Red Hen Restaurant Owner Followed Sanders Family To Next Restaurant to Continue Harassment…


Back Story Here –  The story of White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders being kicked out of a Virginia restaurant by the owner, Stephanie Wilkinson, takes on more context today as Mike Huckabee explained during a radio interview.

According to Mr. Huckabee the owner of the Red Hen restaurant not only kicked out Sarah Sanders and her in-laws, but she followed them to another restaurant, organized a group of people to assist her efforts, and then led the mob in continued harassment of the Sanders family.

Mike Huckabee was interviewed by Laura Ingraham for her radio show:

For the conservative, when life presents great struggles, he/she knows she has the power to surmount them. Happiness stems from internal strength and perseverance. For the liberal, when life presents great struggles, the system failed, therefore they were at the mercy of a faulty system, and they believe that only when the system is fixed can their life improve.

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This demonstrates the total and uncontrolled frustration of the liberals. They lost the chance of installing Hillary in the White House to continue Obama’s ruinous program, they have no viable candidate that can appeal to anyone but the radical far left, they have no programs to offer but raising taxes and more regulation and they watch Trump score success after success and his approval rising.

This will get worse and nastier before it gets better.

I do seem to recall the right supporting a baker’s refusal to provide services in connection with a gay wedding.

Sadly, totally unrelated businesses across the country having the same or similar names have become targets of the right’s wrath.

There are no reports as yet of public book burnings focusing on children’s books.

Everybody should consider having their loose screws tightened.


I do seem to recall the right supporting a baker’s refusal to provide services in connection with a gay wedding.

If Sara had asked the waiter to bring them a Nazi flag or a KKK ice cream cake, you might have some sort of correlation. But, she didn’t… she just wanted to sit down and have a quiet meal with her family, not bothering or offending anyone.

Sadly, totally unrelated businesses across the country having the same or similar names have become targets of the right’s wrath.

So, when you see a reflection of your own ideology, it looks pretty stupid, doesn’t it? Are you still proud of the nasty atmosphere your party has created, promotes and sustains? Apparently, conservatives are no longer politely taking the intimidation and violence the left has been distributing. Happy with what you have created?

Everybody should consider having their loose screws tightened.

Those who started it, promote it and excel at it should go first, before it gets really bad. Or, do you want to see some of your favorite liberals screamed at and shouted out of restaurants and movies? Is that a good normalcy?

@Deplorable Me:

Apparently, conservatives are no longer politely taking the intimidation and violence the left has been distributing. Happy with what you have created?

Lawyers have begun advising Trump’s staff members to start packing. Eventually one of these unhinged lefties is going to mess with the wrong person and get their ass handed to them. Then watch how these bullying crybaby bastards start whining.

@another vet: That is definitely where this is headed. I just sent an email to my Congressman to propose that people like Maxine Waters be censured. Until our elected representatives are taught they should not and cannot incite intimidation for it is inevitable that this will lead to violence. The Red Hen issue is an example of provocation that results in the WRONG people… innocent people… bearing the brunt of retaliation.

The responsibility for the return to civility rests solely with the left; they started it, they are promoting it and they and they alone have the power to reduce the tensions they’ve built up among their frustrated constituents.

@Deplorable Me:

The responsibility for the return to civility rests solely with the left; they started it, they are promoting it and they and they alone have the power to reduce the tensions they’ve built up among their frustrated constituents.

They won’t reduce any tensions. Think Bolsheviks.

@another vet: They have no idea what bear they poke.
Does Greg remember the baker following them to another bakery?
As Trump was landing to meet Lil Kim Has-been DiNiro screaming and pumping his fist dropping f bombs to have the mindless applaud and cheer.

Right. As if The Leader is were a model of decorum and civility. That hypocritical blowhard lowered the bar for civil public discourse to less-than-knee-high level the moment he bounced out onto the campaign debate stage—another gigantic blind spot in the right’s collective memory, apparently.

A message to the Chef from the Child in Chief:

The Red Hen Restaurant should focus more on cleaning its filthy canopies, doors and windows (badly needs a paint job) rather than refusing to serve a fine person like Sarah Huckabee Sanders. I always had a rule, if a restaurant is dirty on the outside, it is dirty on the inside!

4:41 AM – 25 Jun 2018

Maybe the point is that one should choose wisely?

