New York Times Applauds Far-Left Violence.


John Hinderaker:

New York Times reporters Thomas Fuller, Alan Feuer and Serge Kovaleski are responsible for this admiring profile of the far-left Brownshirts called antifa: “‘Antifa’ members are ready to literally fight right-wingers.”

Members of antifa have shown no qualms about using their fists, sticks or canisters of pepper spray to meet an array of right-wing antagonists whom they call a fascist threat to U.S. democracy.

Is antifa violent? Well, that depends on what the meaning of “violent” is:

“You need violence in order to protect nonviolence,” she said. “That’s what’s very obviously necessary right now.”
“When you look at this grave and dangerous threat — and the violence it has already caused — is it more dangerous to do nothing and tolerate it or should we confront it?” Sabaté said. “Their existence itself is violent … so I don’t think using force or violence to oppose them is unethical.”

The mere existence of supporters of President Trump is violent, so it is OK to attack them with baseball bats. The Times reporters show no sign of disagreeing with this “reasoning.”

Antifa activists have engaged with people who were less than outright neo-Nazis, raising questions about whether there is such a thing as legitimate political violence.

Some antifa members insist that they are merely reacting to aggression. “The essence of their message is violence,” Jed Holtz, an antifa organizer in New York, said of his right-wing foes. “The other side” — his side — “is just responding.”

Here is a photo of antifa responding to a violent window in Washington, D.C. during President Trump’s inauguration:

This violent car was one of many set on fire by antifa during the inauguration:

Here, antifa members burn an American flag, the mere existence of which is “violent”:

I’m not sure what this object is, but since antifa set it on fire at Berkeley it must have been violent:

Antifa rioters at Berkeley beat a violent man who is lying unconscious on the ground:

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The masses go into a revolution not with a prepared plan of social reconstruction, but with a sharp feeling that they cannot endure the old regime. Only the guiding layers of a class have a political program, and even this still requires the test of events and the approval of the masses. Leon Trotsky

The Times helped cover up the holocaust as it was happening, who are the Nazi collaborators here?

America and the Holocaust

Once in power, Hitler moved quickly to end German democracy. He convinced his cabinet to invoke emergency clauses of the constitution that permitted the suspension of individual freedoms of press, speech, and assembly.
Our constitution has no such flaws, which is why they attack it one article at a time.
Those stopping them to make any real gains on destruction of our rights are labeled and vilified.
Some evil characters are trying to nose in or infiltrate the conservative fight, we denounce them, we dont need them.
Seems the Media needs Antifa, makes them out to be freedom fighters, well why has no interview been done with the leaders of this group? Why are they not in the 24/7 news cycle? Who what where when why basics of journalism, and every last one of the MSM is hiding it.

Yet the New York Slimes(All the Sludge that’s Fit to Print)this old grey hag supports gun control and disarming the law abiding american’s and wonder why no one trsusts these scandal mongering lowlife no account sidewinders and cowardly polecats

The left, which includes the media, is desperate and that desperation has unleashed their political violence. The left can no longer promise a better economy, more freedoms or security. They have failed at all this, thanks to eight years of all liberal, all the time under Obama.

So, violence is their last and only option. Like the Nazis burning down the Reichstag, blaming communists and enacting the revocation of civil freedoms, ANTIFA says thoughts are the precursor of violence, so opposition thoughts, words or demonstrations must be beaten down with unrelenting violence.

Now, I love peace and I just want these idiots to leave me and my country alone, but this is what I have determined; this situation is going to continue to get worse until the entire left that thinks violence is a viable political tool is destroyed, and I don’t mean metaphorically.

Destroyed. Eliminated. It will take the destruction of a few of their leaders before a majority of them will determine the violence for the sake of violence is not worth it, but it will have to happen. Sadly, it will have to happen. It WILL come to that.

If Soros and his anti-American campaign was stopped, this would put a big dent in their efforts as well. It is time we realized where the threats are coming from and confront it. The Constitutional system no longer works to the benefit of the left… the Constitutional system works as it is supposed to and hopefully the 1st and 2nd Amendments will work as well.

The New York Slime’s covered up for Hitler,Stalin and Mao as well as Castro and their crimes its just their too busy trashing trump for rejecting that junk science inspired Paris Accord

stop using rubber bullets and start using real bullets. as in all cases of hysteria, cut the head off and the body will fade quickly.

Trump’s job approval rating has been negative by a double digit number for months. In fact, he hasn’t been positive in even a single poll for over 5 months. Even the FOX News poll spread is a double digit negative.

Those numbers mean something, and it’s not the fault of “the lying media.”

@Greg: They mean the corrupt liberal media is doing it’s job well. However, about how well did those polls work out for you in November of 2016?

Unemployment is down, job participation is up, black unemployment is down, consumer confidence is up, earnings are up, growth is up. What a terrible job.

Perhaps Trump deserves credit for not yet screwing up the upward course the U.S. economy has been on throughout Obama’s final years in office.

Why did all of the good economic numbers that were previously “phony” all become honest indicators and Trump accomplishments the moment he was sworn in? Or do you simply have no recollection of what republicans and FOX News were saying about them when we still had a real president in the Oval Office?


It’s called “consumer confidence.”

You’re still an idiot.


when we still had a real president in the Oval Office?

You talking about the one that thinks there are 60 states in the US and could barely read a teleprompter, only if if if if if it it it it ;had a lot of if’s in it. uh, uh, uh, uh, if if if if…..Obozo here he comes.


Perhaps Trump deserves credit for not yet screwing up the upward course the U.S. economy has been on throughout Obama’s final years in office.

The economy was on a flat line, in doldrums. How odd that the very day Trump won, the stock market EXPLODED. Aside from eliminating hundreds of Obama economic restrictions, the main contribution Trump has made to the economy is that he is not Obama and he is not going to continue to apply growth-killing regulations upon it.

Immediately, consumer confidence went up to its highest level in 15 years.

Why did all of the good economic numbers that were previously “phony” all become honest indicators and Trump accomplishments the moment he was sworn in?

Well, for one thing, while unemployment figures continue to decline, labor participation has been rising. Also, Trump does not get good growth numbers only to revised them down a month later when no one is looking. Simple things like that. In addition, Trump has not proven himself to the the habitual liar that Obama was, so the economy is in very good hands.

You know what a real President does? He tells a tin-pot dictator that his next aggressive move will be the last move of his life… and the little turd backs down. This is in contrast to bending over backwards to every demand THEN paying a ransom!!

We now have a REAL PRESIDENT in office, not a chicken-$hit liberal looking to feather his own nest and please no one but George Soros. Your ongoing worship of the unmitigated failure of the Obama administration is nothing short of delusional.