
Funny how “political realities” and “the political math” and “the current political climate” always dictate we do what the leftwing semi-Republicans demand we do!
But remember: It’s always a good time to do whatever unpopular shit the wealthy liberal donors want us to do, like give them tax cuts.

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Wealthy Republicans are globalists who need a “race to the bottom” when it comes to American workers’ wages.
They look to the national Chamber of Commerce for direction as 180 degrees opposed the the local Chambers of Commerce who look out for the little businessman as well as his American workers.
Open borders works for them, thus Cheney sent a document to the whole House GOP conference in February SUPPOSEDLY against Biden’s amnesty plan. But it lifted at least a dozen passages nearly word-for-word from the Biden White House’s public “Fact Sheet” PROMOTING the Biden’s legislation!
How two-faced is that?!
Since there are better people who can replace her, let it happen.
The GOPe is simply a part of the Uniparty of Dems and Reps who are globalists.
Many of the GOPe actually have raised money for Dems and voted for Dems rather than allow their party to distinguish itself from the Dems (who are now outright commies.)

The establishment simply hates the idea of the routine gratuitous exchanges of back scratching involving vast sums of cash. Trump represented a threat to that process. Instead of the players getting rich while the US citizens get screwed, Trump insisted the people’s government serve the people. That can’t be allowed to spread unabated.

Twice Trump was impeached without having committed any cause for impeachment himself. His infraction was serving the people, not the establishment and greedy politicians. In both cases, the Democrats trampled justice and due process. The impeachments were not for Constitutional purposes, but to serve the left’s (and establishment Republican’s) political ends. Anyone that supported these violations of the Constitution should not be allowed to remain in Congress.

Cheney supported one of those impeachments.

The only reason Trump wasn’t convicted on either occasion was because of the cowardice of Senate republicans. They’re STILL showing no indications of a spine, pandering to the fantasy that this delusional loser won an election he actually lost by a margin of 7 million votes. They turn on their own the moment this puffed-up clown points a pudgy little finger and raises an eyebrow, behaving more like the Roman Senate under a despotic emperor than the elected representatives of a democratic republic.

The reason he wasn’t convicted was due to the fact is was nothing but a left wing political hit job. There was no evidence to convict Trump of anything in either case; in both cases, Trump was accused of doing what Democrats actually did. So, anyone that voted FOR conviction totally disregarded the Constitution and the actual purpose of impeachment which, by the way, is NOT to assuage left wing hurt feelings.

So, Trump couldn’t be impeached and the Democrats had to fall back on massive fraud. We don’t KNOW Trump won the election, but we DO know there was massive and widespread fraud, which the Democrats live in fear of being exposed.

Anyone that voted for the impeachments are American traitors. Scum. Liars. Idiots.

Having sold their souls to Donald Trump, the GOP now represents the single most serious internal threat to democracy to have come along since the founding of our nation.

Trump stood for America and Americans. Democrats stand for Democrats and greed. Trump stood up to the greatest threat to the Constitution, the Democrats.

You have the son of the President on the payroll of the Chinese and a Democrat Congressman banging Chinese spy Fang Fang and you think Republicans are a threat?

Shows how mental handicapped you really are.

You’ve got Chinese noodles between your ears. Maybe you should be over in Arizona helping with the search for bamboo ballots.

In the view of the left, Trump was a threat to the pursuit of socialism, totalitarianism, getting rid of Constitutional constraints and the establishment enriching themselves on government. Trump was a protector of the republic.

Democrats are the true existential threat.

The Big Lie (aka, the 2020 election) is supported with solid evidence. The impeachment Cheney supported was not.

Two illegal, un-Constitutional impeachments without evidence or proof of a crime = ZERO impeachments.

I throw my support behind the Constitution and the country, not socialism and totalitarianism.

liz is riding on her dad’s history. not a lot of people in WY like her. liz is as corrupt as her father. recall the fishing trip and the reflecting in his sun glasses?? probably not.

Has always been. When I was a kid we called the Rockefeller, Romney, Bush junta “Limlo Libs”. With their : Butlers, cooks, maids, gardeners, and valets; they knew little of the “middle class” AND CARED EVEN LESS!