April 13, 2017 — Rust, mold, parasites: Trump’s Mar-a-Lago cited for 78 health violations in the last three years

@Greg: Oh!!! What a point! You really got Trump there, little guy!

Wow! I think we should Impeach him on that little bit of Hardy Boys detective work alone. Good job!


Trump has kicked you and your party’s ass all over the streets, calling out your hypocrisy, corruption, and outright lies. We voted for him because he’s impervious to your flavor of “gotcha”…that’s the point. He’s still not worse than Clinton, but that’s a gigantic blind spot for the left’s collective memory…and they fielded his wife twice….twice!!

And for your education, Greg, the right didn’t vote Trump in. It was the Independent/Moderates. We finally got a candidate that infiltrated one of the Parties. You should have seen that coming, dipsh*t…but I guess you were too busy watching Obama slow jam to the masses on SNL.

We finally got a candidate that infiltrated one of the Parties.

Infiltrated is a correct choice of words. The Cult of Trump infiltrated the GOP, and then metastasized, and will quite likely prove fatal. You will no longer have a Republican Party that represents traditional conservative principles and values. You will have a shell of a party paying lip service to conservative principles and values, with Donald Trump calling the shots and acting in accordance with “standards and values” contrary to everything America has traditionally stood for. What’s actually taking shape looks like some sort of fascist plutocracy—not exactly what the Founding Fathers had in mind.


As if The Leader is were a model of decorum and civility.

He doesn’t openly suggest anyone should be assassinated, beaten, raped, decapitated, attacked, screamed at or imprisoned with pedophiles. That is the realm of the left, attacking women and children. Such bravery. Such valor. Such honor. You should be proud.

You really should look inside yourself to realize you are supporting assault on women, children and innocent citizens simply because your party lost and, in its bitter self pity, promotes nothing but hate, divisiveness, fascism and violence.

@another vet:

agree and when it happens some one is going to die

@MOS #8541: Let’s hope it’s someone that deserves it.

You first

Let’s hope someone’s doctor puts them on an appropriate medication.

@Greg: I guess this is another example of liberals going high when others go low, huh? Screaming at people having dinner with their children?

A woman was refused service in a privately owned restaurant because the owner strongly objected to the policies she espouses and enables. Apparently the owner felt a need to stand up for her own views.

Do you believe she had any right to do so? If not, why?

It doesn’t really matter whether you or I approve of the owner’s opinion. That’s a separate issue.


A woman was refused service in a privately owned restaurant because the owner strongly objected to the policies she espouses and enables. Apparently the owner felt a need to stand up for her own views.

Sanders did not espouse those views in the restaurant nor did she ask or expect the owner to acknowledge them. I suppose now you are fine with businesses kicking blacks out because they probably voted for Obama. Once again, when you begin down the road to fascism, you might want to rethink the move; you might bite off more than you can chew.

Do you believe she had any right to do so? If not, why?

I actually believe an entrepreneur can deny service for whatever reason they wish. It don’t think it is POLITE and I don’t agree with the action, but it is their right. It is their business and they can run it as they like. Public reception of the actions will determine whether or not that is a wise move.

By the way, the restaurant is closed and will be for several more days. Seems their view is not too popular in Lexington. The liberal idiot has also resigned from the Lexington business association, under pressure. Again, you liberals have had things your way for so long you underestimate how strong the support for the return to Constitutional rule is among the populace. Supporting and promoting bigotry, while a Democrat mainstay, will not be well received.

Sanders did not espouse those views in the restaurant nor did she ask or expect the owner to acknowledge them.

Then I guess the fact that people form opinions about you based upon what you say and do in the world must have come as a complete surprise.

We are what we say and what we do. We are responsible for the things that we help bring about.

By the way, the restaurant is closed and will be for several more days. Seems their view is not too popular in Lexington.

Speaking one’s mind is not without risk. If people stopped doing so out of fear, freedom would soon be dead.

Again, you liberals have had things your way for so long you underestimate how strong the support for the return to Constitutional rule…

Right. Something was recently said by the President about dispensing with judges and court cases, I believe. There’s a Fifth Amendment to the Constitution that says something different.

