The Pause in Global Warming Is Real, Admits Climategate Scientist


James Delingpole:

The ‘Pause’ in global warming is real and the computer models predicting dramatically increased temperatures have failed.

This is the shocking admission of a paper published this week in Nature Geoscience. It’s shocking because the paper’s lead author is none other than Ben Santer – one of the more vociferous and energetic alarmists exposed in the Climategate emails.

According to the paper’s abstract:

In the early twenty-first century, satellite-derived tropospheric warming trends were generally smaller than trends estimated from a large multi-model ensemble.


We conclude that model overestimation of tropospheric warming in the early twenty-first century is partly due to systematic deficiencies in some of the post-2000 external forcings used in the model simulations.

Translation: the real-world temperature increases were much smaller than our spiffy, expensive computer models predicted.

Its significance did not pass unnoticed by this veteran climate scientist:

His surprise is understandable given that, previously, alarmist scientists like Ben Santer have gone to great lengths to deny the existence of a ‘Pause’ in global warming, to pour scorn on those who have argued otherwise and to insist that their computer models are fundamentally reliable.

Indeed, only last week the Spectator published an article by one such Pause Denier – a scientist from the University of East Anglia (ground zero of the Climategate scandal), fondly known as the University of Easy Access, named Phil Williamson.

It is titled The Great Myth of the Global Warming Pause and it claims, somewhat imaginatively:

The Paris agreement will be the future, whereas the so-called global-warming hiatus is already history.

And let’s not forget that in the dog days of the Obama administration, alarmist scientists were so desperate to pooh pooh the “Pause” in the run up to the Paris climate talks that they concocted a junk science paper – now the subject of a federal investigation – which used dodgy data to try to airbrush the Pause out of history.

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With Global Warming provina fruad means no more moo;a for Al Gore and Leonardo DiCaprio and their junk science fake films A INCONVENT TRUTH(Gore)and THE 11th HOUR and BEFORE THE FLOOD(DiCaprio)and their bank accounts will shrink

More evidence the climate scare is more about control than accomplishing anything productive.

It’s so hot in Phoenix that airplanes can’t fly

Not to worry. That was a couple of days ago. It has cooled down since, and is presently a pleasant 111 degrees.

Did Global Warming Really ‘Pause’ During the 2000s? A new study explains why the controversial hiatus doesn’t amount to much.

Most scientific accounts of the hiatus say it was over by 2009. It has now ended by any measure. 2014, 2015, and 2016 all set new global temperature records, and eight of the 10 hottest years in the 120-year meteorological record have occurred in the last decade. A new paper takes stock of the global-warming hiatus, comparing scientific and popular accounts of the phenomenon. It finds that—just as scientists predicted throughout the episode—the existence of the hiatus did not disprove climate change. Nor did it indicate that global warming had halted or even slowed down. And more importantly, they find that the existence of the hiatus does not change end-of-century predictions for global warming.

@Greg: Phoenix is in the desert, it gets real hot there.
No amt of money is going to stop the warming as most of it is skimmed off by profiteers like Gore. I can do all the right things , solar panels but 6 inches of volcanic ash could cover them wiping out all my efforts.
Its going to wipe out all previous efforts by every greenie on the planet when this super volcano blows her top.

There are others

Phoenix is in the desert, it gets real hot there.

Yep. And it’s going to get even hotter, and a whole lot drier. Just a few degrees of average temperature increase will hit environments like that of Phoenix much harder than other areas.

I wouldn’t worry too much about Yellowstone, cable TV sensationalism notwithstanding. The odds are in our favor. This, from the United States Geological Survey:

QUESTION: What is the chance of another catastrophic volcanic eruption at Yellowstone?

ANSWER: Although it is possible, scientists are not convinced that there will ever be another catastrophic eruption at Yellowstone. Given Yellowstone’s past history, the yearly probability of another caldera-forming eruption can be approximated as 1 in 730,000 or 0.00014%. However, this number is based simply on averaging the two intervals between the three major past eruptions at Yellowstone — this is hardly enough to make a critical judgment. This probability is roughly similar to that of a large (1 kilometer) asteroid hitting the Earth. Moreover, catastrophic geologic events are neither regular nor predictable.

@Greg: I still wonder why, if the environmental threat of AGW is so real and dire, that the “scientific” community pushing that narrative finds it necessary to lie about it and suppress any information to the contrary?

All your argument is based on the intentionally faulty computer models and the intentionally mislocated temperature sensors.

NASA/NOAA caught lying about temperature data

Earth could be headed toward cooling

CO2 & temperature correlation only apparent 15% of 165 years

Non-Existent Relationship …CO2-Temperature Correlation Only 15% Of Last 165 Years

All your argument is based on the intentionally faulty computer models and the intentionally mislocated temperature sensors.

All of your links are to propaganda websites. Realclimatescience is the work of Steven Goddard—aka Tony Heller—a climate change conspiracy theorist. He’s an electrical engineer with a BS in geology, who has never worked in climate research. Whatsupwiththat is politically conservative and a repeat purveyor of disinformation. It’s run by Anthony Watts, an AM Radio weatherman who attended Purdue University for 7 years without managing to graduate with a degree in anything. Notrickszone, a denialist blog operating out of Germany, is the work of Pierre Gosselin, an expatriate American with degrees in civil and mechanical engineering. He’s not exactly an expert in the field of climate change. He wrote an article titled Atmospheric CO2 Concentrations At 400 PPM Are Still Dangerously Low For Life On Earth. (Uh, yeah. We’re all gonna die for lack for atmospheric CO2. )


And Al Gore’s degree is in what?

@Greg: And yet, their information reflects the reality while the information you put your faith in is always inaccurate.


Just saying all the billions stuck into your favorite fear mongering wont change the temperature, And the USA has many active erupting volcanos, money wont stop that. The USA is broke and we can afford any more sacrifices to the false climate gods.

@Greg: greg, I think you should look at charts that cover the last 500,000 years and you will see many times when the temperatures were much higher than now. And I will even point out that those high temperatures were not ‘man made’ because there were no ‘man’ on earth.
Your referenced article about ‘too hot to fly’ was also misleading. It was only too hot for one particular type of plane to fly, all the others had no problems.
Is honesty too much to ask of Dumbocraps?


And Al Gore’s degree is in what?

I’ve heard he has a BS in BS. sounds about right.