The Tyranny of the Mentally Ill



We live under the tyranny of mentally ill people.

No, I’m not talking about the delusional megalomaniacal narcissist who is our president, or the paranoid sociopath who is poised to succeed him. I speak of the manner in which our social policies and politics are being tailored to the whims of people who are mentally defective. I am referring to the way our academic institutions, our elected government officials, even our business enterprises are forced to cater to people who are mentally ill at the expense of the rational majority.

  • Example 1: A woman suffers the delusion that she has been raped after she is spurned by her former lover. She calls attention to herself by dragging a mattress around campus. [Later, she makes a sex video that she publishes on the internetbut tells people that if they watch it, they’re raping her again.] She wins praise from the left-wing media, feminist groups and is invited to the State of the Union speech by a United States Senator. Colleges everywhere adopt policies that deprive sane men of Constitutional rights in order to appease hysterical women. [Hystrionic Personality Disorder, Schizoaffective Disorder]
  • Example 2: Feminists who lack the basic coping skills to manage a difference of opinion insist that they must be protected from exposure to any opinion they don’t agree with, less they feel unsafe. They insist on being provided with “safe spaces” where they can play with stuffed animals and Play-Doh. Institutions of higher education accommodate these demands. A leading feminist organization gives a lifetime achievement award to a puppet from a children’s show. [Hystrionic Personality Disorder, Immature Personality Disorder]
  • Example 3: Progressive leftists invent the concept of “microaggressions,” a construct that gives hypersensitive, narcissistic people an unlimited license to find offense in the ordinary behavior and language of normal, well-adjusted people. Universities and social groups respond by restricting the speech and behavior of well-adjusted people so that hypersensitive types don’t feel “unsafe.” [Avoidant Personality Disorder, Persecutory Delusion]
  • Example 4: A hysterical woman Mohammedan on a United Airlines flights throws a tantrum because a filthy infidel woman would not give her the full can of Diet Coke she demanded. The airline apologizes to her and fires the stewardess, because despite (or perhaps because of) her history of dramatic exaggeration and connections to dubious organizations, no one dares cross the deranged. [Hystrionic Personality Disorder, Persecutory Delusion]
  • Example 5: The progressive left celebrates violent thugs and denigrates those who protect innocent people from the predations of violent thugs. [Hybristophilia]. The thugs complain that they are being treated unfairly that the police are interfering with their predatory activities. [Antisocial Personality Disorder, Persecutory Delusion] Politicians of all stripes put restrictions on the police to appease the thugs.

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Example 4: A hysterical woman Mohammedan on a United Airlines flights throws a tantrum because a filthy infidel woman would not give her the full can of Diet Coke she demanded. The airline apologizes to her and fires the stewardess, because despite (or perhaps because of) her history of dramatic exaggeration and connections to dubious organizations, no one dares cross the deranged. [Hystrionic Personality Disorder, Persecutory Delusion]

Looks like there might be a touch of pushback on this one:

A passenger on the plane says the woman is lying.

A commenter at FlyerTalk has a different take on the story:

I was actually on this flight on Friday evening from ORD to DCA.
I have been a reader of this forum for a long time but seeing this all over the news made me sign up so I could tell you what really happened here and hopefully stop this liar in her tracks.
I was sitting close enough to her to hear everything that was said.
The flight attendant came up to the lady (I believe she even took her order first in the entire cabin as she was seated in the bulkhead 7d) and took her order.
She ordered a coke zero and a hot green tea with a Splenda.
The flight attendant handed her a full diet coke with a cup on top and then told her that the green tea would take a few minutes and she would get it to her ASAP.
The lady said very rudely and condescending to the FA that she ordered a coke zero and basically pushed the soda back to the flight attendant.
The FA said she was sorry and attempted to find a coke zero for her (which she did not have many of) and told her that she could only give her a portion of the can not the full can.
This is when the lady in question started to freak out and told the FA “What do you think I will use this as a weapon?! Why can’t I have the whole can? I think you are discriminating against me. I need your name….”
The lady just kept yelling to her “I need your name… I am being discriminated against.”
This is when a few passengers told her to calm down and one guy told her to “shut her mouth and she is being ridiculous over a can of coke”.
No one ever said anything anti-Muslim to her at all.
She was the one who started screaming discrimination when she did not get what she wanted.
The FA asked her numerous times if she would like anything else when the lady just basically pushed her away with a hand in her face.
The lady then got onto her phone with her credit card and paid for the internet so she could start spinning this story on social media and she was never in tears.
This person is a liar plain and simple and is just pulling the discrimination card.

Also, this is not her first time trying to play this religion card (Islam is NOT a race, nor are all Muslims of any particular race.)

Great catch, Dan!

This must be where the liberals get it.. or vice versa. Think like me or I’ll scream and yell and get you fired.

Hey, George; check out the website this is from….. what’s the gay equivalent to Uncle Tom?