“One of the things I’m going to do if I win, and I hope we do and we’re certainly leading. I’m going to open up our libel laws so when they write purposely negative and horrible and false articles, we can sue them and win lots of money. We’re going to open up those libel laws, so when The New York Times writes a hit piece which is a total disgrace or when The Washington Post, which is there for other reasons, writes a hit piece, we can sue them and win money instead of having no chance of winning because they’re totally protected.”

There’s also a First Amendment, Mr. President. Did you sleep through Citizenship class?


Then I guess the fact that people form opinions about you based upon what you say and do in the world must have come as a complete surprise.

What liberals can’t come to grips with is that some people do this independently of liberals. Furthermore, they can no longer tolerate it. Odd coming from the party of tolerance.

Speaking one’s mind is not without risk.

Of course, HAVING an independent mind might make one be more prudent and smart.

Something was recently said by the President about dispensing with judges and court cases, I believe.

Concerning illegal immigrants crossing our border. We will turn the back right there. The 5th Amendment does not cross borders; it stays here. But, as I mentioned before, you never had a problem when Obama dispensed with judges, court cases and Congress to rule by pen and phone.

There’s also a First Amendment, Mr. President. Did you sleep through Citizenship class?

I doubt there is any power on earth that can stop liberals from lying. If they didn’t WANT to lie, they wouldn’t be liberals.

@Deplorable Me, #21:

The 5th Amendment does not cross borders; it stays here.

That is correct.

So tell me, are the undocumented aliens being held in U.S. custody on this side of the border, or are they being held somewhere outside of the United States?

That’s the problem with Trump’s pronouncement. U.S. courts have consistently found that anyone on U.S. soil has a constitutional right to due process. This, you may recall, was why it was decided that captured terrorist suspects would be held at the Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, outside the borders of the United States. The moment they set foot on U.S. soil, they would have gained the right to due process of law.

I doubt there is any power on earth that can stop liberals from lying.

Nobody is lying. Trump actually made that ridiculous statement, which runs totally contrary to freedom of speech and freedom of the press that are guaranteed by the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. It’s one of the most basic topics covered in an elementary school citizenship class. It’s something that every naturalized U.S. citizen knows.


So tell me, are the undocumented aliens being held in U.S. custody on this side of the border, or are they being held somewhere outside of the United States?

Neither when they are turned around at the border and sent back.

Nobody is lying.

No, actually the left is lying, again and continuously. You’ve lied about “kids in cages”, you’ve lied about “ripped from mother’s arms”, you’ve lied about this is “Trump’s policy”, you’ve lied about Trump calling all illegal immigrants “animals”, you’ve lied about Trump calling all illegal immigrants “criminals and rapists” and you are lying about your opposition to the treatment of the illegal immigrants because you never objected to it before. Liberals lie because the truth does not help them.

Like Maxine, I don’t reckon the Red Hen likes it when their own tactics are turned on them. Their daily special of chicken sh!t is not going over well with the public.

@Deplorable Me, #23:

Neither when they are turned around at the border and sent back.

They were not turned around at the border and sent back, or taken into custody and then put back on the other side of it, as the Obama administration so frequently did. They were taken into custody by the thousand and are being held in numerous locations within the borders of the United States. As of May 2018, over 10,000 undocumented children were being held in custody inside the United States. That number of children suggests how many undocumented adults are also in custody.

Because we’re holding them on U.S. soil, they have all acquired due process rights, just as terrorist suspects would have if they’d been brought to the United States rather than being held in GITMO. This creates a logistical nightmare so far as our immigration courts are concerned, while the ongoing detention of each undocumented alien in custody costs the taxpayers around $250 per day, excluding personnel costs.

Zero tolerance and 100% prosecution is pretty much unworkable, and very expensive.


Zero tolerance and 100% prosecution is pretty much unworkable, and very expensive.

It only has to be done for a short time before potential illegal immigrants will realize they aren’t getting in as easily as they used to. It’s called “respect for the rule of law “.

FOX News, June 28, 2018 — Red Hen protester allegedly threw chicken feces at eatery, police say

I suppose you might as well throw something that your party has an endless supply of.

@Greg: Behold what you have wrought. I hate seeing it, it is uncivilized but it is the conditions the left have created. The time has come for intolerant liberals to begin receiving what they dole out so freely

@Deplorable Me: All they have to do is put up an Im with Her sign in the window and they wouldnt have to ask people to leave they wouldnt see a dime of ours. Its too bad he didnt have a dump truck if you are going to pay a fine anyway make it YUGE.

