Radical “Squad” Has Done More Damage to Dem Hierarchy Than GOP Ever Could


In early 2019, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, and to a lesser degree Ayanna Pressley started undermining entrenched leaders of the Democrat Party.  It began when House Speaker Nancy Pelosi allowed “The Squad’s” bad behavior to go unchecked.  Whether blatant Anti-Semitism or Tlaib’s “We’re gonna impeach the mother-f…er”, Pelosi either excused or did her best to ignore all of it.

Meanwhile, an enthusiastic press, seeing the four women as a hammer to President Trump’s nail, happily saturated all forms of media with their radical messages.  The Dem leadership, figuring bashing the hated Trump was good for them, allowed the quartet free reign.  The enemy of my enemy is my friend don’t you know.

So AOC, Tlaib, Omar, and Pressley’s outrageous pronouncements, no matter how unpopular or untethered to reality, became their party’s policies.  Here’s a small sampling:

  • Abolish I.C.E.
  • Killing millions of good paying jobs in the fossil fuel industries
  • Open borders
  • Guaranteed jobs, income, and benefits for all
  • Supporting Sanctuary cities
  • Raising taxes
  • Yanking private health insurance from 160 million Americans
  • Banning air travel
  • Above all-Impeaching President Trump

Given their control of the House, the only plan they knew could bypass GOP legislative actions was impeachment, so they relentlessly, publicly, pushed for it.  Once again a cheering media got on board and an increasingly cowed Speaker Pelosi began what looks more and more like political hari kari.

The hearings were a disaster.  Super sharp Republican lawmakers were highly successful in meticulously, dismantling every Democrat “witness”, essentially turning public sentiment against removing “The Donald”.

Worse still was Pelosi’s last-minute desperate “cut the baby in half” strategy of refusing to send the articles of impeachment to its constitutionally mandated destination in the Senate.  She looked and sounded befuddled, an appearance shared by many in her own caucus leadership.

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The “eat your own” aspect of liberal identity politics is inevitable.
At the last Dem debate we saw old Joe Biden cut off his nose to please these FOUR, known as “The Squad.”
He said he would be pleased if hundreds of thousands of American workers lost their jobs just so we might have a “greener economy.”
Not only would that not work, but those exact people are/were the CORE of the Democrat’s constituency!
Add together all of those who support the squad and you do not have 1/100th of that group Joe Biden threw under the bus.

See how evolution works? Just the newest genetic mutation of the progressives.
If allowed to survive it will further mutate.

@Nan G:

The “eat your own” aspect of liberal identity politics is inevitable.

That is correct. The downfall of identity politics is that all groups, Black, Hispanic, LBTQXYZ, feminists, et al, are all vying for the position of “top dog” because each believes their identity is more important than someone else’s identity and while we subscribe to the doctrine that all are created equal, they believe they should be MORE equal than others. Sooner or later, they turn against each other.

Grab the popcorn. This is going to get really interesting.

Nancy Pelosi started by giving them an inch, and the four radicals took the whole party.

If Nancy had ever studied any history other than the revisionist history her party reconstitutes she would know that is always the way with socialists. Until they have absolute power, they are never satisfied with sharing anything. In the words of Tony Montana, “You stupid f**k. Look at chu now.”

@Nan G:

Not only would that not work, but those exact people are/were the CORE of the Democrat’s constituency!

One of the things Democrats are good at (relying heavily on their stupidity) is as they are making their extravagant promises convincing their voters, “Oh, I’m not lying to YOU.”

@retire05: As these liars make all these wild promises to divergent groups, it is only inevitable that the promises would eventually conflict.

so the shit squad has done nothing, not even popped a little. posturing has a cost when noting follows. the idiot from ny has a major in economics but believes in socialism. another waste of four years of partying and drunken revelry.