The Biggest Day in “Real Media” Fake News This Year?


Today was a truly epic day for Fake News from our very professional, very conscientious professional press corps which would never lie to us or pump out clickbait lies for money to save their dying industry.

A NYTimes “reporter” accuses Dan Crenshaw of not voting for a 9/11 victims compensation bill. Then questions his patriotism.

Because New York Times reporters are known for their selfless patriotism and love of country.

That’s an x-ray of the shrapnel that took one of Dan Crenshaw’s eyes when he was out there not being a patriot in the US armed forces.

The “reporter” then deleted the evidence of his error without offering an apology, and in fact trying to explain why he was right, from a certain point of view:


How much did they spend?

Oh yeah, right: All combined, they spent less than foreign governments or foreign banks gave to Hillary or Bill Clinton for a single “speech.” (Read: Access to the levers of American political power.)

Next: If you like your scandal-free administration, you can keep your scandal-free administration:

No negative commentary or fact-check from the Hill on that. How interesting.

Next: The proudly ignorant press corps, a group of arrogant, uneducated know-nothings, dog-pile Trump for complaining that farmers can’t connect tractors to the internet.

How silly!

Other journalists pounced:

Did not a one of them think to do a quick google search before proudly displaying their pathetic ignorance?

Because if they had, they would have seen that, as can be guessed at proceeding from the example of autonomous cars and GPS, that in fact tractors can be connected to the internet, where software management increases efficiency of harvest:

They should have guessed that, or at least suspected it.

This is obvious. If you’d asked me, without context, “Are tractors now often connected to the internet?,” without knowing a thing, but just based upon what I know about everything else being connected, I would have said, “Yes, probably. Most likely.”

These people live on the internet — are they not aware that most machines are now connectable to the internet?

And the joke newspaper, The Hill, Vox Written By People Who Should Know Better, strikes again. This time, they claim that Trump is sending illegal immigrants to a site that was once used as an internment camp in World War II.

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And to this day, Trump is quoted as saying “the media is the enemy of the people”. Biden said it yesterday. Yet, his statement was “FAKE NEWS is the enemy of the people”, meaning the media lying the the people is the enemy of the people. Plain and simple. Unless, of course, you believe media lying the the people to support one party and attack the other is what the media is supposed to be doing… which some people obviously do.

Here we see exactly what Trump and many others refer to. The left simply pretends it doesn’t exist.

Steele is going to testify, panic and run!

This is an excellent article about how farm equipment connected to the internet improves both farm productivity as well as quality of life of farmers.
(How bizarre, not!)
Last night we were laughing about Elizabeth Warren’s promise that everyone be guaranteed “good” jobs.
Without internet connectivity on farm equipment, which workers are going to call riding these tractors “good” jobs?
(Maybe only compared with the “good” job of septic tank cleaner.)

@Nan G: Wasn’t it the Obama administration that was pushing for internet access to rural areas? I guess all they worried about was making sure liberal propaganda could be made readily available. The thought of using technology to increase productivity never occurs to them; only how it can facilitate the grasping of power.

Truly, the technological capabilities of farm equipment is amazing. My brother had equipment with which he could cut, bail, stack and store hay all by himself. But, the liberal coasts don’t have any concept of work or technological aids to reduce labor costs.