Obama Rips FOX: ‘We’re Gong To Have To Change How Media Reports’


Nick Nolte:

For going on seven years we have learned three things about President Obama: 1) He loves the poor so much he continues to create more of them. 2) He loves the poor so much he does everything in his power to keep them poor. 3) He doesn’t see the opposition as loyal, but as bad players — his enemy. This is especially true of Fox News, which Obama ripped as anti-poor bigots during a Wednesday afternoon summit on poverty.

We’re used to this Obama, the forever-partisan who has never seen himself as president of all the people but only of those who worship him.

What was most revealing about the president’s comments was his expressed desire to “change how the media reports.”

Speaking of Fox News, the poor, and the way GOP leaders think, Obama said, [W]e’re going to have to change how our body politic thinks, which means we’re going to have to change how the media reports on these issues.”

Here is the full transcript:

I think that the effort to suggest that the poor are sponges, leeches, don’t want to work, are lazy, are undeserving, got traction. And look, it’s still being propagated. I have to say that if you watch Fox News on a regular basis, it is a constant venue. They will find folks who make me mad. I don’t know where they find them. They’re all like, “I don’t want to work. I just want a free Obama Phone, or whatever.” And that becomes an entire narrative that gets worked up. And very rarely do you hear an interview of a waitress, which is much more typical — who is raising a couple of kids and doing everything right but still can’t pay the bills.

And so, if we’re going to change howRep. John Boehner (R-OH) and Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) think, we’re going to have to change how our body politic thinks, which means we’re going to have to change how the media reports on these issues, and how people’s impressions of what it’s like to struggle in this economy looks like. And how budgets connect to that. And that’s a hard process because that requires a much broader conversation than typically we have on the nightly news.

After seven failed years, to watch Obama sit there and discuss the poor as though he is part of the solution and not the problem, is laughable.

And let’s not forget that Obama knows nothing about poverty. He has lived a privileged life.

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How news is reported has already changed. The corrupt left-wing media reports only what it wants to in a bias as they want to. They suppress stories that are not complimentary to liberalism and embellish those that attacks conservatives and capitalism.

There is just that one last hold-out….

State-controlled media.
All scripts to be written and approved by the State. All licenses subject to following the written directions of the State.
But we are still free…
by Zippy’s reading.

Resembles Hitler in 1934 when he closed the presses in Germany, least one forget he was “man of the year” in Times in 1936. Did he, like the tool, receive the Nobel Prize in Peace????

Can you imagine the howls from the left had any republican made such a comment? Just imagine what would have exploded had Bush uttered such a self-serving, narcissitic bunch of garbage about the press coverage of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars while he was in office.

Obama reveals so much of his spoiled child lack of character every time he opens his mouth. What a petty crybaby he is.

If Obama wants to change how the Media reports I do hope he starts with the Lying Left (MSM) Media First!
That’s Change even “I” could believe in!!

I guess he would just prefer media people sit in a bathtub fill of milk and cereal and do their reports. More “gravitas” that way.