@another vet: You’re getting worse rather than better–I once thought you a voice of reason in the vein of Word, Aye Chi, Aqua and Mata—appears you’ve totally put on the blinders and are accepting as fact the lies and deceit being pushed by Trump;.
Also we know Putin’s played him and it now appears little rocket man is doing the same.
“strong leader?” more like bungling, dangerous, blusterer…

@Richard Wheeler: Actually, it is the left wing news who is describing what is happening. Smart people compare current activity to historical events and anticipate similar outcomes. I know liberals continue to deny history since it predicts the outcome of their actions. You Rich have no historical concepts. Watch how this effort by the left plays out and see how close the results are to those who did these things in the past.

By the way, the left is so good at denying history, they even denied that Obama separated families, too. Mostly, because it is the law!

@Randy: What is the history of US negotiations with NK dictators?–I agree with you to expect similar results.
Negotiations with Putin? So far DT and Putin agree Russians didn’t meddle in 2016 election—Who else agrees with that assessment?


Smart people compare current activity to historical events and anticipate similar outcomes.

Yep. Best to read up on post WWI Europe, especially Russia. Did you see that the left’s Antifa goons started another riot over the weekend? But hey, “they can’t be that bad”.

@another vet: Do you read what you posts or do you just shoot off your mouth? You commented on Another Vet. with an ignorant response. My comment was an answer to that. Now you change the subject. Do you ever think about the subject yo which you respond?

@Randy: Methinks you responded to the wrong person. Based on your comments, I have a good guess as to who you are referring to.

Randy You seem a bit confused and should slow down. In #32 I agreed with you re NK–what was incorrect in my response to AV–don’t you think DT is being played by the 2 dictators? Is he strong—think not.

AV-You can’t stop posting about Antifa— totally insignificant—never seen ANYONE but Fox mention them

Do either of you agree with Trump and Putin that Russia did not make any effort to interfere with 2016 election?

@Richard Wheeler: Rich, you are the one confused. Russia has attempted to interfere with our elections for over 100 years. They are still upset that they sold us Alaska. The issue here is “did Trump conspire with them”. That answer is no. Is Trump being played by NK? No, you lefties have never read Trump’s book and have no idea about what he is doing. In the mean time, you lefties assist our enemies by attempting to derail the good things Trump is attempting to accomplish.

@another vet:

Antifa goons started another riot over the weekend? But hey, “they can’t be that bad”.

Did you see any of the videos from that encounter? ANTIFA bit off a bit more than they could chew there. Back to the basements for band aids and Advil!

@Randy: Note that this guy admits the failure of his propaganda media and his own ignorance; ANTIFA, who dons masks and attacks free speech wherever they can find it, is not mentioned on his propaganda sources nor does he find them news worthy. Nothing to see here; just fascists supported by Democrats starting riots. Plus, to his thinking, Trump mentioning that Putin denies being involved in the hacking of DNC in the context of if the DNC had allowed the FBI to examine their server we would KNOW who actually did it rather than who the DNC WANTED us to believe did it means Trump believes Putin. Say, what? Obviously, he hasn’t seen the tweet and the propaganda media he trusts, who shields ANTIFA from negative press, only gives him their cooked version.

Don’t expect any answers to any questions, either, no matter how simple.

@Randy: Remember back when the dems and the left were busy trying to undermine our mission in Iraq? Putin was a hero to them because he criticized GWB. So were communists Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez because they bashed him with the same arguments the lefties were using. Remember when Putin bitch slapped Obama in Syria? That was okay to the left because he was a ‘friend”. Remember when Romney called out Obama for being soft on Putin and he was criticized for it? The lefties in their denials of historical facts are either hypocritical liars or have a cognitive medical issue such as dementia or Alzheimer’s. Life is much too short to waste time discussing these issues with them.

@Deplorable Me:

Did you see any of the videos from that encounter? ANTIFA bit off a bit more than they could chew there. Back to the basements for band aids and Advil!

