Red Hen Restaurant Owner Followed Sanders Family To Next Restaurant to Continue Harassment…


Back Story Here –  The story of White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders being kicked out of a Virginia restaurant by the owner, Stephanie Wilkinson, takes on more context today as Mike Huckabee explained during a radio interview.

According to Mr. Huckabee the owner of the Red Hen restaurant not only kicked out Sarah Sanders and her in-laws, but she followed them to another restaurant, organized a group of people to assist her efforts, and then led the mob in continued harassment of the Sanders family.

Mike Huckabee was interviewed by Laura Ingraham for her radio show:

For the conservative, when life presents great struggles, he/she knows she has the power to surmount them. Happiness stems from internal strength and perseverance. For the liberal, when life presents great struggles, the system failed, therefore they were at the mercy of a faulty system, and they believe that only when the system is fixed can their life improve.

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@Deplorable Me: DM, I must confess that I have failed. My purpose was to get Rich to see that by his behavior he has violated the oath he took as an officer. Most adults would have looked at their behavior and adjusted it to get back in line with the values that they profess to be so dear to them. Rich refuses to alter his behavior and will lose the respect of those who value their life long oath. Those “real” Marines I showed Rich’s post to on Wed. showed nothing but disgust. By making Rich aware of how “real” Marines view him, I had hoped he would revise his comments and efforts in the future. It looks like Rich has refused to change. So, Rich can continue to live in his own world where he thinks he is part of the “real” Marines and respected by those who kept their oath.

As far as his support of Clinton, he always mentions Webb. What a crock! One only has to read his comments and by inference, he supports Clinton and those who support her. I just hope someone helps Rich when he needs to cross the street. I do not think he has the mental ability to recognize dangerous situations any more. Maybe if ANTIFA and MS-13 moved next door he will recognize the error of his ways.

@Randy: You are without hope I ask you to be specific and you just are unable–you got nothing. I never said one good word about HRC or DT Show me these posts or please STFU.
BTW it’s Joe McCarthy you sound like not Eugene who I actually liked.

You bore me Col—I’m to the gym.

@Richard Wheeler:

BTW it’s Joe McCarthy you sound like not Eugene who I actually liked.

Well, that’s just might be a compliment since the Venona Papers pretty well confirmed Joe McCarthy was about 90% right all along.

Unfortunately, it was a womanizing Democrat crook who destroyed Joe McCarthy. His name was Lyndon Baines Johnson.

Someone needs to buy the Red Hen and build a Chica fil.

@Richard Wheeler: Well Rich, I have pointed the posts out many times, You always changed the subject. I had hoped that you would understand the significance of your actions and that you valued the respect of your fellow “real” Marines enough to live up to your oath. After all, I really try to assist old military men. It looks like you are beyond help. Maybe you should go to another site where you can fool other people for a while. People here know who you are now.

@Randy: Still nothing? Why? A “real” Army man wouldn’t lie. Are you a liar Randy? You say you made a list to show The Marines–post it and let’s discuss.
Ret05 I knew you liked Joe.

@Richard Wheeler:

Ret05 I knew you liked Joe.

I neither liked him, nor disliked him. I did not know him.

I do know that the Venona Papers, which I have read, exonerated Joseph McCarthy from the vicious attacks that were made by the Democrats. I suggest you plow through the Venona Papers or read Blacklisted By History. LBJ, one of the biggest crooks to have ever surfaced in the national political arena, was the one tasked with destroying McCarthy’s reputation.

Now, once and for all, answer the question: did you vote for William Jefferson Clinton? Did you vote for John Kerry? Try, just this once, to not obfuscate your answers to what are two simple questions which only require simple “yes” or “no” answers.

@retire05: I have said MANY times I voted for Bill Clinton twice and John Kerry—in 2016 I wrote in Dem Jim Webb. Unlike some here and Trump—I tell the truth.
How are you at answering questions posed?

@richard wheeler:

I have said MANY times I voted for Bill Clinton twice and John Kerry—in 2016 I wrote in Dem Jim Webb. Unlike some here and Trump—I tell the truth.

You rail on those that did not serve, and even those that served in a difference branch than you, but you admit to having voted for a draft dodger (Clinton) and a traitor (Kerry). Your hypocrisy knows no bounds, Wheeler.

How are you at answering questions posed?

And what question would that be? I, unlike you, don’t dodge questions or give obfuscating answers. If anyone has a problem with truthfulness, it would be you.

@retire05: Well, sexual predator liberals who dodge the draft by running off to England and writing they LOATHE the military are so much more honorable than someone that has a medical deferment (foot issues, while minor in civilian life, are a major problem in the military). A liberal that lies about the service of their fellow servicemen also is what passes for honorable among other liberals. This is not necessarily intuitive among most people, but it is what passes for “honor” with liberals.

@Deplorable Me: Bone spurs–BS Trump bought that medical deferment–cost him or daddy about $1000—Easy to do—I could have done the same.
‘Lies about the service of their fellow servicemen” what are you talking about?

.For Reto5 1st question—-Your opinion of Robert Mueller and his investigation so far?

@Richard Wheeler:

Bone spurs–BS Trump bought that medical deferment–cost him or daddy about $1000—Easy to do—I could have done the same.

How do you know Trump “bought” that medical deferment? Did you approve of the way Bubba Clinton go his deferment? Obviously, since you voted for him TWICE you had no problem with it. More hypocrisy on your part.

‘Lies about the service of their fellow servicemen” what are you talking about?

Where did I use the word “lies?” Is your reading comprehension disorder getting worse?

.For Reto5 1st question—-Your opinion of Robert Mueller and his investigation so far?

A rotten job bringing disgrace to both himself and his staff.


How do you know Trump “bought” that medical deferment? 

Because that’s how liberals justify, in their own minds, supporting the biggest liar, most criminal incompetent to have ever run.

Deplorable Bill: As usual that makes no sense.

“lies about the service of etc” question for you Bill in #111

Not for you O5 SLOW DOWN—careful of false accusations–you’d have the reading disorder on this one.