Obama: I’ll Inform The Folks In America After Iran Deal Is Made – Period…




All hail Obama. Aw hell.

Via Weekly Standard

President Obama will wait until after a nuclear deal with Iran is made to make the case to the American people that it’s the right thing to do. He made the comment today after being asked about this letter from nearly 50 U.S. senators to Iran, which stated, “The next president could revoke such an executive agreement with the stroke of a pen and future Congresses could modify the terms of the agreement at any time.”

A member of the press asked Obama, “Can you comment on the Republican letter to Iran? Can you comment on that?”

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I am reminded of a joke:
CIA Director during Clinton’s presidency could never get in to see Clinton.
Some guy emergency landed his small plane on the White House lawn.
People said it was the CIA director.

Congress cannot get Obama to listen to them, to consult with them or even to follow Constitutional requirements.
So, they wrote to Iran instead.
Seems Obama reads letters from Congress to Iran.
Now how about those other two things?

narcissistic, great tones of sociopathic behavior, upon a backdrop of paranoid schizophrenia defines the fool. no difference between him, Charles Manson, and Hitler.
wonder when the HLS and FEMA will start burning libraries and books

“BALLS” said the Queen. “if I had them I’d be King!”

The ill winds are blowing and obama is standing behind the enemy. when are people going to get it that he is anti-American and will do whatever it takes to brings our great country down to become a cess pool..