Tell me again whose fault the violence was


Never mind the idiot in the article.

CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. — Matthew Heimbach, an Indiana resident who has risen to prominence in the white nationalist movement, approached the epicenter of Saturday’s rally here wearing a black combat helmet and with a bodyguard close on his heels.

But as he entered the intersection just outside Emancipation Park, Heimbach and members of his Traditionalist Workers Party were met by counter protesters who had formed a blockade. A melee ensued, with people being flung to the ground in what was the first in a series of violent episodes that turned a graceful college town into a battleground.

Later, when a car plowed into a crowd of people, at least killing one person and injuring 19 others, the casualties were all too real.

The rest is here

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I am glad the mentally ill man that killed the counter protestor did not have a bigger vehicle, he needs to be locked away for a long time.
Perhaps the bobble-heads that cant wait for this to happen again for ratings. Get it on film see how many hits you can get on the internet. Ghouls, fiends relish in the blood letting, continual screeching how you must be outraged. Those that build concepts that THEY are out to get you, coming for your stuff, your kids, destroying everything you hold dear.
A larger population is just trying to live a normal life, would love to see a portion of the 24 hour news cycle focused on good things or even weird stuff.

Decades ago we used to institutionalize (for LIFE) mentally ill people who proved to be violent.
Not anymore!
It was too expensive.
And every now and then some poor innocent pays the ultimate price for our cheapness.

the politically correct vehicle is a loaded garbage truck which can weigh as much as 25 tons doing about 35-40 mph would have been better. too bad the libs aren’t leaning quick enough terrorist maneuvers and tactics. the jelly bean freak Reagan killed mental health care, and the terrorist muslim ex pres. killed drug rehab in this country

@M0S #8541: I know you are lashing out at those that are trying to destroy the President that is doing his best at slowing down the destruction. But I dont believe you want more blood in the streets, we are being manipulated into a civil war, dont let them.
The doctors know nothing of the causes nor know how to cure mentally ill people, just there is a pill for that, pills with side effects so terrible people stop taking them.
Mental institutions prior to 1980 were hell holes of murder, rape, torture and starvation a dumping ground for disabled children.