I’ll have to check them out. One of my buddies (a former Marine/VN Vet, retired Cook County correctional officer, and a holder of multiple black belts) went to their anti-Trump demonstration in Phoenix last year. His buddy was wearing a “Bikers for Trump” t-shirt. He said they walked by a group of them and they got the looks but the Antifa’s kept their mouths shut. He said they were p****** and the only time they try anything is when they can score a cheap shot or have the numbers and an easy target (which my buddy and his friend definitely weren’t). But “they can’t be all that bad” or so we’ve been told by their fellow comrades.

AV—more antifa?? do these clowns really bother you? “Bikers For Trump” scary

Randy—Putin claims NO interference—does anyone other than DT agree with him? It appears NK may be stepping up nuke programs rather than dismantling -as you suggest same ol same ol

@richard wheeler: You really do not know what is going on in this country if you think ANTIFA is nothing to worry about, but you supported a President who thought ISIS was the JV team! I guess I just answered my own question.

@richard wheeler:

“Bikers For Trump” scary

Really, Rich? While ANTIFA has been videotaped busting out store windows, setting trash cans on fire, throwing rocks and bottles at law enforcement, can you provide me with ANY videos of “Bikers for Trump” doing the same?

Putin claims NO interference—does anyone other than DT agree with him? It

You say: “I do not cheat on my taxes.”
I say “Wheeler says he does not cheat on his taxes”

Does that mean I agree with you, or know if you are being honest and truthful? Nope. It simple means I know what you said. You may think that Trump is being played by Putin but I will remind you that Putin played Obama like a cheap fiddle.

March 2012

President Obama: “On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this, this can be solved but it’s important for him to give me space.”

President Medvedev: “Yeah, I understand. I understand your message about space. Space for you…”

President Obama: “This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility.”

President Medvedev: “I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir, and I stand with you.”

Just two years later, knowing Obama was weak, Putin invaded Crimea, while Obama did nothing. So whining how you think Trump is being played by Putin is one of the funniest things I have read in a long, long time.

@richard wheeler: #41 No the only ones reporting on the vicious and violent anti free speech Antifa are not Fox, perhaps you should use your search engine before making ludicrous comments. They turned a peaceful and permitted Prayer Patriot gathering into a riot, brought weapons. They instigate a riot where ever they gather, when a few get an attitude adjustment the media makes them the victims. They never have their own permitted and legal gatherings they just try to screw with everyone elses.
The second a person shows up in a mask or face covered they should be arrested.


Now we wait for Wheeler’s reports on what makes Bikers for Trump scary.

@retire05: Said facetiously–“Bikers for Trump” deserves a good laugh.
I put Antifa and KKK in same category—-disruptors looking for trouble.
Police seem to handle them pretty well

I’m sorry Antifa worries you all so much—-from what recently seen on Fox-bunch of toothless clowns,
” Prayer Patriots” what purpose do they serve?

If Trump believes Putin interfered in 2016 why doesn’t he have the guts to call him on it?

bIKER AKA Wheeler lol


I put Antifa and KKK in same category—-disruptors looking for trouble.
Police seem to handle them pretty well

Not before ANTIFA creates damage. But then, I would not expect you to give them any notice since they are on your side of the aisle and must be downplayed.

” Prayer Patriots” what purpose do they serve?

They believe in the power of prayer. Leftists don’t, so you mock those who do. No surprise there.

If Trump believes Putin interfered in 2016 why doesn’t he have the guts to call him on it?

Did Obama ever call Putin out, or just send him messages that he needed time to betray his own nation’s best interests?

@bIKER: AKA those that purposefully trample on the first amendment while using violence doesnt bother me cause that oath to defend the constitution didnt really mean squat to me Wheeler, isnt going to say why he thinks the Bikers are more dangerous than Antifa, mostly they come and back up the cops at conservative rallys.
Prayer Patriots dont need to serve anyones purpose they took out a legal permit to gather and were the ONLY ones disarmed. Antifa had metal batons, fireworks and a multitude of items to throw at the small conservative crowd. Then when the police lost control they declared it a riot.

@kitt: @retire05: @bIKER: And ANTIFA wear masks so when confronted and they turn and run, Soros can’t use that as an excuse to withhold their pay.


But then, I would not expect you to give them any notice since they are on your side of the aisle and must be downplayed.

You are 100% on the money with that statement. He tries to act like a level headed moderate even hiding behind James Webb when in fact he has far more in common with mad Maxine Waters.

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