The Silence of the Shams – Pay Attention to The Specific Silence, and What They Are Waiting For


by Sundance

It is good that people are starting to realize the deception in the world of politics, specifically Republican politics, by watching what is not done, who does not speak, and what is not being said in the aftermath of a visible effort to indict President Trump by a politically motivated New York district attorney.
The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence; however, the silence tells you something very specific when it comes to politics.  The corrupt and manipulative political system is designed to test opinion, that is what most professional politicians do before they take a position.  In essence, the ones who wait are the ones who manipulate.
The politicians who wait to express opinions on substantive issues, are the ones who are comfortable operating in the world where manipulation is the tool, and authenticity is something they do not carry.   In the biggest of big political pictures, this approach is what supports the maintenance of the professional political system.
Without manipulation as the primary agenda of focus, politicians do not need consultants, polling, managers or branding groups.  However, when the creation of an artificial premise, the manipulation itself, is the baseline for the character of the principal – all of these systems are needed.  This video by Vivek Ramaswamy has gained a lot of attention, because at the core of it – he is correct.  WATCH:

However, the issue extends well beyond individual politicians; the issue goes all the way through the political apparatus into the systems and institutions itself.   This is one of the reasons why, when you fine tune your discernment, you can predict “what systems” are carrying “what motives.”
Remember, CTH outlining the Republican Governors Association (RGA) as one of the manipulative political institutions that was different this time around, for the 2024 race? {Go Deep}  It’s not just Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis that you should notice.  Pay attention to the specific silence, positioning and wind testing that is taking place from within that entire network of the Republican Governors Association.   There’s the *tell* that indicates I was correct.
The good news is that President Trump can also see it.  [LINK]

Why they wait….
The professional Republicans follow the instructions of the professional Republican control agents.  Those control officers are waiting to see if the predictions do come true, and if President Trump is actually indicted.   They want the opportunity for the dates to pass without action so they can use the absence of an indictment as a political tool to advance their narrative against Trump.

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Persiction of Trump by the DNC,UN,CFR Globalists a attempt to prevent him from running against next year and all those involved should be arrested and sent to Prison for Life after a Conviction

It will be interesting to see how far Vivek gets. He seems to get it. It will also be interesting to see what racist slurs and attacks the Democrats develop to attack him.

I was liking him, but then it was revealed his Law Degree was paid for by Soros.


Notice how DeSantis acted like Trump…until he didn’t?

They know what to say to MAGA. I’d be careful on Vivek.

We have to be careful of them all. Especially when compared to the blatantly corrupt Democrats.

GOP = Democrats.

It’s MAGA vs establishment. That’s it.

Lately good vs evil.
They would love to drag any good state Governor out of his or her office where they can do damage to the agenda. They are not pushing the one that never ever shut down her state of SD.
Hey remember the sleeply lil guy at Trumps acceptance speech?
He aint so little. 6’7″
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Last edited 1 year ago by kitt