Vanity Fair: Maybe the Right-Wing Media Isn’t Crazy. Maybe the Media Is Biased as Sh*t.



Is our children learning?

Virtually every day during the past year, I’ve digested a daily dose of Breitbart, the alt-right Web site that many journalists, including myself, have described as “Trump Pravda.” A typical day on Breitbart includes any number of articles extolling the rise of Donald Trump, including the massive size of his rallies and (on and off) his fast-rising poll numbers. There are also several pieces attacking the “mainstream media,” usually CNN, The New York Times or The Washington Post. Recently, there have been a slew of pieces from the Clinton WikiLeaks cache, which are part of a larger set of articles showcasing the couple’s venality, arrogance, and sexual peccadillos. The reporting, such as it is, is generally factually accurate, but mean-spirited and fantastically one-sided. If Breitbart were your primary news source, you would receive a view of the election that would be largely distorted and wholly unrecognizable to swaths of the American public.When I checked the news the other day, it was more of the same. I counted some 20 articles about the presidential race, each espousing the unequivocal view that one candidate is collapsing due to moral failings, financial improprieties, and complete and utter lack of judgment and ethics. Notably, I was not reading Breitbart. Instead, I was reading The Washington Post, delivered to my doorstep, and the attacks were squarely waged not against the Clintons but rather against Trump.

In the Front Section, there was an incredible array of Trump-phobia, ranging from attacks on his business acuity to his ethics (“How Trump got a personal tax break by defaulting on loans”), to his personal knowledge (“Trump’s map of black America needs an update”), to stupid opinions about Trump (“Nader predicts fastest impeachment in history for a President Trump”), to smart opinions about Trump (“A contemptible candidate–and the party to blame for it”).

IIf you think this is limited to the National News portion of the paper, you would be mistaken. The Metro section, which typically reports on the Washington, D.C. area, was headlined by a news article describing the dysfunction at the Trump campaign in Virginia and a column arguing that Trump watching should be rated R for children. The top article in the Style section sported a massive feature on the Trump meltdown, supplemented by a column attacking Steve Bannon, the C.E.O. of the Trump campaign and the former head honcho at Breitbart. The sports section featured a column attacking Trump and defending, of all things, locker-room culture. Only the Health section lacked a Trump hook….

Rather remarkably, there was virtually no mention of Clinton or any other candidate running for president on this particular day. And so I repeated this little thought experiment again last week and the results were largely the same…
[Previous efforts at “balance”], whether or not it satisfies a Breitbart or Fox audience, has always set [the “mainstream” media] apart from partisan media like the Washington Times. But this election is different: for the first time in my memory, some of the major media organizations in this country have now abandoned all semblance of objectivity in furtherance of electing Hillary Clinton, or perhaps more accurately, in furtherance of the defeat of Donald Trump.

The Washington Post has been particularly foul — starting about four years ago, they re-made themselves into, essentially, a Social Justice Warrior blog with a sports section.

More: Don Surber says the press went all in for Clinton — and got a tie for their spastic efforts.

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So, once the writer started looking for bias, he couldn’t Not See it elsewhere.
Funny how that works.
The main difference between the Left and the Right is the same as between Classic History books and Revisionist History books.
From the Right you get the admission of bias.
Breitbart admits it runs to the Right.
It therefore allows you a chance to check it for bias.
The Left’s media pretends to be UNbiased, hoping to lull you into not looking any further.
It is on you to ignore their claim and do your due diligence.
Too many people don’t.

I dont take a rocket scientists to realize just how leftists and corupt the main-stream news media is just look up the Dishonor Awards presented at the end of each year to the various news agencies the papers,magazines and the talking heads as well