No, the Mexican flag is not all-American



Violent mobs who have attacked Donald Trump supporters at one rally after another wave Mexican flags while burning American flags. The vast majority of Americans will disapprove, to say the least, so the Associated Press felt called upon to assure us that Mexican flags are really OK: “Mexican flag, seen at Trump protests, has long history in US.”

The flag of Mexico has a long history in the United States, despite being a symbol of a nation south of the border. It became a topic of discussion last week after a violent anti-Trump protest in Albuquerque.

Trump lashed out on Twitter after protests outside his Albuquerque rally sparked a riot that caused thousands of dollars in damage, condemning “thugs who were flying the Mexican flag.”

“Lashed out” is what reporters say when they want you to be skeptical of a remark that otherwise seems to be plain common sense.

The AP wants us to think that Mexico has legitimate grievances against the U.S., although how that is relevant remains unspoken:

After the United States took over a third of Mexico’s territory following the U.S-Mexican War in 1848, the flag remained a symbol of resistance due to broken promises outlined in Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, said David Correia, an American Studies professor at the University of New Mexico. That treaty said former Mexican citizens from New Mexico to California would be granted full American citizenship, but instead, they faced illegal land seizures by whites and decades of discrimination, Correia said.

Here, the AP relies on a left-wing activist who describes his academic interests as “Critical Environmental Politics, Critical Legal Studies, Marxism, New Mexico and the U.S. Southwest,” and who rejects the “the bourgeois notion that the individual is the privileged political actor in society.” In other words, the left-wing thug should be the privileged actor in society, which is what the anti-Trump rioters believe.

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I have no problem with an immigrant being proud of their indigenous country and their heritage. I imagine if I immigrated to another country and how I would still feel about my home, the United States of America. Apples and oranges, perhaps, since no other nation is the US, but your home is your home.

However, those who come here, many illegally, for various reasons (none of which include coming here because conditions are so much better where they came from) and then proceed to try and convert their new home to more closely resemble their discarded home is unacceptable. Taking that a step further, to actively denigrate the host nation and its sacred symbols, all while enjoying the benefits that nation and those symbols provide, fully justifies indignation and revulsion to the protests. Their now violent nature seals the deal.

Furthermore, consider the attitude of Mexico, who bans illegal immigrants, imposes the harshest of penalties for being in their country illegally, not to mention if one commits… or is said to commit… a crime there. Mexico ENCOURAGES its unwanted citizens to flow into the United States, then takes offense if the United States tries to enforce its immigration laws… laws which are far less severe than their own. How stupid must people be to allow this to happen, much less to accept and support it?

Someone needs to take office that will reverse this insanity. Now, without any debate, Hillary won’t and certainly Bernie won’t. Trump MIGHT and that is enough.


Trump MIGHT and that is enough.

Agreed. He is the only one now in the running who might. #NeverTrump self-proclaimed ‘true’ conservatives need to get that into their head.