The MSM’s Reflexive Hillary Bias Isn’t Just Unnecessary, It’s Absurd


Caleb Howe:

The media really works hard for Hillary. I know, liberals think that she gets it harder and worse than anyone else ever, but that’s because liberals are so absolutely comfortable in the media’s bias in their favor that they have no perspective. Criticism of any kind, even when clearly deserved and the news is impossible to ignore (classified emails), is seen by leftists and Democrats as the media being harsh and overly critical. Nothing short of 24/7 praise and softball interviews satisfies them, because that is what they have come to view as normal.

So disregard their opinion. Hillary has the media on her side. Their biased language, like calling the bathroom invasion in North Carolina a matter of LGBT “rights”, works in her favor, obviously. Default Dem bias naturally defaults to her. But the press go above and beyond that in the quest to put Hillary in the White House.

For a recent example, notice the way they swallowed and then regurgitated the absolutely preposterous “overheated” line from camp Clinton when she collapsed in New York City. Any Republican who feebly crumpled like that (think of John McCain doing it) would have been treated very differently. But the MSM was more than happy to carry the water they later reported she was so unwilling to drink. (By the way, how annoying was the faux scolding from the press about her not drinking water? Give me a break.)

For an even better example, look at this:

Click to view full size.

Why? Why would you do that, CNN? What is a good reason for this? Look how blatant:


They have “racial profiling” in quotes, right below the actual quote that does not include the word “racial.”

This one is just absurd. The CNN screen:

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Hey i see where some Dumb-O-Crat for Hillary called her HONEST got everyone laughing over this

Well, I don’t think you can say it’s unnecessary. Without the corrupt media propping her up, Hillary would be over-the-Hillary. Without the media carrying on an unending attack on any opponents and editing the facts about Hillary, Trump would be facing a blathering socialist.

Any Republican who feebly crumpled like that (think of John McCain doing it) would have been treated very differently.

Need proof? Look no further than Trump and Hillary, almost simultaneously, using the same word to describe the explosions in NYC. Hillary’s use of the word “bombing” was edited out so the absolutely corrupt liberal media could attack and criticize Trump for using the same word.

Even if Trump is not the ideal candidate (he isn’t), this is probably the most important election of our time. This corrupt, far left assault on the fabric of the United States of America MUST be stopped.

When Hillary spoke about the bombings she had been breifed about her sleepy demeanor led to some calling her, ”zombie Hillary.”
The media went apoplectic about that.
So, I’m guessing the media isn’t going to like the latest.
Chameleon Hillary.
There’s a video out now showing Hillary speaking for about 2 minutes (cuts) from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on Monday (Sept 19th).
During that short video her eyes move INDEPENDENTLY of one another several times!
It is un-nerving to watch.
Is a stroke coming on?
It makes you a bit queasy, but here’s the link:

How will the media paper over this?

@Nanny G: Her optic servos are out of sync.

@Bill… Deplorable Me: Hold your nose if you must–Hell hold whatever you need to.
Not me I’ll keep my soul and vote against both of these undeservings.
Trump’s already saying the debates are fixed—damn crybaby

@Richard Wheeler: Yeah, you think you are doing something noble by voting for a guy that wants animals to lawyer up but that is nothing but a vote for Hillary and the further erosion of the strength and security of our country.

@Bill- Deplorable Me: You say my 3rd Party vote is a vote for HRC. Dems say it’s a vote for DT.
I say it’s a vote AGAINST both these scoundrels and I’VE got plenty of company who agree.

@Richard Wheeler: I don’t think Trump meets the definition of “scoundrel”. Not a polished politician, not a legislator, not a diplomat… but scoundrel? No.

Hillary IS a scoundrel capable of wreaking severe damage upon the nation, as Obama has done. Hillary should be kept out of the White House. THAT is crucial.