The Delusional Cope Behind Liz Cheney’s Coming Humiliation


By Bonchie

I bring you some big news on this fine Sunday morning. Rep. Liz Cheney, following another dud of a January 6th committee hearing, has gone on CNN to announce that Donald Trump is, and you may want to sit down for this, unfit for office.
How original, right? I mean, it’s not like Cheney has gone on Jake Tapper’s show and made that exact proclamation more times than my dog has licked himself over the last two years.

Clearly, the walls are closing in. After all, Cheney and her committee recently revealed the game-changing bombshell that Sen. Josh Hawley raised his fist at protesters and later jogged down a Capitol Building hallway, likely after being told to do so by USCP officers. If that’s not evidence of a Donald Trump-led insurrection, then what is?
But I digress, I’m not writing this article to point out the absurdity of the January 6th committee, though I certainly will again at some point in the future. Rather, I want to talk about the delusion that is undergirding Cheney’s coming humiliation.


But as primary day approaches, there is also a pervasive belief among Cheney’s team that her unorthodox strategy in 2022 may put her in a stronger position for the 2024 presidential contest. Cheney’s fierce anti-Trump message as vice chairman of the congressional committee investigating the insurrection has strengthened her national brand while expanding a national network of donors and Trump critics in both parties who could boost a prospective White House run.

I’m not saying Liz Cheney 2024 is the most beltway take I’ve ever seen, but it’s pretty darn close. We are talking about a woman who is about to lose her congressional primary by a wide margin, who was removed from GOP leadership in the House, and who is incapable of saying anything but the words “Donald Trump” over and over. Apparently, that’s what voters will be wanting in two years?
But forget about January 6th for a moment. Even if Cheney were completely disconnected from the topic, what exactly would make her a viable presidential candidate? Her rabid support for boondoggle foreign military interventions? Her liberal record on spending?
The entire thing is delusional, and it’s purely a coping mechanism for the fact that Cheney has burned her career to the ground by locking arms with Nancy Pelosi to chase a ghost.

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Maybe 2024 refers to when she will run to try and retake the House seat she got kicked out of in 2022?

Leftist Cheneys were not “Charter Members” of UNIPARTY; but they were early joiners. Lefty loser Dick joined the other lefties voting against Ronny’s tax reform in ’86.

For this act of conservative hate/ foolhardy leftism 2 liberals named George handsomely reward Dick.
Lefty #1 made him Sec Def.
Lefty #2 made him VP.

While VP (01 – 09) Dick made many derisive, very negative remarks about conservatives; attacking dead Ronny many times!

Barry wrote a very informative; but poorly written book 62 years ago. He documented how the left has been running the GOP for most of the last 122 years (60 years when he wrote it.).

The lefty GOP “leader” in Senate is clearly a man that hates Ronny! Were what I just said not true, how do you explain Mitch “sweating blood” to get Garland confirmed AG@#!??!@#?%

Liz is clearly Dic’s girl. And there are many (I hope far from a majority) leftist Republicans backing her.

I think the Ronny hating lefty L Hogan is more likely to run as 
“R” for Pres than she. But 23 years ago I said the leftist GWB would not be nominated; do not bet on my “prediction”!

Can anyone tell me what Trump did that’s a “violation” of the Constitution?

Just saying it doesn’t make it true.

After about 3 years of a coup against Trump, for having the audacity to win an election legally that was SUPPOSED to be a gamed contest for HRC (the DNC cheated their own party to install her), Covid-19 was intentionally released. This aided the Left and the nevertrumpers with a chaotic, propaganda-rich fog for them to simply rig the election.

Then a January 6th false-flag to install our first dictator.

CNN has fewer and fewer viewers, and those who view are starting to question just how horrible the economy is now than it was under Trump.

The truth is…well, the truth.

Trump was a great, Constitutional President and the system violated our Constitution to cheat the American people.